Okay, here we go with the first ever film FAQ here at the Rewind... All of these are actual questions asked and answers given with a pinch of editing for good measure. I wanted to put this up as quite a few of the movies get asked about again and again...
Q: A movie with female characters, a dark-ish PG comedy. What I remember is that the womans sister dies and the slightly excentric sister who practices some witchcraft tries a spell one night round her sisters grave and the spell brings her back! I seem to remember a huge party where the so called dead sister turn's up (it may have been her wake) and her husband is a doctor... of plastic surgery I think.
A: It was Shelly Long, And the movies name was Hello again. I hope this helps you out... Great Movie.
Q: The movie was about groups of people (about high school to college aged) placed in "teams" that compete against each other on a scavager hunt. They divide into 4 different teams. A red, blue, green and yellow team and their goal is to find clues for this game and to win.
Forgive me, but I don't remember exactly what they were hunting for - but I do remember some scenes in the movie.
I know one team was a team of girls, and one team was a little "nerdy", and one of the teams drove in a van. Also, I think one of the locations that these teams were looking for a clue was in a brewery. And I believe the scavenger hunt ends at a hotel or motel.
A: The name you were looking for was MIDNIGHT MADNESS, 1980 starring Michael J. Fox. The blue team (the "bad" team) drove a van, the red team drove scooters (lead by Eugene of "Grease" fame) the yellow team (the "good") was headed by a young Michael J. Fox, and the white team, i forgot what they drove but they teamed up with the red team... great movie!
Q: Co-worker brought up a movie from the 80s and no one knows the title. We are all going crazy. So please help!! This movie is about baboons in Africa in a draught who go crazy and start attacking larger animals & people. Movie may be set against a backdrop of the apartheid situation. Also, one co-worker thinks it may have been a sequel, but has not a clue about what the original movie may have been. Anyone have any answers?
A: The movie is called "In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro" from 1986.
Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of a movie I saw in the 80s. It was one of those teen dance movies that were a popular genre back then. The movie deals with a dance marathon between several dancing schools. That is about all that I can remember and it's not "Girls just want to have fun". Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
A: This sounds like "Heavenly Bodies".
Q: I am looking for the name of a vietnam war movie I have only seen the end of on TNT. the end is of the soldiers in a jungle and a plane is going to drop napalm (I think). One of the soldiers has been hit by the enemy and is lying in an open area. He begs his buddy to kill him before they drop the napalm. He tells his friend that if the rolls were reversed, he would do it for him. I have searched far and wide and have come up with nothing --please help.
A: "The Big Red One" with Lee Marvin and Mark Hamill or maybe "Siege of Firebase Gloria" from '89?
Q: I wonder whether anyone can help me. I remember seeing a movie years ago about a kid who gets sent to a sort of science school. He is put in a room with a loud, partying science guy who is operating a remote control sphere of some description. There is also a scene in the film where all the students freeze a stairway with some sort of chemical and ski down it. Oh yes, they also keep some sort of chemical in a fridge in tubes. Can somebody please help me find the title of this film, it's driving me insane.
A: "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer.
Q: Late 80s. two couples came separately to a love boat type cruise. It was a weird, racy movie. An older man and a younger beautiful model type woman and then a newly married couple. The older man worships his wife and tells his story to the younger man in a bar. As he narrates the stories, we view them on the screen. At the same time, the two women get to know each other. In one of his stories he tells of a golden shower that his wife gave and he loved it. Increasing their love bond or whatever. At the end, the two women end up exploring each other and at the very end the older man and young beautiful woman end up killing each other.
A: Is it 'Bitter Moon' directed by Roman Polanski and starring Hugh Grant, Kristin Scott Thomas and the gorgeous Emmanuelle Seigner (from 'Frantic')?
Q: It was about a 4 kids going to college and I believe the have a points system for sleeping with different women, in the begining of the movie they are driving to the school and end up switching shirts with some girls.
A: The movie you are thinking of would might go by the title of "Joysticks".
Q: A cartoon and all I remember is this kid who had a magic bag. When he'd pull things out of it, the things would grow to full size. Then he could shrink them back again to put them back in his bag. This one has been buggin me for years, Help!
A: "Sport Billy" from 1982.
Q: I've been looking everywhere for an old animated movie I saw while growing up (back in the day of beta machines) the main character I believe was named Orion (I think the name of the movie shared this name) since it was about him achieving his destiny with a bladeless hilt (the blade appeared when he desire to attack someone). It starts out in mines where robotic "machine-men" force humans to mine. (according to galactic law its suppose to be the reverse). "Orion" digs his way to the surface of the planet where he encounters mutants that want to chop him up for parts and he meets Dag Debreenie (spelling) a mercenary akin to Han Solo of Star Wars.
Basically it's him, Dag, and a fembot protocol droid to stop the master robot from conquering the galaxy...
A: Starchaser: The Legend Of Orin. Made in 1985, it was a joint Korean/US movie.
Q: Another animated movie, similar in style to Starchaser: Legend of Orin and of the sci-fi genre. This one featured a rather lean guy in bluish armor who was trying to save his people from the "Nothing Men", a force of black colored armored suits empty except for a small chunk of reddish matter stored in each suits "head". Throughout the story we see the main characters people as basically primitive almost medieval in time period using birds and giant crab like creatures to defend thier Matriarch's castle (oddly enough shapped into the upper half of a woman).
In his travels to find out where this invading force is from and why they turn people to stone he befriends a group of mutants, deformed people that live in gaves with the potential of psionic powers, and a woman who he gets captured alongside (and she spends 90% of her role half naked...guess halters/bras weren't invented on this world).
Together they discover the Nothing Men report to a huge brain that exists far out into the ocean, however this "brain" is not the creator of them, they have come from that world's future where the brain controls everything but needs life force to stay alive, since nothing but it and the Nothing Men exist in its time it sends its troops to the past to get what it needs.
Any thoughts on the name of this movie? I'd love to give a hint what it might be but this one I cannot even remember the basic parts of the title...
A: Light Years (1986). It starred the voices of Charles Busch as the hero, Gemmen, and Glenn Close as his beautiful, unclothed assistant Ambisextra (don't ya just love these names!)
Q: There was a movie where a band of crazy lookin ships all group together to fight a common enemy?? I remember one part especially when a ship gets damaged and this alien pilot flies into a sun drinkin booze and singin.... It wouldnt be a Battle Star Galactia movie would it?? Or was I drinkin and singin when I watched this??
A: Roger Corman's classic Star Wars ripoff "Battle Beyond the Stars"
Q: I saw a movie when I was younger. I would like to watch it again but I need to find out the title.
It starts off with a boy who goes walking through the woods and then falls and lands on a silver flying space ship. He gets in and flies it throughout the movie. There are animals from different planets in it, and he takes a liking to one which he keeps in his backpack. The boy and the flying saucer were captured by the military or something. They end up escaping. I remember a scene where the saucer flies into a body of water and stays under there.
The saucer had a chair and control arms that raised up from out of the floor, which the boy used to fly it.
At the end of the movie, I believe he goes on a boat with his family and at the very end he discovers that the creature he liked was still in his backpack.
A: You are looking for Flight Of The Navigator, which is reviewed here on this site - use the navigation bar in the lower left corner. It's a great fun movie. Enjoy again!
Q: In this movie was a boy who played this space fighting game. This game was actually used to recruit people for an intergalactic battle squad. the boy then went on to save the universe.
A: "The Last Starfighter" of course! -It is on the movie list to the bottom left. Click on the name to read more.
Q: In this movie there was a boy who wanted to grow up. He then finds a magical fortune teller and recieves his wish.
A: "Big" starring Tom Hanks...
Q: An eighties film i really for the life of me remember the title, Its set in a school/monastry for boys, the headmaster figure is a tyrant. It has the dad out of home alone in it. The story is that the boys rebel and the truth is un-covered. im pretty ceratin it has andrew McCarthy in it but im not sure. Maybe also matt dillon. Does anyway know the title?
A: Sounds like "Heaven Help Us"
Q: Ok, I'll try and describe it....it's about a girl in her teens that is trying to get into a specific college but it is quite sexist and will not allow a girl in so she dresses up as a boy and gets accepted. She then meets a boy that she develops a friendship with but he thinks she is a 'he'. And then, da dum, she falls in love with him but find herself in a dilemma as she wants to remain in the school but loves this boy so much so she finally does tell him, and he's shocked as you can imagine but I am sure that it was a happy ending. I would so love to see it again and I remember watching it when I was about 10/11 so thinking about 1985/6 time. Anybody know the film?
A: "Just One Of the Guys" from 1985
Q: Ok this is hard. I saw a film as a kid that scared me to death and has stuck with me. I saw "The Stepford Wives" recently, and the similarity is so very strong. All I remember is people (just women?) being internally modified into kind of cyborgs that look normal. I don't think they are "replaced" as in The Stepford Wives. At one point I remember a girl in hospital you get to see in mid-transform, uncovered by her boyfriend? It ends in a kinda warehouse chase with these semi-androids chasing right onto the bonnet of a car. Hard to remember, tenuous I know, but I gotsta know what this was!
A: "The Stepford Children" A TV movie made in 1987.
Q: There was a girl that was trying to get her wish or something and she had to get to this place for it to be granted. The two kids go through a magic mirror and they are in this world where there are like little people sorta like cabbage patch kids. I think she had to get past a woolly mammoth type creature and she finally gets to the place, a castle maybe, and she has to use this key to open up this glass case... The glass dome lifts off and there is a fruit tree underneath... the fruit glistens and she picks off a piece and eats it and I think her wish comes true or she becomes a princess or something like that. If this is a real movie, PLEASE let me know what it's called...
A: This is just about the most commonly asked about movie on the board! The movie you want is a TV movie called "The HuggaBunch" (1985)
Q: For a few years now I've been plagued trying to remember the name of this movie. I think it was made in the mid to late 80's. It was about this little blonde girl who's friends with this Asian guy (and I think they're in Asia too, I'm not sure)who makes robots, and the little girl befriends one of the robots but they are soon on the run after the "governement" (I think) are afterthe robot. I remember at the end of the film the robot and the little girl get away and they have this big parade for the robot.
A: The name of the film was "Too Much" and it was made in 1987.
Q: There was this move i saw on video in the 80s which was (roughly) about a young american kid who was into heavy metal, and he played a record backwards on his record player to hear a message, then he unleashed a demon type character...
A: TRICK OR TREAT with Skippy from Family Ties, Gene Simmons and Fastway did the soundtrack.
Q: Ok, this was probably a TV movie. It was fantasy type film. What I remember most vividly was an elf-like character with pointed ears. He was an archer and used his weapon at superhuman speed. I know I'm not imagining it because I wanted to take up archery after watching it. In fact, my dad took me down to an archery school. I'm not sure but I think the elf-character died. That's all I've got. Any ideas?
A: "Hawk the Slayer" was the movie that fuelled a million archery dreams...
Q: Pretty sure this was an 80's movie. very similar to stephen king's "cats eye". this told a few short stories. the one i remember is where a video game junkie was trying to reach a really high level on a game, and when he finally accomplished this feat, the level became real life with the video game characters coming to life and he shot up the arcade. i remember a video image of a face talking as well. hopefully someone can help! thanks.
A: "Nightmares" with a young Emilio Estevez.
Q: Like "Fuzzbucket", the movie is about a boy that finds this creature and at the end has to let him go back to its own kind...?
A: The movie you are looking for is made by disney it is called "Mr. Boogedy"
Q: No matter how hard I try, and can't seem to find out what this old horror movie was- it had to do with a couple of young adults (maybe college age) in an abandoned house. They die one by one, this creature killing them. One guy pushes his girl under the couch and she sees the thing in the hall way. Then someone goes into a bedroom and sees a headless corpse hanging from the foot of the canopy bed- with blood dripping into a metal basin. I cannot figure it out! aagh!!! please please please help relieve me of this torment!!
A: "The Unamable"
Q: I just have to know the name of this movie- I don't know the names of the actors, direcor, or the year it came out, but of course I remember the plot. Some guy plays chicken with another guy while competing for a girl, and he ends up driving off a cliff and dying. Then, he comes back as an angel and prevents his son from making the same mistake- I know it's a great 80's movie, so for all you trivia buffs, can you help me out? Please?
A: It is our old favorite "The Heavenly Kid"
Q: When i was little, I remember seeing a movie with a bunch of kids that built a spaceship out of varous things like bits of an amusement ride.... the most memorable was the two trash cans in the front. There were a lot of dreams and they found themselves on another spaceship. somehow they got home. the ship was floating over water somewhere in the movie. and there was a possibility of romance.
A: "Explorers" with River Pheonix and a young Ethan Hawke...
Q: I need help on the title of this movie I saw years and years ago. All i can remember about it is that this boys hair keeps growing and growing and can't stop. I also remember somthing about him carring his hair around in a red wagon if thats any help. I'm not sure if its a short film but I remember watching it on video about 12 or so years ago. PLEASE HELP.
A: The movie you're looking for is called "The Peanut Butter Solution" from 1985
Q: I'm trying to think of a movie that I wanted to watch when I was young, but I don't know the name. It was about some guy getting locked in a department store and I believe a mannequin came to life. It's not Mannequin 1 or 2. It's something like that. The only thing I can remember about it is that the theme song on the commercial was "She Drives Me Crazy" by the Fine Young Cannibals. Any hints will help. Thank You.
A: The name of the movie is Career Opportunities (1991) not an 80s movie but close! It stars Frank Whaley and Jennifer Connelly.
Q: ok.. there was an all girls private school... and they had a dance with a boys prison or something...and then a blonde girl and one of the prison boys meet at the dance and fall for each other.. but it is forbidden for obvious reasons. they fall in love and runaway together... and there is a big chase scene at the end involving a helicopter...
A: "Cry Baby" with Jonny Depp. It was a cheesy musical movie.
Q: I dunno if this is an 80's movie or not but this girl is going all over town lookin 4 this rockstar guy she likes and at the end she finds him like geting on to a personal jet or something and he is played by the same guy who is her best friend....
A: the movie was called 'Trojan Wars' also known as 'Rescue Me.' It starred Jennifer Love Hewitt and then boyfriend Will Friedle of 'Boy Meets World' fame.
Q: This movie is about a kid who has a secret passage to a monster world under his bed.He then finds a friend (a blue monster) who has a jacket they go thru a quest of adventures and at the end he and all his friends end up at the beach the blue monster gives him his jacket and then the call their mom and thats the end.
A: "Little Monsters" with Fred Savage from the Wonder Years.
Q: I am looking for a certain movie. It is an 80's comedy. It takes place in a high school.one thing i do remember about the movie is there is a shop teacher that has a fetish for horse head bookends. Please tell me the name of the movie. Thank you.
A: This one is called "Student Bodies".
Q: I am trying to remember the title of this 80s movie. I don't remember too much about it other than a guy that was getting married but before they got married he went to buy a Lamborghini Countach like car. He was only going to buy the basic model but the sales woman got him all worked up into buying all of the options available. The car turned out to be junk. The one line I remember from the movie was when he called the warranty information line and was told "I'm sorry Giuseppe cannot help you." Or something extremely close to that.
HBO played this movie all the time in the 80's.
A: The name of the movie you're looking for is called "It Takes Two".
Q: I just remember it vaguely but remember that is was hilarious. It was a bunch of unique characters going to driving school or something and something about having to past the test. Can anyone help?
A: Moving Violations is your movie...
Q: I'm not entirely sure if this is an 80's movie or not, but here are the things I remember about it:
The main plot involves a group of junior high (?) misfits in a mostly white suburban community who like to cause trouble, do drugs, vandalize, etc. One of the misfits, the main character, runs away from home with his girlfriend. His parents are worried about him, and in one scene he returns home to grab a couple belongings, and leaves without saying much to his mother. Near the end of the movie, the group of misfits sets fire to their school and its surroundings during a PTA meeting or something like that.
A: It's called Over the Edge, and it's from 1978, 1979 or so. I saw it on HBO a couple years ago and pursued it on tape so I could see the whole thing. It was Matt Dillon's first movie - although he's not the main character, he plays an important role. (I swear all his early roles must have been those moody rebel characters!) This movie was actually based on true events - not as shocking to us today, perhaps, but it was back then I guess.
Q: In this movie she finds the spirit of a guy that had an accident or something, they fall for each other but at the end seems like he awakes (he was in coma the whole movie) and doesn't remember her or anything they did together, do you know the name?
A: It could be that you are looking for Somewhere Tomorrow. It's the only one I can find that matches your description at all.
Q: There was this one movie that had this guy that liked this one girl and they were in highschool -but she liked another guy. He was trying to get her not to but didn't have the confidence and then another part is that she had went with the guy she liked up in the football stadium where they do the announcements and she lost her verginity to him. And the guy that liked her was looking everywhere for her. A lot of cool 80's songs in it too. Help me remember the name I can't find it anywhere. I think its early 80's not sure.
A: "Last American Virgin"
Q: My husband is trying to find the name of a movie he saw in 1980. It was about an aircraft carrier (?) that was caught up in a storm and came out of it in another time, 1941, right in the middle of Pearl Harbor. At the end of the movie, the aircraft carrier makes it back to the present, but a couple of pilots are lost. When they get back to shore the pilots pull up in a limo and they're 40 years older-Any help would be great!
A: The movie is called "The Final Countdown". It stars Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, James Farentino, Kathrine Ross and Charles Durning.
Q: All I remember of the movie was the first scene, then I was too scared and turned it off. It starts with all these kids in an abadoned building and they are all on the second floor. One little girl gets shoved out the window to fall to her death, then one of the kids throws down the window that she fell from and the glass lands on her dead body and cuts her to shreds. Then, it cuts to a scene where all the kids are grown-up. Sounds awful but its a real movie and I don't know the name. Can anyone help?
A: It is "Prom Night"
Q: Need help trying to recall the name of an early 80's comedy "B" movie, featured on HBO sometime between 1980 and 1985. As best can remember, one scene took place in a hotel room between a young man named Duane and a blonde woman, big 80's hair, heavy make-up, southern accent. She says to him "Duane, you know I've slept with over 3,000 men", and he responds, "That's not a problem, that's a compliment." WHAT IS THIS MOVIE????
A: Honky Tonk Freeway with Beau Bridges.
Q: I hope this is even a real movie and that I didn't dream it up. Anyway all I remember is in the beg. two kids have to go live with their aunt and uncle maybe on a theme park thing like christmas park or something because both their parents died and they go to a new school where the bad kids which raise pit bulls to kill want to date the girl, or the lead guy does anyway but she doesnt like him so they decide to kill them...hmm hope someone can remember the name its driving me bonkers! THANKS!!
A: the title of the movie you are looking for is "The New Kids". It stars Lori Laughlin and James Spader. I never saw it, but I took a class taught by the guy who wrote it, got fired, then got his name removed because he wouldn't write a certain scene. A scene the film makers later decided not to add anyway. That's Hollywood for ya! Hope that helps ya!
Q: I'm looking for a movie from the 80's. It's about a High School student named Jerry who is unfortantley going to get beat up by one of the toughest guys in school at 3:00. He tries to pay someone to kick this guy's butt, but it back fires. At 3:00 they meet in the parking lot and the bully has brass knuckles... That's all I remember if someone could help me with the name of the movie.. Thanks
A: This is one of our fave 80's movies. Its called "3 o'clock high"
Q: Okay, the movie is these two aliens beam down their alien son who winds up in a summer camp and this alien always is wearing a yellow rain coat... Please help me figure out the name to this d**n movie!
A: The name of the movie you are looking for is Meatballs 2. Originally called "Spacekid", they renamed it to capitilize on the Meatballs name. I actually found it funnier than the original.
Q: This movie I believe was out in the 80s.. There was a girl who went to an all girls school and there was a boy who saw her taking pictures of herself in the forest and fell in love with her.. There was a school dance and they wrote letters to each other and secretly saw each other. He was in jail of some sort... Anyone know??
A: The movie's with Virginia Madsen and it's called "Fire With Fire" Posted by Nomisdrol (Member # 2688) on :
Fantastic thread this one Nick, but you omitted The Hugga Bunch Movie and The Go Kids... Posted by paulshrimpton (Member # 1022) on :
Q. Do you know the name of this movie?
A. Yes. It's the Hugga Bunch Movie. Now, do you have any details to make me change my answer?
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
'Hugga Bunch' is there. 'Super Fuzz' isn't though.
It's worth mentioning that some of the films had different titles in the UK/Europe. Like 'Career Opportunities' which was called 'One Wild Night', and 'The New Kids' was called 'Striking Back'.
The film with the answer 'The Trojan War' is wrong. While I don't know what the actual film is (it might be Disney's 'Double Switch'), I know that it isn't the Trojan War.
Posted by Nick (Member # 404) on :
I only got about a tenth of the way through previous posts on the boards. The idea is to include them in a faq and then get rid of all the duplicates to save space...
Any additions/suggestions/edits etc gratefully received And if anyone wants to take over, sprude up, humanise and own this FAQ, then they're very welcome Posted by Hambone Fever (Member # 2974) on :
Nick, you've never seen the New Kids?
That is such an awesome movie, one of my favorites.
Great thread, keep up the good work.
Posted by ValleyCat (Member # 1322) on :
Nick this was a great idea! You should mark this thread Important so it will stay at the top of the board. Also, you should put the Amazon Link at bottom of your posting for quick reference.
So if Nick didn't answer your movie question already, please ask...this group loves that kind of stuff!
Posted by rocksteadyflamethrower (Member # 1065) on :
Maybe you could do similar threads for the 70s and 90s boards (you could move "Over The Edge" to the 70s thread and "Career Opportunities" to the 90s thread).
Also, hyperlinks to the Internet Movie Database might be a good idea also.
John Kilduff...The Rock Steady Flamethrower
Posted by paulshrimpton (Member # 1022) on :
Any and all of these movies that we have reviews for already have IMDB links (also to the trailer if they have one. But good point well made, John - anyone who reads a'What movie is this' post and feels led to respond, please can you grab the IMDB link as well when responding? It really helps a lot of the new people here, and may well encourage some of them to stay and become like some strange cyber-sibling, a new part of the family....
Posted by Banshee (Member # 1829) on :
Nice idea guys - 2 possible typo's:
The Unamable - should that be spelt 'The Unnamable' ? I'm not familiar with the flick but the title just doesn't look right? River Pheonix - should be River Phoenix.
Also: Roger Corman's classic Star Wars ripoff "Battle Beyond the Stars" - it might sound picky but a better description would be The Magnificent Seven in space. It's only a Star-Wars rip-off in that it's got spaceships.
And: Would it be worth mentioning 'Spacehunter' in here? - that used to be asked a lot quite a while ago.
For those of old enough to remember it might be worth mentioning that Starchaser was originally released in the cinemas in 3-D
Keep up the good work.
Posted by Nomisdrol (Member # 2688) on :
Sorry Nick but wasn't the first film you mentioned about the woman dying and coming back to life called Death Becomes Her with Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn and Bruce Willis
Posted by bigjoebub (Member # 3268) on :
im sure this is an 80s movie it starts with a guy in a dinner then goes to leave and ansews a payphone the person who is on the other line called the wrong number but tells this man that the russians are going to lanch the nuclear missle he spends the rest of the movie tryin to get out of the country finnaly get his girlfriend and a pilot to fly them out but dont make it in the end does any one know the name of this movie? you can e-mail me at jmorris187@yahoo.com
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Right not sure if this film was from the eighties, i am sure it was.
Cannot remember much, but i know it had kids in it who played like a game of lacrosse on roller skates and they find this sphere thing. There is an evil guy as usual who has this machine that if you go on things happen to you that arent real like this one guy he makes him lye on it and then the guy has ants crawling all over him and that. Please can someone help me with this, its killing me that i cant remember more about it Cheers
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I believe that is Solarbabies.
We are DEVO
Posted by Dionnemg (Member # 3287) on :
Help! I'm sure it's an 80's movie. This boy (maybe a small group of boys) builds a "spaceship" out of an old carnival ride. The spaceship is round and red and has light on the top. one of the boys reminds me alot of corey haim in "lucus" I think he has a rough home life and escapes with this "spaceship" except at the end it actually does work. This has been driving me crazy. Please help.
Posted by Nick (Member # 404) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nick: Q: When i was little, I remember seeing a movie with a bunch of kids that built a spaceship out of varous things like bits of an amusement ride.... the most memorable was the two trash cans in the front. There were a lot of dreams and they found themselves on another spaceship. somehow they got home. the ship was floating over water somewhere in the movie. and there was a possibility of romance.
A: "Explorers" with River Pheonix and a young Ethan Hawke...
Posted by bobcat_816 (Member # 2768) on :
Here's one that I posted a few months back:
Q: I don't know very much about it, but I remember seeing bits and pieces of it on cable. It starts out with a girl on a beach who is kind of nerdy. I think her boyfriend breaks up with her. Then she goes on a wild adventure. At the end of the movie she's back on the beach and now she's not nerdy anymore. Her boyfriend tries to get back with her, but this time she turns him down, and someone says something like, "She has really changed".
A: Alien from LA
I finally bought it the other day and it was well worth it. It's one of those movies that are so bad that it's good. Cheesy story and acting, but so 80's.
Posted by noazgti (Member # 3311) on :
OK... came out somewhere between 84 - 86. The lead character was a cyborg w/ a eye patch and had no legs but had like tank treads for his lower half... sorry, but this is the most I can remember for now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted by noazgti (Member # 3311) on :
It was a sci-fi, not short circuit... He was a cyborg, not a robot.
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
This film has been asked about several times, so here's a made-up question with the correct answer:
Q. I remember this film about a kid who finds a monster in the middle of a quarry lake.
A. It has 3 titles depending on which country you're in: Frog Dreaming (Australia, the original name), The Go-Kids (UK) and The Quest (US), it stars a young Henry Thomas of ET fame. Posted by trixie1 (Member # 2685) on :
I am looking for a movie that I have never seen. Sounds weird, I know. My sister-in-law said she saw this movie around the same time that Natural Born Killers was out. The only thing she remember about it was that a boy was given a silver saddle. Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks, Trixie1
Posted by MadMax11 (Member # 3498) on :
Someone has gotta know this. I can't remember the name of this movie for the life of me. All I can remember is that in the movie the popular girl gets in a fight with her boyfriend and ends up with the geek, they end up running through a restraunt and she grabs wine at another persons table. They go for a drive to a place she knows and she ends up getting wasted on the way there. They park at a place overlooking the city and she ends up kicking off her shoes..... does anyone know what movie this is??
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
RE: Q: ok.. there was an all girls private school... and they had a dance with a boys prison or something...and then a blonde girl and one of the prison boys meet at the dance and fall for each other.. but it is forbidden for obvious reasons. they fall in love and runaway together... and there is a big chase scene at the end involving a helicopter...
A: "Cry Baby" with Jonny Depp. It was a cheesy musical movie.
Its Not "Cry Baby", but actually "Fire with Fire" as well.
Posted by Richie (Member # 3527) on :
RE: Q: I dunno if this is an 80's movie or not but this girl is going all over town lookin 4 this rockstar guy she likes and at the end she finds him like geting on to a personal jet or something and he is played by the same guy who is her best friend....
A: the movie was called 'Trojan Wars' also known as 'Rescue Me.' It starred Jennifer Love Hewitt and then boyfriend Will Friedle of 'Boy Meets World' fame.
This is actually 'Modern Girls'. The rockstar was Bruno X, and the guy who was the best friend (Cliff) were the same guy. I just want to toss in that this was another Virginia Madsen movie! Dang, she was a hottie!!
Posted by Lensfort (Member # 3538) on :
I've been after this movie for years, I seen it when I was a little kid in the mid 80's, though I'm not sure if it is infact an 80's movie, it could be older. Here's what I remember:
Childrens movie, not animated, but done with puppets - life size, as far as I can tell it's not Jim Henson, but I could be wrong.
The movie featured an elephant as one of the main characters, I think it was pink (could be a mammoth), while it was an elephant, it was rather short, cute and cuddley. There was another puppet character, but I can't remember what it was (possibly blue though). I have a feeling that there was also children (real ones) in it.
The story went along the lines of a fantasy adventure (same sort of style of the dark crystal, but more "cute"), anyway a main climax of the movie involved the elephant turning evil by the baddy, and much larger (scarey lookin) and one of the other characters, the child/children had to give this elephant a hug to bring it back to normal.
This is all I can remember of it, I have looked all over the internet for this movie with no prevail. As I said I don't think it's Jim Henson, as I have searched all his work. It's like a mix of Fraggle Rock's cuteness and Dark Crystal's fantasy. Any ideas on this please reply or better yet, e-mail me at lensfort@evolution.org.au
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Q. OK... came out somewhere between 84 - 86. The lead character was a cyborg w/ a eye patch and had no legs but had like tank treads for his lower half... sorry, but this is the most I can remember for now.
i am looking for a movie that i saw only on hbo atleast 15 yars ago. it was about a girl (maybe helen hunt) who moved to a new town with her family and played football. one guy on the team likes her and calls her Canada. in the end her team buys her a dress for a dance and the guy who likes her takes her. i think she wins homecoming queen or something too. can anyone help? nick seems to know all!
Posted by loneill819 (Member # 3576) on :
i am looking for a movie that i saw only on hbo atleast 15 yars ago. it was about a girl (maybe helen hunt) who moved to a new town with her family and played football. one guy on the team likes her and calls her Canada. in the end her team buys her a dress for a dance and the guy who likes her takes her. i think she wins homecoming queen or something too. can anyone help? nick seems to know all!
Posted by Lensfort (Member # 3538) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lensfort: I've been after this movie for years, I seen it when I was a little kid
Please, anyone remember anything like this movie. I have been checking these forums every 2nd day to see if I have a response. ANY news could you please forward to lensfort@evolution.org.au
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
I haven't seen it, but it sounds like 'The Hugga Bunch':
hello everyone. i have a few movies that i need help with.
the first one is a horror movie...gotta love those. anyway, a giant spider attacks a cornered man, and instantly drains him of all of his body fluids, and his skin contracts around his skeleton. i saw this on TV when i was a kid (born in 1980...the start of a great era!) and i thought it was cool, even if it did look cheesy.
in a comedy/horror movie a man with glasses is chained up and attacked by some creatures (i can't remember what they were) and later on he's seen as not having any flesh on his chest, just a bloody rib cage. a really fake-looking blood rib cage at that.
at the end of a sci-fi movie a man is transported to a barren planet where in the sky there are all sorts of strange planets, i remember one of them looking like Saturn. he looks around at his surroundings, and then starts walking.
an alien is on earth killing people. the heroes in the movie, along with an old scientist, figure out that the alien communicates and pays attention with certain types of sound. the scientist uses a xylophone, and a particular set of notes, to try to communicate with the alien. the alien responds, mimicing what he hears, and appears to be totally harmless as this is happening. the scientist approaches the alien, as they communicate with each other. the scientist is smiling and laughing, thinking he's now able to reason with the monster and has also made a scientific discovery. then the alien suddendly kills him.
i remember reading the box of an 80s action movie at the video store, but i can't remember the name of it. but i remember it describing biker gangs wielding chainsaws. i thought that was totally radical and i think i need to see this movie.
an 80s scifi movie about a boy who is really an alien hybrid, and the aliens come back to take him home. his mother is forced to watch him leave on their spaceship. there was also a part 2 if i'm not mistakened. i'd love to see the next part, and to see the first one again to refresh my memory.
here's a list of the 80s movies that i own on vhs. some of these are REAL gems...
Lifeforce The Being Beastmaster R.O.T.O.R. American Ninja Invasion USA Forced Vengance Hero and the Terror Breeders Ironmaster Repo Man Back to the Beach One Crazy Summer Shotgun Millennium Rebel High Tougher than Leather Young Einstein The Wizard Beyond the Door II (i think it's 70s, but it's still one of the best horror movies out there!)
i realize that some of these, like Shotgun, Ironmaster, and Breeders, are more rare. anyone recognize them?
and now that i think about it, i really REALLY need to find these when i get some extra money...
-Legend!!! -more of those horror movies made by those italian dudes! -any comedy/teen/school movie that makes me wish i was born in 1970 instead of 1980! -any radical 80s action movie that kicks major butt and makes me wanna say "whooooaaaaa DUDE, that was, like, TOTALLY awesome!". -any sci-fi movie i find interesting (most of them!) -any other horror movies i find interesting (most of them!)
and everytime i glance at the "movies smartmenu" i see something i want to see again...Troll, Ratboy, Porkys, Conan, Toxic Avenger, Ferris Bueller, Firestarter, Spaceballs, Mad Max.......and one that's not even listed and you need to write a review for!!! Phantasm!!! That demonic tall guy rules and you know it! it's been a really long time since i saw that one. does anyone remember where that guy came from in the first place? wasn't it another dimension, kind of like hell?
there's a video store in the town i live in that still has most of it's VHS videos, especially the horror movies since people still rent those a lot. the sci-fi section went downhill a lot in recent years because nobody really rented those movies so they sold most of them...and i wasn't around to get many copies. if i knew about all of the times they were going to sell some of them and i had a lot of money i would have bought most of them. anyway, i'm thinking about going there sometime this week and making a list of all of the interesting horror movies and then coming back to the board to see if you guys remember them. i might even stop by the action section and see what's still there.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
The one with the planet that looked like Saturn was called 'The Quiet Earth':
quote:Originally posted by loneill819: i am looking for a movie that i saw only on hbo atleast 15 yars ago. it was about a girl (maybe helen hunt) who moved to a new town with her family and played football. one guy on the team likes her and calls her Canada. in the end her team buys her a dress for a dance and the guy who likes her takes her. i think she wins homecoming queen or something too. can anyone help? nick seems to know all!
Sounds like 1983's "Quarterback Princess", I believe it's called. I haven't seen it, but I would like, being as it has a supporting role in it for Kathleen Wilhoite.
Also, regarding "Modern Girls": Virginia Madsen was (and still is) a babe...Not a hottie. You're on an 80s message board...Know the 80s terminology!
John Kilduff...The Rock Steady Flamethrower
Posted by Awithr (Member # 3609) on :
This may be a stumper... but here it goes. When I was a kid I watched a movie on television about a girl who's sister died, and then came back to haunt her. The title or something was like "dont' look under the bed" or maybe that was just what her dead sister whispered to her. I remember a scene where a girl is crawling on a roof, and a scene where a girl is cutting a wire with a pizza cutter. Anyway I've always remembered this movie but I cannot find it for the life of me, or remember the title! Please help!
Posted by 89power (Member # 3601) on :
Q: I'm looking for the name of a movie. I know Sarah Jessica Parker is in it. I remember a guy dying (maybe a plane crash) and his ghost hangs around SJP. I appreciate the help! Posted by paulshrimpton (Member # 1022) on :
Here's a tough one: An Australian 80's movie, which featured an Aboriginal(Might've been Ernie Dingo) driving a stolen Mercedes or similar car in the outback with an old white guy in the passenger seat (Possibly Bill Hunter from Murial's wedding), a cop see's them, and they pretend like the Aboriginal is the chauffer, and the cop falls for it!
Posted by MadMax11 (Member # 3498) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by logan5: [QB] It sounds a little bit like 'Dance 'Til Dawn':
I just saw dance till dawn and the scenes I described is just like it but I dont think thats the one. I clearly remember the girl having a bottle in her hand while they are driving through some woods and she says she is taking him to a nice or secret spot. Then by the time they get there I think she is wasted. Haha, I guess maybe it wasnt a popular 80's movie... I wish I could remember if it was late or early but I'd guess late.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
Hey, I hope someone can help me out on this one...I'm pretty sure it's an 80's movie...
The movie is a comedy and from what I remember, this kid works at like a pizza place and does carry out and stuff like that. For some reason, which I can't remember, he starts peforming 'male' services for several women and ends up getting some big mean angry husbands wanting to hurt him. There was a funny moment when his mom actually ordered the 'male' services, and he tries to get away by escaping out the hotel window.
Hopefully this sounds somewhat familiar to someone...thanks a bunch...
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Definitely Loverboy with Patrick Dempsey.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
awesome awesome, that would be it...thank you guys so much...
I have another movie that I was wondering about, but I don't have much to go on...
All I can remember is that this guy is in love with a girl who is either in a sorority or all girls school or something, so he dresses up like a girl and joins as well so that he can get close to her.
Do you guys know this one?...
Thanks again...
[ 18. January 2005, 17:56: Message edited by: thunderstealer ]
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
i think that one is LITTLE SISTER with jonathan silverman and alyssa milano. read about it here:
LITTLE SISTER Posted by ValleyCat (Member # 1322) on :
Ronnie you are all over that movie. May I suggest "Private School" as well then. It is way better than Little Sister in my opinion. Not exactly the same story, but a good movie.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
um, i think the one i posted is correct. if not, little sister has the exact same plot.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
They have the same plots; Boy dresses as Girl to get near Girl.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
I'm not quite for sure which one it is. I thought it was somewhat of an older movie, and 'Little Sister' is from 1992. I was thinking that there were two movies sort of along the same lines though, so I didn't know if my description was going to be good enough. I'll buy or rent them and see which one it is. Thank you guys very much.
Posted by sky653 (Member # 3742) on :
Hey, does anyone know what 80's movies have "Melt with you in their soundtrack?
Posted by Hey You Guuuys (Member # 3744) on :
quote:Originally posted by MadMax11: [QUOTE]Originally posted by logan5: [QB] It sounds a little bit like 'Dance 'Til Dawn':
I just saw dance till dawn and the scenes I described is just like it but I dont think thats the one. I clearly remember the girl having a bottle in her hand while they are driving through some woods and she says she is taking him to a nice or secret spot. Then by the time they get there I think she is wasted. Haha, I guess maybe it wasnt a popular 80's movie... I wish I could remember if it was late or early but I'd guess late.
'License To Drive'. It is a popular 80s movie.
The girl dances on top of the hood to "Strangers in the Night" right? It's a green Cadillac? Her name is Mercedez in the movie?
It will be on dvd in april, great movie. The girl is a young Heather Graham and the guy is Corey Haim. Corey Felman is in it too. I'm guessing you only saw part of the movie. Definately check it out when it comes to DVD. Or If you can find the VHS sooner. I see it on cable every once in awhile.
I just realized it's reviewed right on fast-rewind License To Drive
[ 22. January 2005, 16:53: Message edited by: Hey You Guuuys ]
Posted by slayathon (Member # 3752) on :
I am trying to figure a movie out forever here. All I can remember is a girl with a record for a skirt and a sandbox in her room. It had to do with music also.
Posted by flashback80's (Member # 3735) on :
im looking 4 horror title i saw this 1990 so it could be 70s or 80s all i can rember there was darkhaired girl alot people were nasty to her through it there was an overweight that was ok to her at the end the overweight lady untying the girl from ropes then this monster thing started going after nasty people grabing them at the end
all i remember can anyone help with this title
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
I also have a horror film that I have been wondering about for years.
All I can really remember about it is that there was a monster that could divide into a bunch of little monsters, and then again go back to being a big monster.
I also kind of remember something about a fire outside...like a bon fire or something, and also I can kind of remember the monster hiding under the girls bed and grabbing her by the ankle.
Sorry I can't give any more info...hope somebody can remember this film...
Posted by MadMax11 (Member # 3498) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hey You Guuuys:
I just realized it's reviewed right on fast-rewind License To Drive [/QB]
Sounds like thats it, thanks a bunch.
Posted by Ronbin (Member # 3814) on :
Hi, I'm looking for a teen movie I saw years ago. In this movie, a boy takes some marihuana, puts it in his motorbyke's fuel tank, and smokes it from the exhaust.
That's the only thing I remember from the movie. Any idea about the title???
Posted by J.t. (Member # 3837) on :
Im looking for this late 80's kung fu movie about these 3 little asain boys are being trained by there grandpa or grandma (maybe parents i dunno)and in one scene the parents or grandparents fight on top of a bunch of un-opened soda cans. i know this is one is really out there but if yall could find the title of this one that would Kick A$$.
Posted by Ronbin (Member # 3814) on :
naw this was way beofre then
Posted by mshorter62 (Member # 3855) on :
i am looking for the title of a movie in which there were two actors who played undercover cops who got addicted to drugs. it also had a track from eric clapton in it called "tears in heaven.
Posted by lowrider (Member # 3863) on :
maybe you can help me. this is a movie from the 70's i think. all i can remember is that these 2 kids nanny has super powers and squirts milk and orange juice from her fingers???????
Posted by bigworld (Member # 3107) on :
quote:Originally posted by J.t.: Im looking for this late 80's kung fu movie about these 3 little asain boys are being trained by there grandpa or grandma (maybe parents i dunno)and in one scene the parents or grandparents fight on top of a bunch of un-opened soda cans. i know this is one is really out there but if yall could find the title of this one that would Kick A$$.
Posted by bigworld (Member # 3107) on :
Hi Jt I think this could have been "Little Dragons" from what I can remember it was dubbed or just had really bad Lip sync. Hope this joggs a few memories
Regards George
Posted by bigworld (Member # 3107) on :
Hi Jt I think this could have been "Little Dragons" from what I can remember it was dubbed or just had really bad Lip sync. Hope this joggs a few memories
Regards George
Posted by sourskittles (Member # 3870) on :
quote:BY: SKY653 Hey, does anyone know what 80's movies have "Melt with you in their soundtrack?
Melt with you - Modern English is in the Valley Girl soundtrack
Posted by sourskittles (Member # 3870) on :
I was wondering if anyone recognized this movie. I have no clue who was in it or exact time it took place..im guessing mid-eighties. all that i can remember was that it was about a few very young teenagers who opened up a teenage nightclub. the only other thing i can remember was there was a girl with blonde hair who got attacted by a boy and the boy cut her hair off... It has been driving me nuts trying to remember the name of it, im guessing it was on hbo or showtime alot during the eighties. hope someone can help!! thanks
Posted by monkey man (Member # 3889) on :
to whoever can help... looking for the name of a movie or actor. the movie was out late 70s or early 80s. actor had piercing blue or light eyes with the 80s hair style and spoke with a whisper. the movie was about a monkey that was used by some agency to recognize a sound pattern (similar to that of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"). The monkey escapes when the scientists taking care of him are killed and it is found by this guy. Please help... send e-mail to tito@riverasworld.com
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
The scenes you're describing are from 'Top Secret':
sorry to post this again but, I have received no replies... looking for the name of a movie or actor. the movie was out late 70s or early 80s. actor had piercing blue or light eyes with the 80s hair style and spoke with a whisper (maybe Bobby something). the movie was about a monkey that was used by some agency to recognize a sound pattern (similar to that of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"). The monkey escapes when the scientists taking care of him are killed and it is found by this guy. Please help...
Posted by River (Member # 3917) on :
I'm Looking for the name of a movie about two rival high schools who both have bands in the the battle of the bands comp. One's and all girl band and the other is all boys. The two lead singers fall in love.
I also remember a bit with sycnhronised swimming and there swimsuits dissolving.
Help me?
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote: There’s a part where the scene opens up on a small old guy holding a magnifying glass up to one of his eyes, and it seems like it makes the eye appear huge, but when he lowers the magnifying glass, the eye is still Huge.
I think also someone or something talks weird gibberish in the movie, maybe it’s the old guy?
The old guy that talks gibberish is Peter Cushing. His eye appears huge behind a magnifying glass, which he removes to reveal it really is a huge eye. That's from 'Top Secret!'.
Posted by jomc810 (Member # 3941) on :
Q: Ok, I'll try and describe it....it's about a girl in her teens that is trying to get into a specific college but it is quite sexist and will not allow a girl in so she dresses up as a boy and gets accepted. She then meets a boy that she develops a friendship with but he thinks she is a 'he'. And then, da dum, she falls in love with him but find herself in a dilemma as she wants to remain in the school but loves this boy so much so she finally does tell him, and he's shocked as you can imagine but I am sure that it was a happy ending. I would so love to see it again and I remember watching it when I was about 10/11 so thinking about 1985/6 time. Anybody know the film?
A: "Just One Of the Guys" from 1985
This is not Just one of the Guys, It is another movie but i think it might be late 80's early 90's. Just one of the Guys, the girl wants to win an intern ship for a newspaper and feels by being a woman she will not get the postion, so she pretends to be a guy, she goes to a new school and falls in love with her nerdy friend.
Posted by columbo (Member # 3983) on :
looking for a film starring matt dillon. he;s a bum and gets friendly with some black guy. i think he gets stabbed at the end and i think the title has the word angel in it!
Posted by Kristen (Member # 3986) on :
Hi everyone, I've just discovered this site and i am so happy i have!! My name is Kristen and im from Cumbria in the UK.
Was just wondering if someone could give me some help; in The Never Ending Story Bastian has to give the princess a name, so he throws the window open and shouts the name into the storm - but what name does he shout?!! It has drove me crazy for years!!!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
This is a cause for much debate, but I believe the general consensus is 'Moonchild'. That's what the English translation of the German book has him saying.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
quote:Originally posted by jomc810: FYI
Q: Ok, I'll try and describe it....it's about a girl in her teens that is trying to get into a specific college but it is quite sexist and will not allow a girl in so she dresses up as a boy and gets accepted. She then meets a boy that she develops a friendship with but he thinks she is a 'he'. And then, da dum, she falls in love with him but find herself in a dilemma as she wants to remain in the school but loves this boy so much so she finally does tell him, and he's shocked as you can imagine but I am sure that it was a happy ending. I would so love to see it again and I remember watching it when I was about 10/11 so thinking about 1985/6 time. Anybody know the film?
A: "Just One Of the Guys" from 1985
This is not Just one of the Guys, It is another movie but i think it might be late 80's early 90's. Just one of the Guys, the girl wants to win an intern ship for a newspaper and feels by being a woman she will not get the postion, so she pretends to be a guy, she goes to a new school and falls in love with her nerdy friend.
it sure as heck sounds like JUST ONE OF THE GUYS. i just think the facts might be mixed up a little. cause i cannot think of any other movie it would be.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
quote:Originally posted by columbo: looking for a film starring matt dillon. he;s a bum and gets friendly with some black guy. i think he gets stabbed at the end and i think the title has the word angel in it!
i am not sure what movie it is, but here's a link to a list of dillon's movies he has been in:
Matt Dillon Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ronnie:
quote:Originally posted by columbo: looking for a film starring matt dillon. he;s a bum and gets friendly with some black guy. i think he gets stabbed at the end and i think the title has the word angel in it!
i am not sure what movie it is, but here's a link to a list of dillon's movies he has been in:
I missed all this but I do know the movie!!!The movie is The Saint of Fort Washington. It's a great movie.....little known but very good. From 1993.....I think thats what my vhs says.... It's Danny Glover and Matt Dillon. It tells a story of two homeless men and it's sad, but more into telling a story of what it's like to not have a home and lose your family and gaining freinds as family....I loved it! Hope this helps!
Posted by Sweet_cheex (Member # 4071) on :
hey i got a question...there was amovie with 2 big body building brothers that drove a truck.When they got in it to start they always said "chicken bone, chicken bone, lucky lucky chicken bone, starter up....kumbaya!" Please tell me what the name if it is...It is driving me absolutely insane..thanks
Posted by Mr Roboto (Member # 1424) on :
Think Big - Starring the Barbarian Brothers
The funny thing about that chant is that it used to be something bus drivers used to time their starting of cold diesel engines [so that the glow plugs would get warm enough]! It goes like this:
Chicken bone, chicken bone Lucky lucky chicken bone Chicken bone, chicken bone Lucky lucky chicken bone Rabbit rabbit, treat 'em good Lucky lucky, knock on wood Yogi Bera, Tub McGraw Fire 'em up! Kumbaya!
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
I have a question about a movie. I'm pretty sure it's a 90's movie though, but most of guys seem to know your 90's movies as well.
I don't believe this movie was ever in the theaters, but for awhile they played it a lot on HBO. It was a scary movie, and I think it had something to do with the cable. The TV would start up on it's own, but other weird stuff would happen too. The title might have something to do with electricity or circuit or something like that. I remember that the house burns down at the end.
Hope somebody can help me out...it's not a bunch to go by...thanks...
Posted by ValleyCat (Member # 1322) on :
thunderstealer, this might be a stretch, but I believe the movie you are looking for is:
It's from Wes Craven and played often on HBO in the 90s.
Posted by prenault (Member # 4135) on :
Hello, I'm trying to figure out the name of this (I believe) made-for-tv movie from the early 80s. It was based off a book about a twisted and cynical blonde-haired teenage girl (I want to say her name was Robin, but I'm not sure) who lives with her recluse writer father in New England. She kills her step-mother, and a few others and buries them in the backyard. She also has this dorky boyfriend who's convinced he's a magician. It's not a horror movie or even a thriller. She seems to kill off these people rather matter-of-factly...just because they're annoying. I've been going crazy trying to figure out the name of this movie, and would be eternally grateful to anyone who would know the title (or could point me in the direction of finding it out) Thanks!
Posted by flashback80's (Member # 3735) on :
it sounds like the movie little girl who lives down the lane with jodie fostor hope that helps you
Posted by prenault (Member # 4135) on :
Yep, that's it, I checked imdb.com. Thank you so much! I've been trying to figure that one out for years!
Posted by movie man (Member # 2802) on :
In the early eighties I saw a movie about a soldier or something marching across a bridgeand being attacked by someone.The attacker would cut off a body part and it would grow back,then the cut off body part would grow into an exact replica of the soldier,this happened over and over.Please help me find the name of this movie.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
Hey ValleyCat, I'm not quite for sure if that is it or not, but I'll check it out and see. Thanks a bunch for your help.
Posted by metal80s (Member # 4169) on :
Looking for the name of a movie from the 80's. It's a movie about these kids getting into trouble in their town and they end up locking their parents and the police in their high school while they riot outside. At the end it shows one of the main characters going to prision
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Its sounds like Over The Edge to me. I found the name of this film from people on this site too after seeing it once on UK TV along time ago.
If it involved kids getting involved in drugs, LSD - Acid, then this is your film..
quote:Originally posted by Kristen: Hi everyone, I've just discovered this site and i am so happy i have!! My name is Kristen and im from Cumbria in the UK.
Was just wondering if someone could give me some help; in The Never Ending Story Bastian has to give the princess a name, so he throws the window open and shouts the name into the storm - but what name does he shout?!! It has drove me crazy for years!!!
He shouts MOONCHILD.
glad you like the site!
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
Hey guys, I have another movie name I'm looking for. I'm fairly certain it's an 80s movie. I believe it was supposed to be based on a true story of a man being obducted by aliens.
I watched it when I was a little kid, so I can't remember a whole lot of the pictures in the film. I do remember one part though where the guy wakes up after having been obducted and he finds himself in this weird sticky/messy chamber thing, kind of like a cocoon or something. He rips it open and he floats out and sees a bunch more of these things along the walls and he's in kind of a really tall long cylinder shaped room.
I hope this makes sense to someone. Sorry I don't have more of a description. Thanks a bunch.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
Hey, I believe I just figured it out.
I think it's "Fire in the Sky," but it's not an 80s movie, it's from 1993...
Posted by Vaidoso1 (Member # 4200) on :
im looking for a movie dont really know what it is about but it involves a kid that goes into the woods and trains for the olympics or something like that can anyone help?
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
Hey, I was wondering if you guys could help me out with an 80s cartoon. I remember watching this in school when I was in kindergarten. Several different cartoon characters were all in this one cartoon together, and it was basically a drug awareness cartoon. I remember seeing it on television once after I had watched it in class, but then I never saw or heard of it again. Can anybody help me?
Posted by charmu11 (Member # 4244) on :
i need help figuring out a movie! its an early 80's thriller.. all i can rember about it is a lady who looked like billy idol..running from someone and smashing through glass..and then gets cut and bloody.. ? any ideas..?
Posted by charmu11 (Member # 4244) on :
another movie i cant quite rember is a mad max type where they r in the dessert.. and at one point.. an evil boss who has girls enslaved on his sides..and toys w/ them... and also.. theres a room filled w/ blob men..who start coming out from every where?..
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I have a movie question, think it's from the 80s but not entirely sure. It takes place in the 30s or 40s. This man and woman buy and old farmhouse. Murders had happened years ago, in the 20s or something, kind of gangster style. A couple of the characters in the movie actually had something to do with it. Does anyone remotely know what I'm talking about?? Thanks! Posted by morch76 (Member # 4282) on :
Help! I am trying to remember what the name of a movie is. In the movie, it keeps replaying a ghost scene where, I want to say the custodian of a school or someone one like that kills a 8 year old girl. He throws her body of the cliff and then the mother comes out and I think jumps off the cliff also. The custodian or the killer keeps whistling and singing some song about dreamin a day dream or walk like a daydream or something like that. This replys until I believe the kids figure out who the killer was. I don't remember much more that that. Thanks!
Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
Morch76........sounds like Lady in White.
I always loved this movie...Lucas Haas as Frankie...I thought he was great in Witness too....something about his eyes???
Posted by morch76 (Member # 4282) on :
Yes, it is thanks! One more question, do you know the name of the song they are singing in it? I found it pretty cheap on ebay, think I will buy it!
Posted by Soyokaze (Member # 2805) on :
quote:Originally posted by J.t.: Im looking for this late 80's kung fu movie about these 3 little asain boys are being trained by there grandpa or grandma (maybe parents i dunno)and in one scene the parents or grandparents fight on top of a bunch of un-opened soda cans. i know this is one is really out there but if yall could find the title of this one that would Kick A$$.
I believe the movie you are talking about is Kung Fu Kids, which part I do not know.
Posted by Soyokaze (Member # 2805) on :
I am looking for an old horror movie.
The movie is about a house in which the front portion of the house is visible and only the front wall, nothing inbetween, sides or back walls. When the kids enter the house it is complete and furnished, despite the incomeplete exterior shot. The kids need to find, i believe, three daggers to either kill the monsters or leave the house.
-thanks for the help.
Posted by gazzasgirl (Member # 4303) on :
I am looking for a movie (obviously!) where a girl wishes to be a boy and when she wakes up in the morning it came true. I am not sure if it really exists or if I am combining 'Just One of the Guys' with something else.
Posted by becky (Member # 4326) on :
Hiya Everyone ... I have been trying to remember the name of this film for weeks but cant so wonder if anyone else can ?
Its a sci-fi film, the main character is I seem to remember one of them space going rogue type people who gets given a mission to rescue some important people (girls ?) that have been captured. I can't remember much of the middle of the film, except there is a fight scene that revolves around some sort of old battered train or long caravan type vehicle. The end of the film has the captured girls in some sort of circular metal cage along with other captured people. The people in the cage are forced to go through some sort of assault course full of nasty spikey things and traps !! Sounds bizzare I know, not sure if there was an adult theme to this film as I can remember my mum wouldn't let me watch it until my dad came home from work and said I could !!!!
Thanks Becky
Posted by Kiki (Member # 4328) on :
I'm looking for this movie that use to air on the Disney channel (I think) at night. I think it is an 80's movie (it looked like it) anyway...
It was a story about a high school girl (and if i remember correctly I think she was a babysitter too) who wants to be popular so she visits this lady (possibly a fortune teller or something? She looked old and dressed like one) and that lady helped her wish come true and she became popular. Then another part in the movie she showed the old lady a picture of a pretty woman that she wanted to look just like and it happened.
She ends up with a popular guy and goes and makes out with him in some abandoned house. Thats all I can remember.
Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?
Posted by janos44 (Member # 4334) on :
Hey guys Im looking for a movie from the 80's/70's. It had a guy in it that was being chased by the typical bad corporation, they had this Flash thingy, kinda like Men in Black, and if you were wearing these special sunglasses then you didnt get flashed. I remeber part of the movie they were watching a commercial and it tracked your eye movements and they were testing to see if people looked at the product or the girl in the commercial... i know this is a long shot but if anyone knows about this please post it.. thanks
Posted by Pumpkin Head (Member # 27) on :
Sounds kinda familiar, do you remember anything else about it??
Posted by dlsverid (Member # 4337) on :
Help I am trying to remember the name of a movie! All I can remember is that It had to have been in the 80's. A girl maybe about 12 years old is in a small stream with a container of some sort and she ends up at a womans house who keeps faces or heads in cases in her house that she wears each day. There is another guy too, who helps the girl get away from the woman, i think they fly away on some sort of contraption they made. PLease help!
Posted by Pumpkin Head (Member # 27) on :
It sounds like "Return To Oz". it came out in 1985. I don't know if this helps but try and see. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089908/ Posted by SiskoBell (Member # 4330) on :
Hi guys and gals. Does anyone remember a low budget (very low I think) sci-fi film about a bunch of kids who were either sent to or were already detained on some sort of penal planet for juveniles? The planet fell under attack by some type of robotic warriors or something and one of the kids stayed back to fight while the others escaped on a shuttle.
I beleive this movie was made in the eighties. I can only vaguely recall seeing it on TV sometime. Any thoughts? Thanks Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
Kiki, you sound like you are talking about Teen Witch. I could be wrong though.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
Siskobell, that sounds a little like Solarbabies, though I have not seen it in a while.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
quote:Originally posted by janos44: Hey guys Im looking for a movie from the 80's/70's. It had a guy in it that was being chased by the typical bad corporation, they had this Flash thingy, kinda like Men in Black, and if you were wearing these special sunglasses then you didnt get flashed. I remeber part of the movie they were watching a commercial and it tracked your eye movements and they were testing to see if people looked at the product or the girl in the commercial... i know this is a long shot but if anyone knows about this please post it.. thanks
janos44, I answered this on the 70's site, but incase you check here first, the movie you are asking about is called "Looker".
Posted by SiskoBell (Member # 4330) on :
Hey thanks Devolution. I looked Solarbabies up on IMDB. I don't it's the film I'm referring to, but there were a couple of scenes on the trailer that looked familiar, so I'll have to rent it and check it out, thanks for the tip.
Anyone else got a suggestion in the meantime?
Posted by Rowan79 (Member # 4357) on :
Hi everyone, this site has surely brought back a lot of memories! Now it's my turn for a question!
I saw this movie a long long time ago when i was home sick from elementary school. It is an animated movie. I appologize for the vague details, but I remember it was about a cat/horse type character on a quest of some sort who meets another cat/horse character and they travel together. At one point one of them is in a basket floating on a river...they run into an old lady hanging laundry out to dry and the sidekick cat thinks she's a witch and wants the lady to teach him spells, but instead she thinks he's hungry and shoves a sweet potato/carrot in his mouth. The main character has a magical horn-thing that he can put on his forhead (like a unicorn). The sidekick steals it toward the end and crashes though walls and stuff...then they go on to save the country/world against some evil guy. I think they also had to travel through an evil forest to get to a castle...
that's all I can remember and i've been thinking about this movie for years now...HELP! Thanks!
Posted by 80'sfreak (Member # 3922) on :
hi I'm looking for a teen 80's movie about a bunch of valley girls (and no the movie is not valley girl) I dont remember hardly anything about it except a couple scenes. One scene all the girls are in a living room with the preppy guys and things get crazy aka nudity. Another scene is in a van at the end of the night and one of the girls writes on the windshield with lipstick. Sorry I dont know more. Thanks for any help.
Posted by flacco (Member # 4363) on :
Hey - there are three films i'm seeking info on. I remember vauge details about each. I'll do my best to describe each one.
1. the first film has a sort of post apocolyptic feel to it, i beleive the cast was mostly Kids who could not go out into the sun and lived in a bunker like environment. i don't recall if there even was a sun or not. i just remember the kids had to expose themselves to a sun lamp once a day in order to keep healthy ?
2. the second is a biker movie, the only thing i recall is one of the guys in the "bad" gang had a hook for a hand ?
3. Last but not least. A film that took place in Africa , where lions were attacking people in their homes. i recall this one being slightly graphic.
thanks for your time.
Posted by thunderstealer (Member # 3721) on :
I have a question about some Universal movies. I think they may have done this in both some late 80s movies and some early 90s movies. At the beginning of the movie, even before the beginning credits, they would have UNIVERSAL scroll across the screen and it would have different Universal Studios things appear inside of the letters. I kind of remember a giant ape, like King Kong, appearing in one of the letters. Does anybody remember any specific movies that they did this for? Thanks a bunch.
Posted by magicemm (Member # 4434) on :
Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone can please help me find the name of a film i saw a long time ago. It starts off with a deaf boy who wanders into a cave and finds a pearl which cures his deafness. Him and his friends all live in the desert and this pearl then brings them rain. It's all a bit of a blur from then, i remember a man getting tortured on a table by getting covered in ants. I also remember one of the girls is a water princess or something.? Please please please, can anyone can tell me what this film is? Thank u
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
Thunderstealer, about part of your post:
quote:I have a question about some Universal movies. I think they may have done this in both some late 80s movies and some early 90s movies. At the beginning of the movie, even before the beginning credits, they would have UNIVERSAL scroll across the screen and it would have different Universal Studios things appear inside of the letters. I kind of remember a giant ape, like King Kong, appearing in one of the letters...
The Internet Movie Database might look things up or give you a list of titles made by Universal Studios that might offer some possibilities.
From my experience, Universal has had lots of variations to their studio logo over the years. But usually, it centers around a globe of the Earth.
I'm looking for the name of a 80's movie about a group of orphan kids. I remember one of them gets adopted by a rich family and the others leave to find the boy who was abopted. Seems like one of the orphans was a teen girl who fall for one of the teen bad boy orphans Please help???
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
Better late than never, the answer to Flaccos post about -
Starring Tom Skerrit.
Posted by Darin (Member # 4536) on :
Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of this movie I saw years ago. It was one of those high school movies... I could only remember a few frames: a composition, a trip to washington as a prize, a trekie chasing the students, a party at the principal's home... That's all that I can remember. Somebody told me that is "Summer School", but I'm not sure. Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
quote:Originally posted by magicemm: Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone can please help me find the name of a film i saw a long time ago. It starts off with a deaf boy who wanders into a cave and finds a pearl which cures his deafness. Him and his friends all live in the desert and this pearl then brings them rain. It's all a bit of a blur from then, i remember a man getting tortured on a table by getting covered in ants. I also remember one of the girls is a water princess or something.? Please please please, can anyone can tell me what this film is? Thank u
Solarbabies, aka Solarwarriors.
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
quote:Originally posted by becky: Hiya Everyone ... I have been trying to remember the name of this film for weeks but cant so wonder if anyone else can ?
Its a sci-fi film, the main character is I seem to remember one of them space going rogue type people who gets given a mission to rescue some important people (girls ?) that have been captured. I can't remember much of the middle of the film, except there is a fight scene that revolves around some sort of old battered train or long caravan type vehicle. The end of the film has the captured girls in some sort of circular metal cage along with other captured people. The people in the cage are forced to go through some sort of assault course full of nasty spikey things and traps !! Sounds bizzare I know, not sure if there was an adult theme to this film as I can remember my mum wouldn't let me watch it until my dad came home from work and said I could !!!!
Thanks Becky
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Posted by jodie_louise2001 (Member # 4599) on :
Hello!! Found you're site purely by accident but its fantastic, and i've relived a lot of my childhood reading up on the films i miss!! However, there's one film i remember seeing as a youngster..that neither myself nor my mum can remember the title, so hoping one of you can help.
Its a bit sketchy, but all i remember is that theres a kid (reminds me slightly of Henry Thomas but that could be my memory playing tricks n thinking of frog dreaming!!) Anyway, this boy somehow meets a man..and it turns out this guy can heal himself if wounded. I think the young boy cuts his hand at one point, and it goes to a close-up shot, n the man touches the wound and it heals up instantly.
The only other bit i remember of the film is that the young boy has either ben told to wait, or hs followed the man, n he has to climb up a ledge/cliff and as he gets to the top there's a snake, n the man is talking to people in the background (Possibly the bad guys!?)
Sorry i don't have much more information. I always thought it was called XMan or something, but current research says i'm wrong. Its also not "Hearts in Atlantis" as my friend suggested, fairly certain it was an 80s film.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Great site!! Many thanks!!!!!!!!!!! *Mwah!* Jodie xxx
Posted by jokerpoq2 (Member # 4618) on :
I was curious about a movie I saw some time ago. I saw the movie in the 80's but can't be sure from what time it is from. It was about some guys that were flying over a jungle in a cargo plane, when it crashed. I remember there being two huge twins on board and a small man wearing a sailor hat. To escape from where they were, they built these cars, kind of like a Mad Max thing. I don't remember too much more of the movie except the main character stole this enemy generals (or something) car and was using it during the escape. Thanks for any help.
Posted by jokerpoq2 (Member # 4618) on :
Update on my previous post. I have since found the movie I was curious about. It aired in 1989 and is called: The Road Raiders. I found an old recorded tape and watched it last night. Now I need to find a VHS or hopefully, DVD of it.
Posted by DaBargainHunta (Member # 4656) on :
Okay, I only THINK this movie was '80s. It might've been '70s. Definitely no earlier or later than that though. I don't remember much about it, so bear with me.
I think the ending is what will tip someone off to exactly what this movie is. It's been driving me NUTS for YEARS, so PLEASE HELP!
It was about a group of kids in a classroom. Somehow they ventured outside (I think) and ran into a killer. The killer wore some kind of Halloween mask. I think they entered a cave at some point, but I could be wrong, so scratch that part if need be.
Now the ending: After they were all safe, the "killer" appeared at the window of the classroom, but it was really just one of the kids fooling around with the real killer's mask.
Anyone know? I've been wondering for years.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
That sounds a lot like Fortress.
We are DEVO
Posted by DaBargainHunta (Member # 4656) on :
quote:Originally posted by Devolution: Devolution here,
That sounds a lot like Fortress.
We are DEVO
Devo, WOW, from what I'm reading about the movie now, it sounds like you are right! I wish I could order a copy of this to verify it, but it's out of print everywhere. Even if it isn't the same movie, it sounds darn cool. Thanks a million!!!
Posted by AnyaKay27 (Member # 4675) on :
Originally posted by lowrider: maybe you can help me. this is a movie from the 70's i think. all i can remember is that these 2 kids nanny has super powers and squirts milk and orange juice from her fingers???????
I am new here, but I know this one!!! This movie is titled "The Electric Grandmother" and it is now available on DVD.
Posted by AnyaKay27 (Member # 4675) on :
I was pretty young through the 80's, but I distinctly remember a movie somewhat similar to short circuit or flight of the navigator that had a bunch of smaller robot-type things in it...I don't really remember alot about it, but it seems there is a younger boy in it as well...I have been stumped on this one for a while...it may not even be an 80's movie...but any help would be appreciated...I do remember that the smallest robot would sort of remind one of a crab....round, flat body...Help!! Thanks!!
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
i think you maybe talking about this film, made by Steven Spielberg and of course hit has a very typical spielberg feel to it...
A group of tenants in an apartment block are being forced to move out so that it can be demolished. The tenants are reluctant to move, so the developers hire a local gang to 'persuade' them to leave. Fortunately, visiting alien mechanical life-forms come to town. When they befriend the tenants, the aliens use their extraterrestrial abilities to defeat the developers
Posted by AnyaKay27 (Member # 4675) on :
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! My hubby thought I was going crazy. LOL!
Posted by Taximan (Member # 4678) on :
Alright, I'm not sure if this movie was from the 80s or early 90s, and I have never seen anyone inquire about it here before. My memories of this movie are very vague. What I do recall was a group of people who all had special powers. There was a guy, a musician who had the ability to harness electricity and shoot it out of his hands. In one scene, He takes on enemies, allthewhile dancing to some rock song while blasting everyone. Also, For some reason, I recall there being some sort of Yeti in the movie... and maybe a woman was could shrink. But the Musician was in it for sure. Any help would be appreciated. I've been wondering about this movie for years. Thanks.
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
It’s a popular movie on this site and has been the subject of some post, I only managed to see it once on VHS. Never seen it on the TV in the Uk.
There is so good information on the link.
Posted by tmichalow (Member # 4699) on :
I am trying to find a movie for my wife, which she says is from the 80's. All she can tell me is it is about a little girl, who goes back in time to the great depression, and tries to stop it with knowledge she has about what causes it. This is all she can remember about it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Posted by madmax (Member # 4733) on :
Hi, first of all sorry for my not very good English. The movie I’m looking for turns around a girl who had an imaginary friend in her childhood. This friend is similar to the mask (from what I can remember) but without a green face: he also can do “crazy” faces, etc... I know she could make him appear by saying his name three times (not beetle juice). I’m not sure but I think that at the “present” the girl refuses to grow up so her imaginary friend appears again. At another time she is angry with her friend and wishes he could just disappear and then he is hit by a firetruck, leaving only his shoes (that look like the ones of a clown I think) but doesn’t die (he’s imaginary). There is another scene where they (the girl and the crazy friend) are at a party and he peeks under a woman’s skirt, his eyes pop out (like a cartoon) and says “haaaa no panties!” (or something like that). At the end is quite a sad part because the girl has grown up and is leaving his friend, the scene has a surrealist ambient with stairs and smoke…
Thanks for any help you can give Posted by Mrs Larusso (Member # 4417) on :
Not 100% sure here..because its a long time since i've seen it...but I think the film you refer to is 'Drop Dead Fred' - and if it is, then its 90's, not 80's
Posted by Mrs Larusso (Member # 4417) on :
(by the way - your English is just fine!)
Posted by madmax (Member # 4733) on :
yes! that´s the movie I was looking for! thanks a lot!
Posted by BladeMaster (Member # 4788) on :
My brother and I are desperately searching for a SF-movie title:
This is the scene we both remember:
Two members of the group are speaking to each other via the intranet. One gets startled by the cat and says so. The other one answers something like “how can that be, the cat is here with me”, which means that one of the cat appearances actually isn’t the cat but the monster. (It’s about a monster that can change form).
We don’t remember much else about the movie, that is we believe to remember only some other “facts”:
• The whole movie plays in some kind of subterranean laboratory on EARTH. • It’s a movie produced between app. 1970 – 1990 (most likely in the 80s). • There are NO soldiers within this underground facility, it’s neither a military experiment nor a military complex. • Only a small group of people is working in this place. My brother thinks they were scientists, doing research on some kind of parallel worlds or time shifting. As to me, they could also have been maintenance workers. I remember those wearing blue overalls. • I remember a brown-long-haired woman to survive and reach the surface again where she is expected by other people. • It’s a science-fiction and/or horror movie, most likely both. • As mentioned above we both remember a transforming monster, being able to adopt other forms, like e.g. the cat.
We know that this movie is NOT “The Thing”, “X-tro” or “Alien”.
We would really appreciate your help!!!
Posted by canigetanidplz (Member # 2013) on :
ok...this is a cool post and I like how it is all together for people to look up...but it needs to be monitored and consolidated every once in a while, because some questions get over looked and it gets all jumbled up...just a suggestion...
I had post a question a while back about a movie I cant remember...it is about a group of kids training for the olympics...the main character is in love with one of the girls and has problems with his father...any help would be appreciated...
Posted by looneybird (Member # 4840) on :
Not sure if im in the right place plz forgive me if im not, im not even sure the film was made in the 80's i just remember it was around 83/84 i saw it.The nature of the film is quite sad and again forgive me there is a reason y i am looking for this film.What i remember is it's about a young girl possibly a teenager who was abused by her farther, her mother didn't believe her and from what i remember its the story of her fight to be believed, eventually her mother believes her.One scene i remember is the mum,daughter and sister are sitting at a table and the younger sister is saying 'she's lying she's lying'.Right at the end of the film you see the child as a baby in her dads arms in the nursery and he's singing the lullaby ' HUSH LITTLE BABY'. I really hope you can help
many thanx looneybird Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darin: Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of this movie I saw years ago. It was one of those high school movies... I could only remember a few frames: a composition, a trip to washington as a prize, a trekie chasing the students, a party at the principal's home... That's all that I can remember. Somebody told me that is "Summer School", but I'm not sure. Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
You're talking about the very funny National Lampoon's Senior Trip!
Posted by jaiskizzy (Member # 4813) on :
need help! ive been tryin to find out the title of this movie which is sort of like zapped. only thing i can remember is the guy shrinks and ends up inside a girl's underwear. the girl rides a bike and the guy tumbles around in the giant underwear and amidst giant pubic hair. then later the girl takes a bath i think and then the guy grows back to normal size and leaves a wrench in the girl's underwear and it grows back to size as well while the girl is wearing the underwear. apologies if it sounds confusing. hope someone out there knows. thanks!
Posted by catfish (Member # 4870) on :
Great site and forums, was able to find most of the movies I don't recall their names but one I can't find here or online.
Q: Movie featured a robot dog (but looked like a normal dog). The few things I remember: At one point the dog was guarding/chasing some crooks at a store. Dog responded to special codes to go into different modes or commands? One common word caused him to jump someone knocking him over. The dog had a problem where he would go crazy when someone blew a dog whistle. At the end I think there was several of these dogs or perhaps robot puppies with the same issue and that is when the inventor figured out the problem.
Posted by catfish (Member # 4870) on :
quote:Originally posted by catfish: Q: Movie featured a robot dog (but looked like a normal dog). The few things I remember: At one point the dog was guarding/chasing some crooks at a store. Dog responded to special codes to go into different modes or commands? One common word caused him to jump someone knocking him over. The dog had a problem where he would go crazy when someone blew a dog whistle. At the end I think there was several of these dogs or perhaps robot puppies with the same issue and that is when the inventor figured out the problem.
I finally found out it's C.H.O.M.P.S. which come out in 1979 (close!). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078924/ Posted by Rena12345 (Member # 4889) on :
I'm desperately trying to find two movies that I *believe* are from the 80's, as I have vague recollections of seeing them on TV in the mid 80's when I was a young child. All I remember are snippets, so any help would be great!:
First movie: I think it's a horror/psychological thriller type movie. All I can remember is a woman living in a large house. There are many shots of a swimming pool in her backyard with lots of leaves in it. She has a statue of a dwarf (I think it's one of the Seven Dwarves) at the bottom of her stairs. She one day looks at the statue and finds that it's wet (it presumably went in the swimming pool???). That's all I can remember.
Second movie: I have no idea what the actor's name is. He would have probably been in his 40s or 50s, he's got a round face, he's bald, and har piercing blue or green eyes. He may even be British. He has starred in other movies, and is quite an intense character. He plays (I think) a college professor and all I can remember is him giving a lecture to his class and talking about bees, and either showing his class a film clip of bees or projecting images of bees on an overhead projector.
These two films have racked my brain for so long, any help would be great!
Posted by snaggy (Member # 4911) on :
Ok, I have been checking this site out for awhile, but I joined the forum, because I watched this movie a bunch of times when i was a child, but cannot for the life of me find it anywhere on the internet...1st off I wanna say it is NOT "Just One of the Guys"
I have checked every page & I think one other person might have been talking about it, but there was no response, so i'll give it a try.
Ok, it is about a girl who wants to be a boy, & in order to become a male she does some sort of ritual on the roof of her house (or outside atleast) during an eclipse, and when she wakes up in the morning she is a boy, & that is about all I remember...other than the girl had dark hair...(and she may have had a sister--but that is sketchy in my memory)
Posted by snaggy (Member # 4911) on :
I have another one...but it may be from the late 70's, it is about a female figure skater, and a boy whose family owns a rolling skating rink, anyways they become partners & hate each other, he drops her & she is in the hospital. They fall in love during the recovery. He has to get on a plane & before he leaves she shows him that she got her braces off. And he ends up dying in a plane crash & she ends up going to the olympics solo. Both of the leads are blondes I think.
[ 03. August 2006, 16:20: Message edited by: snaggy ]
Posted by karkar (Member # 4913) on :
What is the name of the movie that has orphan girls singing yakety yak and cleaning the kitchen. This is the only part of the movie that I can remember. I know it's not Annie.
[ 04. August 2006, 19:09: Message edited by: karkar ]
Posted by Blondie Rules (Member # 4861) on :
What is the film I think it was a horror movie where someone got trapped in a house in a grate/fire place which had bars stopping them getting out of the fireplace. I know it's vague worth a try though.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
That last one might be "The People under the Stairs" I could be wrong though.
Posted by weng007 (Member # 4946) on :
Can somebody please tell me the title of a sci-fi movie? Here's what I remember: Bad guys in white space suits & helmets with flamethrowers fighting against human resistance. There may be horses or motorcycles but can't remember who's riding what. Thanks for your help.
Posted by hotmwelder (Member # 4967) on :
I'm looking for the tittle of a movie from the 80's about a lake or pond that looks like it was a junkyard dump sight with this thing in the water that bubbles up.This boy has a fish tank that has crane in it that rises to the top of the water.Tords the end he gets trapted in the real crane,the crane finaly comes out of the water with the boy inside ,every one can see what was causing the bubbles.Any body have a clue as to what this movie is?
Posted by Crazy480's (Member # 4973) on :
This forum is AWESOME. I have an obsession with eighties movies and music so I'm siked! I was actually looking for a movie title and was going to post, but I found it -Anyone see "My Best Friend Is A Vampire?" I'm bummed out because there is nowhere for me to purchase it . But that's OK because I ordered my second runner up on Netflix ("Once Bitten"). By the way, I'm Amy Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
hotmwelder, it's an Australian film staring Henry Thomas of ET fame, called "Frog Dreaming" (original Australian title) aka "The Go-Kids" (UK title) aka "The Quest" (US title)
Posted by Oreb (Member # 5007) on :
First off, i'd like to say hi to everyone here that shares my obsession with the eighties. I was still in kindergarten then, but I remember the second half of the decade as a wonderful period. Anyway, I have two questions:
1) I'm looking for the title of a summer commedy, the plot was about a girl band, kinda like The Bangles, a lot of the scenes tale part at the beach... I've seen it on TV in Croatia (on Sky and Filmet back in the day on cable) a couple of times, but I was like 5 then, so I don't remember much of it, just that the girls were super-cute
2) ...and I'd like to know the brand and the model name of those Blues Brothers sunglasses, they were popular at the time, Corey Feldman wore those in Burbs, Redman even weras them today. but I don't know who manufactures them.
So please help me out, thanks!
Posted by P.S It's Paul... (Member # 1022) on :
2) During the Blues Brothers Movie, Jake wore Ray-Ban 5022C15 Sunglasses (a.k.a. Wayfarer I), with brown frames and black lenses. Genuine '5022' Ray-ban sunglasses have the '5022' written on the frames.
Posted by Oreb (Member # 5007) on :
heh, thanks a lot!
Posted by Crazy480's (Member # 4973) on :
Oreb, sounds like the movie you are talking about is Satisfaction. I love this movie! Could be wrong, but it's about a girl band and most of the scenes are on the beach. The main character falls in love with Liam Neison (sp?). Julia Roberts is also in it...Hope that helps.
Posted by Oreb (Member # 5007) on :
yeah, that's it, that's the movie! thanks a lot! I saw it under the name 'girls of summer' I think, check it out on imdb.com, it's not comprehensive, but it helped me remember
Posted by zivija (Member # 5018) on :
I don't remember movie exactly, and I don't know is it belongs to the 80's or 90's. I was kid when I watch this, so I don't remember exactly. Anyway, there is some king of SCI-FI movie, where kids have remote control (I don know is it remote control exactly), and can see on TV that they parents are on cartoon, and, with this remote control they traveling trough time. I remember, that some negative guy, worked as DJ somewhere.. Anyway, the story is about click on the remote control, and travel through time, or places...
Posted by JCWBobC (Member # 2525) on :
It's called Stay Tuned with John Ritter & Pam Dawber.
Posted by zivija (Member # 5018) on :
Yes! Excellent!
Thanx a lot!
Posted by blacksunday (Member # 5050) on :
anyone know the name of the movie im looking for. Its about a mother named April, she has 2 kids named may and june.....they are taken away. later in life the meet up but one or both end up in prison? One sister is a good girl and the other is a biker.
Posted by acromero (Member # 5102) on :
quote:Originally posted by loneill819: i am looking for a movie that i saw only on hbo atleast 15 yars ago. it was about a girl (maybe helen hunt) who moved to a new town with her family and played football. one guy on the team likes her and calls her Canada. in the end her team buys her a dress for a dance and the guy who likes her takes her. i think she wins homecoming queen or something too. can anyone help? nick seems to know all!
Posted by acromero (Member # 5102) on :
Quarterback Princess is the movie with Helen Hunt who plays football
Posted by hackman1 (Member # 5104) on :
Hi, Im trying to think of this 80s comedy, in one part the lead character is caught having sex in a shop window and there are loads of people on the street looking in, the only other part i remember is a character who is a bum lives in a big carboard and spits a load of toothpaste(or something) out each morning-i know this description is vague. All i know is that its defo not either "mannequin" or "down&out in b hills" though.
Posted by Kenny (Member # 5114) on :
I come to the site periodically, but i've never been in the forums before. This is some really good stuff here!
My question (which I hope it will be answered) has been bugging me off and on since I last saw it around my Kindergarden years:
Anyone know a movie that was about this girl in a yellow dress (I think red/orange hair) who'd go outside and have adventures? I remember it was animation most of the time and in the end she's turn "real" again after the adventure was over. She was accompanied by a Koala bear with glasses, I remember once scene where he did something and she had to put eye drops on him.
I've found most of my childhood movies on my own but this one is pretty much unatainable without some help. Last I heard there were more movies like it, but I don't remember any of them. I have a feeling its a UK or Canadian production as well, if that helps.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Chris the CandyFanMan (Member # 3197) on :
There were several of these films, actually, and they were frequently shown on the Disney Channel throughout the 80s. The girl's name was Dot, and she had various animal friends from film to film--Australian animals, so it makes sense to presume the films were made there. As I recall, only one actually had her in live action bookends; in the others she was completely animated (although one that featured her going underwater, presumably off the Great Barrier Reef, to help the whales featured live action whale footage during the end credits). As for their exact titles, I don't remember at the moment.
Posted by Kenny (Member # 5114) on :
Ah, I had no idea there were more australian animals in there. I just remember the Koala, guess I should've known then.
Using the information you gave me, I found out the movie was called (I feel like slapping myself) "Dot and the Koala" (1985).
Thanks. Posted by 80s kid (Member # 5171) on :
This was a B Grade 80's movie, where it was about a little boy who was adopted by a rich family. I remember he had an older adopted brother who was a monk and sat in his room praying with his swords. The kid meets this teen brat who kinda takes him under his wing and teaches him how to do the wrong stuff. They then organise to rob his adopted parents home and tie up the whole family. There are scenes in the movie where the little boy swallows a spoon and is then held upside down so it will come out. Anothere scene is where the older teen swallows a fly in class and the teacher puts him in detention. And another scene where when the family is tied up, he rips off the top of the adopted sister. Anyway, i hope all this helps as im dying to remember the name of this movie....thanks [/LIST] [/LIST]
Posted by SocalDude (Member # 5178) on :
Q. I have two movies that I have been searching for. First is a movie about a girl BMX'er along the lines of BMX Bandits. I believe it's from New Zealand but could be wrong. All the guy BMX'ers pick on her until she beats their leader in a race. The second would be about a Victorian era little girl that dies in a house and becomes a ghost that sings the Fair-uh-jaques-uh song. I think there's also something about a well. Thanks for any help with these flics.
Posted by jedi-nite (Member # 5182) on :
I'm looking for a movie which may have been made for television. It's about a girl who uses a spell to turn into a boy. The next morning she wakes up and it worked. Her best friend becomes weirded out, but they eventually fall for each other (i think). Any ideas?
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
jedi-nite, I believe you're talking about the film called "Willy/Milly" aka "Something Special". Somewhat rare, no DVD release but I did manage to get the laserdisc of it though.
Posted by dj rockin steve (Member # 5214) on :
What's the name of this movie? 4 college students on break accidently end up in russia territory, witness a murder in a barn then discover they cannot get back into switzerland(?). The 2 girls are made to prostitute themselves and the 2 guys end up on a human chess board. This was a true story. Thanks Steve
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
Sounds like Born American, but I don't think that's it, it sounds more like a story from Kurt Vonnegut that might have been made into a movie.
We are DEVO
Posted by dj rockin steve (Member # 5214) on :
Devolution...you are right. The movie was "Born American". Thank you very much. DJ Rockin Steve
Posted by atrimis (Member # 5367) on :
Here's one that's not on the list, that I don't know if anyone will be able to help answer...
It's one of those Comedy/Murder mystery movies, NOT CLUE, MIND YOU, that has like teams of two trying to figure out who killed a person. I believe the team that managed to figure out who the killer was would win cash, posibly. What I remember for a fact is that at the end 1 team would run up, and say that the host-like-guy was someone else, and another team would say he's really a different person... it continued untill the last person, where the accusee removed a mask and was really the person that died, basically canceling out the whole moving. As everyone leaves, one team, An older Asian guy, and his grandson, i believe get in a car, and the old guy blames the grandson for loseing it for them.
Posted by Chris the CandyFanMan (Member # 3197) on :
It's Murder By Death, a parody of noir detective films.
Posted by atrimis (Member # 5367) on :
Thank you, very much. I've wondered what on earth that movie was called for years!
Posted by marlowsoonerfan (Member # 5379) on :
Okay here is a movie that I can't remember the name of. It was about some bad guys with clown masks on that kidnap kids from a school out in the country and put them in some sort of cave underground and cover the hole up??? It seems like the people in this movie may of had brittish accents. Please reply. Driving me crazy!!!!!
Posted by marlowsoonerfan (Member # 5379) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kiki: I'm looking for this movie that use to air on the Disney channel (I think) at night. I think it is an 80's movie (it looked like it) anyway...
It was a story about a high school girl (and if i remember correctly I think she was a babysitter too) who wants to be popular so she visits this lady (possibly a fortune teller or something? She looked old and dressed like one) and that lady helped her wish come true and she became popular. Then another part in the movie she showed the old lady a picture of a pretty woman that she wanted to look just like and it happened.
She ends up with a popular guy and goes and makes out with him in some abandoned house. Thats all I can remember.
Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?
ye it is Teen Witch
Posted by marlowsoonerfan (Member # 5379) on :
quote:Originally posted by DaBargainHunta: Okay, I only THINK this movie was '80s. It might've been '70s. Definitely no earlier or later than that though. I don't remember much about it, so bear with me.
I think the ending is what will tip someone off to exactly what this movie is. It's been driving me NUTS for YEARS, so PLEASE HELP!
It was about a group of kids in a classroom. Somehow they ventured outside (I think) and ran into a killer. The killer wore some kind of Halloween mask. I think they entered a cave at some point, but I could be wrong, so scratch that part if need be.
Now the ending: After they were all safe, the "killer" appeared at the window of the classroom, but it was really just one of the kids fooling around with the real killer's mask.
Anyone know? I've been wondering for years.
This sounds a lot like the movie I was looking for. I think the killer had a clown mask, but i thought their wa several killers.
Posted by mponc003 (Member # 5391) on :
i'm looking for a movie title. In the movie there was a college kid who was driving i believe it was the Pennsylvania turnpike. He had a calculus book next to him. he was pulled over for speeding, and the cop proved it to him by using the mean value theorem.
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
mponc003, could it be "How I Got Into College"?
Posted by jenni5672 (Member # 5534) on :
Ok, not srue it is an 80's but think so. It was about a girl who was taking guitar lessons on the sly with this guy and fell for him. He was a little older and had a band. She had to get on a bus to get to the lessons. It was a tv movie. thanks. been driving me nuts for years.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
It's a 70's film. I think someone answered this in another thread, it's called 'Sooner Or Later':
Hey, everybody! I need help trying to find the name of these three particular movies...
First, an 80's movie that had 4 teenages that had mutant powers (similar to Misfits of Science, but made into a movie). In the final scene, the girl had to use telekinesis to bring down a helicopter.
Second, a love story about a man who froze himself and thawed out 40 years later and still is in love with the same woman. I originally thought the movie title was "Frozen In Time," but I was wrong.
And lastly, there was a short cartoon special that played on Halloween night that starred several arcade heroes. One of them looked like "Silver Surfer" but his weapon arm was like a pinball. At the end, the evil Space Invaders surrounded the arcade heroes and won. And in the final scene, all that was left was a boy's smoking shoe. I originally thought this was from a "Heavy Metal" cartoon, but this aired so long ago.
Thanks in advance!
[ 02. February 2007, 20:05: Message edited by: Randyholic ]
Posted by Randyholic (Member # 5595) on :
quote:Originally posted by Randyholic: First, an 80's movie that had 4 teenages that had mutant powers (similar to Misfits of Science, but made into a movie). In the final scene, the girl had to use telekinesis to bring down a helicopter.
Second, a love story about a man who froze himself and thawed out 40 years later and still is in love with the same woman. I originally thought the movie title was "Frozen In Time," but I was wrong.
And lastly, there was a short cartoon special that played on Halloween night that starred several arcade heroes. One of them looked like "Silver Surfer" but his weapon arm was like a pinball. At the end, the evil Space Invaders surrounded the arcade heroes and won. And in the final scene, all that was left was a boy's smoking shoe. I originally thought this was from a "Heavy Metal" cartoon, but this aired so long ago.
Somebody must have at least heard of these movies. Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Well, 'Misfits of Science' actually was a movie before it was a TV show:
Don't recognise the third.
Posted by COOLBREEZE62 (Member # 5609) on :
quote:Originally posted by marlowsoonerfan:
quote:Originally posted by DaBargainHunta:
It was about a group of kids in a classroom. Somehow they ventured outside (I think) and ran into a killer. The killer wore some kind of Halloween mask. I think they entered a cave at some point, but I could be wrong, so scratch that part if need be.
Now the ending: After they were all safe, the "killer" appeared at the window of the classroom, but it was really just one of the kids fooling around with the real killer's mask.
Anyone know? I've been wondering for years.
This sounds a lot like the movie I was looking for. I think the killer had a clown mask, but i thought their wa several killers.
I think the movie with the students(kids) might 1993 TV movie They've Taken Our Children: The Chowchilla Kidnapping that aired on ABC Based on an actual 1976 kidnapping where 26 students are commandeered on their school bus on July 15, 1976, near Chowchilla in the San Joaquin Valley. The three men transferred their hostages to two vans, drove about 100 miles north and put them in a moving van they had buried in a quarry,(Might be the "cave" you're thinking of?) While they were trying to arrange for the ransom, bus driver Ed Ray (played by KArl Malden"Streets of San Francisco")and some of the older boys dug their way out of the truck and summoned help.
FORTRESS 1985 Plot Outline: An Australian school teacher and her students are kidnapped. She and the children fight for their lives and try to escape from their captors. Plot Synopsis: "Fortress" explores a shocking concept which shows how easily a borderline between a victim and an attacker can be crossed. The children and the teacher, calm and peaceful by nature, when driven beyond their limits by the kidnappers, eventually respond with a cruelty and fury extending that of their oppressors.
Posted by Meesh 26 (Member # 5648) on :
Okay, I don't remember much of this movie, it was a horror and was about a group who gets lost on a road trip and find themselves in a seems-to-be abandoned town and the name of it was something like Goblin or Goblins backwards. Anyway they start getting picked off one by one by hideous goblins. Know it?
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
Meesh 26, could you be thinking of that ultimate classic beyond-bad movie, "Troll 2" (1990)?
Posted by Meesh 26 (Member # 5648) on :
I'm almost positive it wasn't Troll 2, I specifically remember it involving Goblins not Trolls. But thanks anyway.
Posted by meghanj (Member # 5655) on :
There is this movie or afterschool special I saw when I was little that was a gender bender but I do not think it was just one of the guys. Maybe I am mixing up movies..but the movie I saw was about a girl named millie who liked to go up on her roof and look at stars in her telescope. She had a best friend who was a blond. She was in high school or late middle school. She could get on her roof from her room. One night she wished to be a boy and when she woke up she had a penis? Then her named changed to Willie.
What am I thinking of? Am I mixing up movies? Thanks Meg
Posted by P.S It's Paul... (Member # 1022) on :
That would be (and you'll kick yourself when you find out...) WILLY/MILLY from 1986.
Posted by MSU1girl (Member # 5689) on :
Hi there...
I'm looking for an early 80's movie. I can't remember much because I was just a kid, but it was about a 13 year old jewish girl who fell in love with an 18 year old boy. I remember she made him believe she was older and that she attended a Catholic school. Her guilt over the lies she told him ate away at her and she would binge on chocolate cake, until finally she told him the truth toward the end of the movie. But I can't remember neither the name of the movie nor how the movie ends! Arghhh!!! Can someone please help me? Please and thanks :-)
Posted by MSU1girl (Member # 5689) on :
quote:Originally posted by Oreb: First off, i'd like to say hi to everyone here that shares my obsession with the eighties. I was still in kindergarten then, but I remember the second half of the decade as a wonderful period. Anyway, I have two questions:
1) I'm looking for the title of a summer commedy, the plot was about a girl band, kinda like The Bangles, a lot of the scenes tale part at the beach... I've seen it on TV in Croatia (on Sky and Filmet back in the day on cable) a couple of times, but I was like 5 then, so I don't remember much of it, just that the girls were super-cute
2) ...and I'd like to know the brand and the model name of those Blues Brothers sunglasses, they were popular at the time, Corey Feldman wore those in Burbs, Redman even weras them today. but I don't know who manufactures them.
So please help me out, thanks!
In answer to your first question, I think the movie is "The Allnighter."
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
MSU1girl, the film you're looking for is 'Sooner Or Later':
YES! That's it!!! Thank you, thank you!!!
Posted by barbarac (Member # 5722) on :
Please Help! im looking for a movie i saw back in the 80s about a blonde long haired girl who is locked up in this hospital by her parents and escapes only to see other rooms with girls that look exactly like her but with differeent abilities like speaking french or playing piano. Please help!I have been looking for this so much!
Posted by Loop (Member # 5725) on :
Hello, You may be able to help, I remember a film called 'Shag' with the actress from Drop dead Fred in it, it was about a type of dancing and no one I know remembers it! Please assure me it was not all in my head.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
No, you are right, Shag does exist, I believe made in 1989, and does in fact start Phoebe Cates. It hasn't been reviewed on this site, but it's called "Shag: The Movie".
We are DEVO
Posted by Loop (Member # 5725) on :
Thank you for that! There was no way i was going to type 'shag' into Google - not a good idea.
Posted by MSU1girl (Member # 5689) on :
quote:Originally posted by barbarac: Please Help! im looking for a movie i saw back in the 80s about a blonde long haired girl who is locked up in this hospital by her parents and escapes only to see other rooms with girls that look exactly like her but with differeent abilities like speaking french or playing piano. Please help!I have been looking for this so much!
I don't remember the name of this movie, but it sort of sounds like one I've been looking for. The one I'm talking about is regarding a girl who keeps seeing herself in newspapers and in tv clips. She's telling her family and friends she has a twin but they don't believe her. But the more she digs, the more she begins to realize that there is more than one girl that resembles her. Somehow she ends up in a hospital. In each room, there is a girl that looks like her with amazing abilities (piano playing, foreign languages, math skills). It's like a secret government lab or something. Then this woman shows up that I seem to recall making appearances throughout the movie. She was the original project years ago. She was the whom all the girls were cloned after. The girl the movie follows realizes the people she thought were her parents were really scientists or something like that.
Sound like anything anyone knows?
Posted by Saint_in_London (Member # 2575) on :
I thik both of you maybe looking for this movie... 0:o)
Posted by sherbear (Member # 5822) on :
Hey can anyone help me im looking for the name of a movie from the 80s or 90s im not sure. its about to girls that keep fighting or something and there families decide that they should try each others lifes for a while. i know that one of the girls is a lot richer then the other and i think the poorer ones family might live over or own a butchers shop. any help you can give me will be much appreciated. thanks
Posted by BeotchAJ (Member # 5828) on :
OK, No one I know can remember the name of the movie this scene is from...It's from the early 80's. It's either a slasher flick or a T & A comedy. There are some cheerleaders exercising b/4 practice. They have there arms up in a T position, and thrust their elbows back then staighten their arms and thrust them again. As they do, the recite, "We must! We must! We must increase our busts!" Does anyone know what movie this is from?? PLEASE let me know if you do!! Thanks!
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
quote:Originally posted by BeotchAJ: OK, No one I know can remember the name of the movie this scene is from...It's from the early 80's. It's either a slasher flick or a T & A comedy. There are some cheerleaders exercising b/4 practice. They have there arms up in a T position, and thrust their elbows back then staighten their arms and thrust them again. As they do, the recite, "We must! We must! We must increase our busts!" Does anyone know what movie this is from?? PLEASE let me know if you do!! Thanks!
Hey, when I googled the quote I got a novel called Forever written by Judy Blume. And found a film based on the book from 1978 on the imdb. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077574/
Hope it's what you're looking for Posted by 4eyez (Member # 5833) on :
WHATS THIS MOVIE? Fast Lamborghinis...Doberman's that eat peanut butter after one guy breaks in the car place, Arcade game similar to "Hard Drivin" where you could mow people down, and the quote, "Torpedo Burrito, you gonna die man!!!" and the final scene is the guy carrying his bride into an hourly hotel at night.....Its from the 80s!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by P.S It's Paul... (Member # 1022) on :
quote:Originally posted by 4eyez: WHATS THIS MOVIE? Fast Lamborghinis...Doberman's that eat peanut butter after one guy breaks in the car place, Arcade game similar to "Hard Drivin" where you could mow people down, and the quote, "Torpedo Burrito, you gonna die man!!!" and the final scene is the guy carrying his bride into an hourly hotel at night.....Its from the 80s!!!!!!!!!!
It Takes Two (1988)
IBDB Page HERE Posted by 4eyez (Member # 5833) on :
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by 4eyez: WHATS THIS MOVIE? Fast Lamborghinis...Doberman's that eat peanut butter after one guy breaks in the car place, Arcade game similar to "Hard Drivin" where you could mow people down, and the quote, "Torpedo Burrito, you gonna die man!!!" and the final scene is the guy carrying his bride into an hourly hotel at night.....Its from the 80s!!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It Takes Two (1988)
-GREAT THANKS ALOT!!! Been trying to figure that out for the last....8 years or so this place is great, I have another one I will post about later.
Posted by kppa (Member # 5879) on :
Him, i've been wondering about the name of a movie. It's about a girl, a young teenager that is a big fan of a star, I think he's a singer. One day she puts on makeup (looking older than she really is) and goes to his concert (or something of the kind), he sees her in the crowd and falls for her, but he thinks she's someone around his age (probably around 18-20's), and when he finds out that she's way younger than him (maybe around 13-15), he doesn't want to be with her anymore ..but I think in the end they stay together. I would really like to know the title of this movie! If someone could please help me..
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
hello im looking for the name of a movie that i saw long time ago, the history start when 3 american guys were drinking in the border of russia and they get caught by the police, the put them in jail, 2 of them escape and the other goes to a big jail, the other 2 guys were helped by a russian girl to rescue the other guy, then they were caught again but one of the guys gets killed, so th other guy and the girl were send to prision and in the prision the other dude that were caught before is the king of the jail (fighting and its also losing his mind)at the end only one guy escape...the movie its from 80's
Posted by abbysmommy (Member # 5911) on :
I have been hoping to find someone that could help me with the name of a movie...I swear I saw it when I was a kid but my parents think I am nuts...about a single father who has at least 4-5 daughters..the girls were kind of wild and i think there was a red corvette or convertable driven in the movie....they lived in a huge house...someone please help
Posted by jennypink (Member # 5922) on :
Hi! I am looking for a movies about a guy whon in the beging of the movie knew or had a gas station but turned into a buger place and had a secret sauce it made people crazy for it. Some one help me please?? E-mail me at jchabreck@yahoo.com!! Please anyone
Posted by jennypink (Member # 5922) on :
Hi i am lokking for a movie about a guy who in the begging of the movie knew someone or owned a gas staion but turned into a burger place and they had a secret sauce and people loved it. Does anyone know what it is??? Please e-mail me at jchabreck@yahoo.com
Posted by rainbow2010 (Member # 5965) on :
There was a movie about a family when the climate had warmed significantly and they tried to go north to survive. We think it had Is it Hot Enough For you or something like that in the title. Any ideas?
Posted by KISSMAD (Member # 4412) on :
I watched it in the early 80's. These strangers go into a haunted house together. They have to stay there for some reason. One of the females has sex/raped by a ghost. That's all I remember about the movie.
Posted by Richie (Member # 3527) on :
I think that the movie that you are thinking of KISSMAD might be 'Ghost Story'. It has been awhile since I have seen it, but I believe that is the one.
Posted by Richie (Member # 3527) on :
quote:Originally posted by MSU1girl:
quote:Originally posted by Oreb: First off, i'd like to say hi to everyone here that shares my obsession with the eighties. I was still in kindergarten then, but I remember the second half of the decade as a wonderful period. Anyway, I have two questions:
1) I'm looking for the title of a summer commedy, the plot was about a girl band, kinda like The Bangles, a lot of the scenes tale part at the beach... I've seen it on TV in Croatia (on Sky and Filmet back in the day on cable) a couple of times, but I was like 5 then, so I don't remember much of it, just that the girls were super-cute
2) ...and I'd like to know the brand and the model name of those Blues Brothers sunglasses, they were popular at the time, Corey Feldman wore those in Burbs, Redman even weras them today. but I don't know who manufactures them.
So please help me out, thanks!
In answer to your first question, I think the movie is "The Allnighter."
The sunglasses are Ray-Ban Wayferers.
Posted by KISSMAD (Member # 4412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Richie: I think that the movie that you are thinking of KISSMAD might be 'Ghost Story'. It has been awhile since I have seen it, but I believe that is the one.
That's not the movie. I think they enter the house to win some money.
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
Sounds like The legend of Hell House Kissmad.
Posted by KISSMAD (Member # 4412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Helen_S: Sounds like The legend of Hell House Kissmad.
That might be it. Thanks.
Posted by sunshine3548 (Member # 6013) on :
Hi, I am also looking for a movie that seem no one has ever seen besides me. I believe it was an 80's thriller.
There are 2 teen girls that are best friends and I believe they live next door to each other. One of the girls locks her parents in their beedroom when they are asleep and sets the house on fire and the parents die. She goes to live at her friends house and tries to act all innocent and looking for their sympathy to get what she wants. The daughter sees what she is doing and at the end, the girls fight and the mean girl ends up falling on a water sprinkler, splitting her head open and dies. That's all I can remember. It was a long time ago. Please tell me that someone knows what this is. Thanks.
Posted by nita (Member # 6048) on :
i am lookin 4 a movie, has a girl named piper in it. she loves a boy from a rival school that her brother hates. the movie has a battle of the bands contest in it and is very funny. please help me.
Posted by Groo_057 (Member # 6085) on :
Trying to find the title of a movie i saw in the 80s? the movie had some teens who discover a scent that drove women crazy...it was a comedy movie they played late at night on showtime no nudity but the girls got all horney and what not.:-) if you know the title that would be great
Posted by BV (Member # 6129) on :
So i am new to this and just need help! This is more of a question than a reply. I was thinking of a great 80's movie but I cant remember the name. Basically its about a boy who lives by an old pond with a windmill next to it, the water is dirty and there is a rumor of a monster that lives in it.....so in the end you find that this monster is just an old sunken peice of equipment that once in a while raises out of the water, covered on mud and vegetation.
Posted by The Wizard (Member # 533) on :
BV, that's an old classic that people ask about a few times a year usually, it's called "Frog Dreaming" (original Australian name), "The Go-Kids" (UK name) and "The Quest" (US name) It stars Henry Thomas of ET fame.
Posted by casfan (Member # 6215) on :
It's about a boy whose father dies I think by a car accident or heart problems. The boy gets his father watch I think from a fishing trip. He walking one day and bullies beat him up and steal his watch. I think he goes to a pond shop to find it. I also think there is another boy who helps him along the way and I also think they steal a car.
Posted by bob zombie (Member # 6240) on :
help, i think this films from the 80's, Theres a guy in a white mask ( no not micheal or jason ) the only thing that really sticks is a scene where he's stabbing body bags trying to find a woman whos hiding in 1, it's bugging the hell outta me
Posted by tjay79 (Member # 6259) on :
hi, can anyone help me with this title? The movie begins with him when he's a young boy kissing a girl and a relative comes in and sees him and curses him and then from there on whenever he gets excited he becomes a monster with wings but at the end he breaks the curse. please help me, thanks
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Thamks logan5, that wasa exactly it. Only thing is that it's hard to find, I ve been looking for it all over internet, but nothing!!
Posted by P.S. It's Paul.... (Member # 1022) on :
tjay79, there are three PAL VHS copies on eBay UK right now, if that helps.
Hi.. I have been trying for years to find this movie,but no luck.. i can't remember much about it,but i do remember i liked it! I think it was i high school movie! I remember a scene with a girl i a red bikini,in slow motion getting up from the pool,and take's the top of.. i have seen many parody's on this movie,so it drives me crazy that i don't remeber it!! can you help me-please???
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'. There's a page for it on this site.
Posted by fatso (Member # 6290) on :
hi , i'm looking for a movie about a teeneage boy who plays a board or video game with a little doll or semething and the doll character is his hero . the doll comes to life ( he's the only one who see's him , it's like his imaginary friend ) his imaginary friend is dress as a military colonel or he's like a secret agent , all i remember is that he as a beret on his head , and is imaginary friend helps him with some tricks and tactics to win the game . he's a lonely boy and his parents are always away ( something like that ) he becomes a withness of a crime scene when he goes to see a friend who own's a videogame store , there's some criminals that comes in and he hide's in the closet , his friend somehow received a videogame that actually contains some evil plans and the criminal wants it , for some reason the boy has the game and his friend gives a replica of the game to the criminals and he gets shot , so the boy tries to escape and give the videogame to the police ( all that with is imaginary friend next to him and helping him with ways to find a escape ) all i remember is that the boy gets fallowed and tries to get killed by the criminal trough the rest of the film . and i remember something to ......... his imaginary friend somehow dies at the end by a gun shot ( i really don't remember how that happen's ) and finally the criminals get's arrested and the boy realized that he does'nt need his imaginary friend to live his life normally .
anyway i hope anyone out here can help me
p.s. : i noticed that nobody ever mentionned the movie ' the toughest man in the world ' with mr.T on this site , this is a classic film ( for me ) when i was young . here's a link to see some images and plot of the film for those who remember's http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/set/9540/mrscreen.html
thanx in advance
Posted by Blowndakrt (Member # 6291) on :
quote:Originally posted by fatso: hi , i'm looking for a movie about a teeneage boy who plays a board or video game with a little doll or semething and the doll character is his hero . the doll comes to life ( he's the only one who see's him , it's like his imaginary friend ) his imaginary friend is dress as a military colonel or he's like a secret agent , all i remember is that he as a beret on his head , and is imaginary friend helps him with some tricks and tactics to win the game . he's a lonely boy and his parents are always away ( something like that ) he becomes a withness of a crime scene when he goes to see a friend who own's a videogame store , there's some criminals that comes in and he hide's in the closet , his friend somehow received a videogame that actually contains some evil plans and the criminal wants it , for some reason the boy has the game and his friend gives a replica of the game to the criminals and he gets shot , so the boy tries to escape and give the videogame to the police ( all that with is imaginary friend next to him and helping him with ways to find a escape ) all i remember is that the boy gets fallowed and tries to get killed by the criminal trough the rest of the film . and i remember something to ......... his imaginary friend somehow dies at the end by a gun shot ( i really don't remember how that happen's ) and finally the criminals get's arrested and the boy realized that he does'nt need his imaginary friend to live his life normally .
anyway i hope anyone out here can help me
p.s. : i noticed that nobody ever mentionned the movie ' the toughest man in the world ' with mr.T on this site , this is a classic film ( for me ) when i was young . here's a link to see some images and plot of the film for those who remember's http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/set/9540/mrscreen.html
thanx in advance
Sounds like the movie "Cloak and Dagger".
Posted by fatso (Member # 6290) on :
thanx that's it , i looked it on youtube and the whole movie is there !!!!! there's some dvd too !!! i'm gonna order my copy right away !!!
Posted by Roger Andre Lassen (Member # 6401) on :
Hey guys! This is my first post here :-)
Looking for a title of a movie ( no **** :-) )
What i can remember: - This foreigner, dunno from where has gotten som american friends.. he is problably an exchange student. - in one scene, they are in a car, they light their farts.. hehe.. when its time for the foreginer to fart the whole car shakes.. - another scene is: he is invited to a dinner at one of his friends house, it doesnt turn out great..
I know, not much to go on... any1 got a clue ?
Posted by BoriGurlaHP (Member # 6504) on :
ok i have 2 movies i would like to find the names of
1. there was one about a girl and her boyfriend and in the beginning of the movie they show im at the store with her and i think he gets shot and shes there holding him and he comes back to life or something in the movie and i think the theme song to it was "my boyfriends back and theres going to be trouble hey ya..."
2. this one is really hard because i hardly remember anything. it should be a 80s movie if not early 90s its a dance movie and all i remember is the end where the girl and the guy are supposed to do a dance but some people dont want them to and they are chasing them and the guy the girl is with helps her get out of the window and she takes off her shoes i think and they get out of the window and they are climbing out on the side of the building on the stairs or something
any ideas would be great! thanks!
Posted by vlc123 (Member # 5990) on :
I'm trying to remember a move either from late 80's or early 90's. Plot line is similar to that of the upcoming movie Lust, Caution. This movie I'm trying to remember was about a Chineses business man in China who falls for a really young girl (like mid teens). Their love is forbidden and they start a secret affair. It's set in either WWI or WWII. That's all I can remember. Any ideas?
Posted by jasey (Member # 6556) on :
Does anyone know the name of a really stupid 80s film about two brothers who go to some beer factory? I think that's what it is. They talk like they are from Canada, like "A" all the time. I can't remeber who the guys were, but it was pretty silly. I've been trying to think of it and I can't for the life of me remeber! Thanks
Posted by jessesgirl78 (Member # 6562) on :
quote:Originally posted by BoriGurlaHP: ok i have 2 movies i would like to find the names of
2. this one is really hard because i hardly remember anything. it should be a 80s movie if not early 90s its a dance movie and all i remember is the end where the girl and the guy are supposed to do a dance but some people dont want them to and they are chasing them and the guy the girl is with helps her get out of the window and she takes off her shoes i think and they get out of the window and they are climbing out on the side of the building on the stairs or something
any ideas would be great! thanks!
This one is "Girls just wanna have fun".
Posted by jessesgirl78 (Member # 6562) on :
This one is from the late 70's or the early 80's. Its about a little girl who starts seeing her sister who dead in a car accident. Evenaully you find out that the dead sister is trying to drive the little sister crazy. She blames the little sister for her death. There is a part in the movie were you see what happened. The whole family (mom, dad, the two sisters and the younger brother) in the car and they have an accident. Everyone hurries out of the car. All except the older sister. Apparently the little sister was going to prank on her and tied her shoelaces together. And that why she couldn't get out of the car before it exploded.
Does anyone know what this movie is? BTW, the older (dead) sister is always in braided pigtails.
Posted by jayeh1969 (Member # 4654) on :
quote:Originally posted by jasey: Does anyone know the name of a really stupid 80s film about two brothers who go to some beer factory? I think that's what it is. They talk like they are from Canada, like "A" all the time. I can't remeber who the guys were, but it was pretty silly. I've been trying to think of it and I can't for the life of me remeber! Thanks
'Strange Brew' starring Bob & Doug McKenzie.
Posted by linda86 (Member # 6614) on :
i'm looking for this 80-90's children's movie. It's not the dark crystal but in my memory it's alot alike. One child (i don't remember exactly, maybe it has a sibling) goes away from home to a secret island/country to find..(something) and encounters several monsters and creatures. It's not animated, there are actually actors but also puppets.
Posted by BoriGurlaHP (Member # 6504) on :
quote:Originally posted by jessesgirl78:
quote:Originally posted by BoriGurlaHP: ok i have 2 movies i would like to find the names of
2. this one is really hard because i hardly remember anything. it should be a 80s movie if not early 90s its a dance movie and all i remember is the end where the girl and the guy are supposed to do a dance but some people dont want them to and they are chasing them and the guy the girl is with helps her get out of the window and she takes off her shoes i think and they get out of the window and they are climbing out on the side of the building on the stairs or something
any ideas would be great! thanks!
This one is "Girls just wanna have fun".
Posted by badbones777 (Member # 6690) on :
Hi everyone, first ever post!
I cant for the life of me remember the name of a film. Its possible it was a 90's film, but I very much doubt it, i think it was mid to late 80's. Basically, its a similar setup to Tales from the crypt/CreepShow/Bodybags, that is to say, a Horror triptych, woven together by a background mini story or narrator, and with large dollops of black humour. I'll be honest and say I dont remember two of the stories, but one has stayed in my mind forever. Its basic the story of a kid who is a bit of an outcast, but only because he is thoroughly obnoxious, and his hobby is pulling the wings off flies, and making macabre dioramas with them, including a church scene, complete with a crucified fly and parishioners! He also gives a girl at school a cookie, the "chips" turning out to be flies..... As I said an obnoxious little swine, who clearly has it coming to him. things now get a little hazy for me, and i dont remember whether its magic, chemicals or what, but some of the flies hes been keeping grow huge, and in revenge for what hes been doing, pull his arms off, and at the end, the last shot of him is with prosthetic arms with little hooks on! Id love to know what this filw was, so if anyone can help, let me know!
Posted by johnnybravo (Member # 6708) on :
I am looking for a movie about a mechanical lake monster, the main character is a young guy I'm not sure if he builds the monster or not, I think his hobby is building little mechanical things to trick people. thats all i remember.
Posted by johnnybravo (Member # 6708) on :
another title I'm looking for is about a teen boy borrows his grandfathers car without asking for a short drive,at first he is very careful with the car but as the movie continues the car gets totaly trashed, very funny as I remeber it.
Posted by DMK High Score (Member # 6668) on :
quote:Originally posted by johnnybravo: I am looking for a movie about a mechanical lake monster, the main character is a young guy I'm not sure if he builds the monster or not, I think his hobby is building little mechanical things to trick people. thats all i remember.
Hi Johnnybravo,
I'm somewhat guessing on this one, check out Frog Dreaming. Personally, I know this movie as 'The Quest'.
Posted by DMK High Score (Member # 6668) on :
quote:Originally posted by linda86: i'm looking for this 80-90's children's movie. It's not the dark crystal but in my memory it's alot alike. One child (i don't remember exactly, maybe it has a sibling) goes away from home to a secret island/country to find..(something) and encounters several monsters and creatures. It's not animated, there are actually actors but also puppets.
My first thought is Labyrinth. , with a very young Jennifer Connelly.
Posted by johnnybravo (Member # 6708) on :
thanks "DMK high score" those look right, thanks again very helpful!
Posted by Ilerya D (Member # 6678) on :
SciFi genre that the local cable station used to air at 12:00am every so many weeks. The last time I remember seeing this was in the early 90's and have wondered at the name of it ever since.
The movie is about the colonization of the moon, and features a woman scientist who has separated from her husband. They have I believe two kids together who live with her on the planet. There is a crisis and the father becomes the saviour of the planet after somewhat reconciling with the mother and they have conceived a child. Weird plot line I know, but still I loved this when I was younger... Classless B movie, but what can you do? the name of the colony was the thing that started with a P, it was something like Plymoth (ie Plymoth Rock...). There was a solar flare or solar storm headed for the colony and the family's son was trapped outside on the surface. He was in danger of radiation poisoning and the dad went to save him. I just remember they had an Alien butler and everyone was so worried about a baby being born there because there was no telling how crippled or hurt they may be due to the gravity/atmosphere.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I think it started with a "P" but I could be wrong. I have been searching IMDB for a while with no success.
Thanks for all your help!
Posted by Ilerya D (Member # 6678) on :
quote:Originally posted by linda86: i'm looking for this 80-90's children's movie. It's not the dark crystal but in my memory it's alot alike. One child (i don't remember exactly, maybe it has a sibling) goes away from home to a secret island/country to find..(something) and encounters several monsters and creatures. It's not animated, there are actually actors but also puppets.
Hi, I just joined this site because I need help with finding a movie My movie has got to be from 1981-1984. It is Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale and there are two sets fo guys who rent the same room, two of the guys are such dorks(like me), while the other two are studs. They all get along and share the room. It's mostly based on the geeks and somehow one of their fathers has his yacht down there and I believe they end up burning it by accident. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Danamal: Hi, I just joined this site because I need help with finding a movie My movie has got to be from 1981-1984. It is Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale and there are two sets fo guys who rent the same room, two of the guys are such dorks(like me), while the other two are studs. They all get along and share the room. It's mostly based on the geeks and somehow one of their fathers has his yacht down there and I believe they end up burning it by accident. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
I am looking for a movie What I remember is this guys dad is out of town and he takes out his dad's sports car and crashes it into a tree When his dad gets back the son gets him drunk and then takes him out to the scene of the accident and puts him behind the wheel of the car to make him think that he was the one that crashed it. Then at the end of the movie I seem to remember the guy and his friends rebuilding the car with a bus engine and entering it in some sort of race. Does anybody have any idea what this movie is? It is driving me crazy.
Posted by vikijensen99 (Member # 6722) on :
quote:Originally posted by BoriGurlaHP: 1. there was one about a girl and her boyfriend and in the beginning of the movie they show im at the store with her and i think he gets shot and shes there holding him and he comes back to life or something in the movie and i think the theme song to it was "my boyfriends back and theres going to be trouble hey ya..."
The movie is "My Boyfriend's Back" The guy comes back as a zombie to take her to the prom.
quote:Originally posted by jessesgirl78: This one is from the late 70's or the early 80's. Its about a little girl who starts seeing her sister who dead in a car accident. Evenaully you find out that the dead sister is trying to drive the little sister crazy. She blames the little sister for her death. There is a part in the movie were you see what happened. The whole family (mom, dad, the two sisters and the younger brother) in the car and they have an accident. Everyone hurries out of the car. All except the older sister. Apparently the little sister was going to prank on her and tied her shoelaces together. And that why she couldn't get out of the car before it exploded.
Does anyone know what this movie is? BTW, the older (dead) sister is always in braided pigtails.
the movie is DON'T GO TO SLEEP. made for tv back in 1982 or so. very spooky, but good movie!!
i have been trying to think of a movie for about a year now and nobody has had any luck helping me. i do believe its an 80s movie. the guy looks kinda like billy from beverly hills cop but i dont believe its him. well anyways what i remember is him and his sister are home alone for the weekend or something and he was the employee of the month for ever at the resteraunt he worked at i dont remember where she worked at i think it was somewhere in the mall and the boy that liked her was the usher at the movie theater in the mall. he went over to her house one night and she tried to put to put the moves on him and he wouldnt go for it. i just saw part of a few months bakc but my cable wasnt working right so i dont know the name and i think thats all i really remember. please help me.
Posted by DMK High Score (Member # 6668) on :
quote:Originally posted by megleesweetpea: i have been trying to think of a movie for about a year now and nobody has had any luck helping me. i do believe its an 80s movie. the guy looks kinda like billy from beverly hills cop but i dont believe its him. well anyways what i remember is him and his sister are home alone for the weekend or something and he was the employee of the month for ever at the resteraunt he worked at i dont remember where she worked at i think it was somewhere in the mall and the boy that liked her was the usher at the movie theater in the mall. he went over to her house one night and she tried to put to put the moves on him and he wouldnt go for it. i just saw part of a few months bakc but my cable wasnt working right so i dont know the name and i think thats all i really remember. please help me.
wow, I was trying to figure out if you were joking about not knowing this movie since it is an 80's classic. Can you say Fast Times at Ridgemont High . And you were correct about that being Judge Reinhold (Billy from BHC) in the movie.
Posted by Nikki184x (Member # 6796) on :
A friend at work has just asked me about this film and I cannot remember the title.
Its about 2 little UFO's who land in an old building thats being knocked down for development. They have 3 babies and they are cared for by an elderly couple and a black man.
The end of the film is that these UFO's rebuild the house for the people in it amongst the new america sky scrapers.
What is it called - thanks x
Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
No one knows the name of this movie! It is about a guy who is a writer I think who becomes a gigilo. He participates in womens fantasys. One is a whipping fantasy, one he is dressed as a cop, one is with food and one is with a politian. He also has a girlfriend. The women all become mad at him because he is putting them in his writing. There is also a dream sequence where he is in a pink tunnel with hands reaching out to him. It is not loverboy. I think this movie played on USA up all night or comedy central. Anyone know?! Thanks!
Posted by AuroraD (Member # 6828) on :
Hi I'm looking for the name of a movie that came out maybe in the late 80s or early 90's. I remember it stared this brunette (can't think of her name) who breaks up with her boyfriend and goes to work for a terminally ill blonde lady (I think she may have cancer but I'm not sure. Anyways her ex finds out and they scheme up a way to try and take her money when she dies. He becomes her gardener/caretaker and is taking advantage of her illness when he falls in love with her. I remember him taking her to the mountains and they make love in the meadow. Also at the end of the movie he creates for her the most beautiful flower garden I have ever seen, he asks her to marry him and makes rings out of flowers for them both. She says yes, lays in his arms and then passes peacefully away. I can't for the life of me remember any of the actors names or the name of the movie. Somebody has to know...Please Help. Posted by crystala (Member # 6832) on :
Help - Movie i'm trying to track down is an 80's movie. Its about a blonde teen girl who has the perfect life and look. The movie starts with her at a mall with her mom and best gal pal (I think) and she's getting her long blonde hair done. A teen boy spots her and declares her his perfect girl, tries to catch her to chat and loses her in the mall. The chase begins. The girl however decides she hates her perfect and boring life and rebels by chopping her hair, punking up her outfit for the day and convincing her still preppy and reluctant best girl pal to go along on an adventure with her which turns out to be sneaking out to an amusement fair (I think). Guy with crush and his best bud (obligatory nerdy sidekick) go to same fair, he spots girl and her best galpal but doesn't even recognize her (isn't into the look) while she likes him. Boy instead starts pursuing her gal pal who is not into him while girl tries to lure him. I rememeber a scene on one of the amusemenet park rides where (I think) the boy finally realizes punk girl is actually his dream girl from mall. Please help!! I'd like to purchase this flick (which is pure cheese but my kinda cheese) and am hoping to get a title and then (hopefully) buy it...thx Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
Ok, i've searched every friggin movie database I can google and every 80's site for this movie. Hopefully you guys can figure this one out. Its like a horror\comedy.
The main character is a teen named Eddie, and finds a crack in his basement with fog constantly coming up from it with some weird black dude who warns him about something taking over. Strange things begin to happen to the house and Eddie's family. They all eat candy & sweets for breakfast! One fat guy has a tug boat or something in his stomach and when he opens his mouth you hear the horn blow! Eddie then aquires powers and mind control. He asks his mom for cheeseburgers for breakfast and she's in shock at his request but then he concentrates and all of a sudden she's cool with it and says "Yes dear!" but she cooks them w the plastic still on the cheese lol. Main part I remember when the mother & father find a giant pea pod like cocoon in the basement. I think it used to be a person but it changed?? they open it but its just pods, and the mother said "I HATE VEGETABLES!" Eddie finds that there is another world in his basement and the black dude & some woman tries to convince him to come over to their side. But he just wants to be a normal kid. At the end, Eddie gets a coin with a demon's face on it from his grandfather to fight the evil entity. I dont know how but Eddie defeats the entity and everything goes back to normal.
So yeah lol. Very wacked out movie. My brothers and I cannot remember it! We've asked everyone we know but no one else remebers it. Please help! Thanks in advance.
Posted by Indiana NOMS and the Lost Rewinders (Member # 2688) on :
Don't have a clue but I definitely hope someone comes up with an answer for you as I am now intrigued...
Noms Posted by kacy (Member # 6976) on :
Help, i think this is an 80's movie, but probably a tv movie. I'm sure it has Sam Waterston in it. I'm not sure of the plot exactly, but all you see of the 'bad guy' is a pair of legs coming downstairs, finally the police get their man and the female lead feels safe again. But right at the very end you see the same pair of legs coming downstairs and the camera pans up to his face. Not much of a plot, but i'm pretty certain it was Sam Waterston.
Posted by don swanson (Member # 6973) on :
i need to find out what this movie is!!!it is about ,i believe a school of kids see people in the woods who are wearing masks.one of them a clown mask. then i think the masked men terrorize the student and the teacher,until of course the students and teacher fight back. i hope you can help me.
Posted by SammyHain 44DDD-26-36 (Member # 3150) on :
quote:Originally posted by don swanson: i need to find out what this movie is!!!it is about ,i believe a school of kids see people in the woods who are wearing masks.one of them a clown mask. then i think the masked men terrorize the student and the teacher,until of course the students and teacher fight back. i hope you can help me.
sounds like the Australian movie 'the Fortress"
Posted by SammyHain 44DDD-26-36 (Member # 3150) on :
actually this movie called The Fortress as there's been a few with that title
thank you sammyhain your the **** bro!!!
Posted by greenground (Member # 6983) on :
I think this is an 80's movie it is one of my earliest memories anyways here goes.
It begins at what I think is a train station, a couple are hidden away and the girl pulls out a spider/trantula and puts it on his skin as it crawls around it disappears under his skin and you can see it crawl around.
Another part I remember is the main character is young 20s person, and he is fighting a bunch of freaks/monster like characters, one of them eats bugs he slashes his stomach and towards the end and a bunch of bugs dump out.
I remember the trantula/spider thing being a big thing in the movie cause if you did it you could join the group of freaks, and the main character was offered and did it but realized they were all monsters and had to kill them or something.
Posted by Gwyneth (Member # 6995) on :
Hi All! I'm new, and need help IDing a movie. I have very little detail about the movie:
Takes place in New York City, about a girl who ran away from home (New Jersey) to live in NYC. I believe she was into the Ramones and hung out at the lead singers apartment. And if I remember correctly, her name is Lisa, but I am not positive about that.
The girl, who is the main character, was kicked out of her apartment and locked out by the landlord because she wasn't paying rent. She then went back to Jersey to ask her sister for rent money.
She ends up living in a car with her good friend who loves her (a guy) in a field somewhere around the city. She was if I remember correctly badly beaten up at one point in the movie.
Typical 80s movie--the wardrobe, music, and all.
I cannot remember anyone that was in the movie. All one-hit wonders I believe.
Anyone know what I am talking about?
Posted by huedogg (Member # 7010) on :
ok. i apologize for this but i dont remember much about this movie. i believe its an 80's movie where some people(not sure how old) try to raise money for something and design these swimsuits at the end of the movie and when the people start swimming the swimsuits start to deteriate and everybody's laughing. there it is. i hope someone can help with so little information.
Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Gwyneth: Hi All! I'm new, and need help IDing a movie. I have very little detail about the movie:
Takes place in New York City, about a girl who ran away from home (New Jersey) to live in NYC. I believe she was into the Ramones and hung out at the lead singers apartment. And if I remember correctly, her name is Lisa, but I am not positive about that.
The girl, who is the main character, was kicked out of her apartment and locked out by the landlord because she wasn't paying rent. She then went back to Jersey to ask her sister for rent money.
She ends up living in a car with her good friend who loves her (a guy) in a field somewhere around the city. She was if I remember correctly badly beaten up at one point in the movie.
Typical 80s movie--the wardrobe, music, and all.
I cannot remember anyone that was in the movie. All one-hit wonders I believe.
I got TWO Movies that I can't find the title too...
The first may be easy...but it's about a boy who deliver a pizza or food (can't remember) to an old house and theres a beautiful woman there and they get in on, and after bites him. A vampire hunter comes and kills the women while he runs away. That's where his strange journeys begins how he starts to turns pale, drinks blood (which he gets from a supermarket), wears sunglasses while the vampire hunter is after him.
The SECOND film is about three girls who just graduated from high school, one of the girls is teased for being the only virgin to graduate that year. Anyway they go to this resort to work (i think) and live in a cabin for there summer vacation. They meet this other girl who is the same age has them but is a mistress to a drug dealer - which they don't know. She invites the girls to a party and its a party for women to entertain men but the police come and they get thrown in jail. Anyway towards the end they all meet someone and become good friends.
Any idea on what these two movies are?
Posted by Honeybee (Member # 7052) on :
To huedogg
The movie your looking for is 'Malibu Bikini Shop'
Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Honeybee: I got TWO Movies that I can't find the title too...
The first may be easy...but it's about a boy who deliver a pizza or food (can't remember) to an old house and theres a beautiful woman there and they get in on, and after bites him. A vampire hunter comes and kills the women while he runs away. That's where his strange journeys begins how he starts to turns pale, drinks blood (which he gets from a supermarket), wears sunglasses while the vampire hunter is after him.
The SECOND film is about three girls who just graduated from high school, one of the girls is teased for being the only virgin to graduate that year. Anyway they go to this resort to work (i think) and live in a cabin for there summer vacation. They meet this other girl who is the same age has them but is a mistress to a drug dealer - which they don't know. She invites the girls to a party and its a party for women to entertain men but the police come and they get thrown in jail. Anyway towards the end they all meet someone and become good friends.
to honey bee.. thats the movie!! thanks for coming up with the title with so little info!!
Posted by quiddie (Member # 7087) on :
Hello. I have been "lurking" in this message board as an unregistered user for close to a year, hoping that someone would post the questions I had in mind. Some were already answered in this forum. This is such a valuable 80's resource site! I have a few left that were not asked by other people:
(1) This was a horror flick, starring some mean teenage girls. One of them, a beautiful black girl, always had a toothbrush in her mouth. The setting was in a school, and I vaguely remember some zombies attacking the mean girls. The last scene I remember was that of the toothbrush falling down on the floor, to signify that girl's death. I thought it was Evil Dead 2 but I looked through the Net and couldn't find evidence that it was indeed Evil Dead 2.
(2) Another horror flick, with a man inviting girls to his apartment, only to feed them to his "pet" bed. The last scene had him being invited to a woman's apartment, only to have her "pet" fridge eat him.
(3) A touching story about a teacher (?) who befriended a girl with cerebral palsy who was a huge Elvis Presley fan. The young girl died on Christmas day.
(4) An action film with terrorists, I think, but the only scene I vividly remember is of a blonde guy in shorts riding a skateboard down a road (he was a bad guy). A car rammed him, which threw his body into the air, and if that wasn't enough, a guy shot at his body using a rocket launcher or bazooka and caused the body to explode. That gave me nightmares for days!
(5) I keep remembering the title as "Emissary," but searches on the Net proved fruitless. A teacher routinely visited a young boy (her student?) who was sick. Before entering the room, she would always shout "company!" Soon after, she died. The last scene had a strong wind carrying with it dead leaves, slowly rustling up the boy's bedroom. Then you'd hear the dead woman's voice say "company!"
(6) Sci-fi... similar to the body snatchers concept. A boy goes to his neighbor's house and gets attacked by a tennis player (?) who lunges at him. Soon, the neighbor explodes.
I'm sorry if the descriptions aren't too clear, since that's all I could remember. Thank you. Thank you especially for this site.
[ 23. June 2008, 11:51: Message edited by: quiddie ]
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
[ 23. June 2008, 11:49: Message edited by: quiddie ]
Posted by debb_ie10@yahoo.com (Member # 7107) on :
I need help finding a movie. I think it is called "Diamond's are a girls best friend" In the movie one of the girls are wearing underwear that says "I love you".
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by debb_ie10@yahoo.com: I need help finding a movie. I think it is called "Diamond's are a girls best friend" In the movie one of the girls are wearing underwear that says "I love you".
Hi, I'm looking for two movies I grew up watching that I unfortunately remember very little about.
1) To the best of my recollection, a couple kids rent or somehow get a hold of a video-tape, take it home and play it. The next thing I remember is them going into the television through the screen. I remember there being a long, endless corridor lined with doors. They are going into the rooms beyond the doors, looking for a way out probably. In one room, they are confronted with a rising flood of popcorn that threatens to drown them.. That's about all I remember apart from being slightly creeped out by the movie as a child.
2) Aliens / gremlins threaten to take over the earth (?), and they're starting with one kids family. At one point in the film someone tells him that the food his family is about to eat and the only way he can save them is by urinating on the food. Time stops, and as he's urinating on the food, time starts again and he is caught.
So vague.. if anyone has any idea I'd be incredibly thankful. I've been describing these vague recollections to people for years in hopes of finding them.
Posted by DMan (Member # 7138) on :
quote:2) Aliens / gremlins threaten to take over the earth (?), and they're starting with one kids family. At one point in the film someone tells him that the food his family is about to eat and the only way he can save them is by urinating on the food. Time stops, and as he's urinating on the food, time starts again and he is caught.
Its Troll 2 - youtube it for the best scenes.
Posted by Taylor7609 (Member # 7187) on :
Hi all, I'm new here! Wicked site here!
I've been trying to find this film ever since I saw on telly in the 80s - but I can't find it anywhere! Hope you can help me!
I can't remember that much of it but here goes:
It's a teen flick, it's about a group of guys in high school (they're a mixed group of nerdy guys, white, black, chinese), one of them was always dressed in John Taylor-style (from Duran Duran)- the fedora, the shades, long coat, the works. One night they drive around town in one of guys' van and the John Taylor lookalike crashed it. The black guy owned the van, the only one of them who owned a car/van. The next day, they see their friend (the black guy who owns the van) flipping burgers somewhere (by the beach I think?) and they laughed at him (all harmless fun). They ask him why he's flipping burgers and he replies: "Because Duran here smashed my van!" pointing at his friend behind him.
BTW, the guy who owned the van is a white guy named Casey Siemaszko.
Good flick! Posted by Taylor7609 (Member # 7187) on :
Thanks soooo much for that jdocster04!!! Been trying to find out for years what this film was called ))
lol @ owner of the van... sorry, I did say I saw it once and that 20 years ago
Am gonna see if this film is on DVD now ...
Thanks again!!!
Luv Txxxdd
Posted by dr mike (Member # 7251) on :
hello sorry but my english is really bad i dont remember the name of a movie was a bout of a gimnastic who represent the usa in a competicion i remember one of the prves was a cross a town of crazy killer people in europe in that town died the bad guy of the movie in the hand of the crazy people on pigs
Posted by 80smoviemama (Member # 7252) on :
I'm trying to find the name of a movie that has the following quote in it "call me, I'm walking again". I thought it was from Casual Sex? with Andrew Dice Clay, but I just watched it and did find the quote at all. Anyone know?
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I believe you are looking for the Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) with Mr. Clay, a personal favorite of mine, although it is an acquired taste.
We are DEVO
Posted by 80smoviemama (Member # 7252) on :
Thanks. I bet your right.
Posted by quiddie (Member # 7087) on :
I found the title to #4 by typing "skateboard" and "rocket launcher" in google (at around the 6th page) - "Hard Ticket to Hawaii." I also found the title of #5 by accident! It's "Ray Bradbury Theater" and is similar to other 80s horror series like "Twilight Zone," "Amazing Stories," "Alfred Hitch****," and "Tales from the Darkside."
"Emissary" is just an episode, not a movie. I also read the synopsis of "The Crowd," which I'm now starting to vaguely remember. I also remembered "My Zombie Lover," which was an episode of "Monsters" starring one of the daughters from "The Cosby Show." I used to think that "Monsters" was part of "Twilight Zone," but now after seeing it in the 'Net, I know otherwise.
Now I'm starting to think that the bed that eats is not a movie but an episode. I don't know from what series, though. (I thought it was "Death Bed: The Bed That Eats," but I was mistaken.). - Found this! "Monsters: Pillow Talk!"
1 more movie to find! It's like an itch waiting to be scratched!
[ 25. August 2008, 08:46: Message edited by: quiddie ]
Posted by crazyon1971 (Member # 7334) on :
quote:Originally posted by MadMax11: Someone has gotta know this. I can't remember the name of this movie for the life of me. All I can remember is that in the movie the popular girl gets in a fight with her boyfriend and ends up with the geek, they end up running through a restraunt and she grabs wine at another persons table. They go for a drive to a place she knows and she ends up getting wasted on the way there. They park at a place overlooking the city and she ends up kicking off her shoes..... does anyone know what movie this is??
Posted by crazyon1971 (Member # 7334) on :
The movie you are looking for MadMax11 was License to Drive With The 2 Cory's and Heather Graham
Posted by movieman59 (Member # 7343) on :
the vietnam movie your asking about is Flight of the intruder 1989 i think Starring Willem DeFoe, Danny Glover, Brad Johnson, Tom Sizemore!
Posted by 80sbmoviefan (Member # 7344) on :
Hi, I'm looking for a movie for a friend. She remembers the 80's movie as a washed up boxer, black man in his 50's or 60's living down by the railroad. He makes friends with some kids and whips them into shape by making them jump over broom handles tied to a marry go round. That's all I have, can you help me? Thanks
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by dr mike: hello sorry but my english is really bad i dont remember the name of a movie was a bout of a gimnastic who represent the usa in a competicion i remember one of the prves was a cross a town of crazy killer people in europe in that town died the bad guy of the movie in the hand of the crazy people on pigs
a few young kids go on a rescue mission to north korea to save their father/s and end up using a firework display to fight the koreans... please help!!!!! and its not Iron Eagle...
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
quote:Originally posted by LorieBnFL: not sure if this is 80's but think it is
a few young kids go on a rescue mission to north korea to save their father/s and end up using a firework display to fight the koreans... please help!!!!! and its not Iron Eagle...
Your movie's The Rescue.
Posted by Tee (Member # 7296) on :
i'm looking for a movie I don't remember the name but it was a comedy about teams or about four different colors and the race was sponsored by pabst blue ribbon beer
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I can't believe no one else did this.
Ok, it wasn't sponsored by it, but it was in the movie.
It's name....
Midnight Madness... with a very young Michael J. Fox.
We are DEVO
Posted by Mellow (Member # 7443) on :
I only have a couple images in my head from a movie I watched as a kid. I think it's from the 80s, but could be late 70s. It could also be two different movies.
Image 1- there is a yard with clothesline-like lines running everywhere. children (possibly blind) connect themselves to these lines to get to different places outside.
Image 2- there's a guy, mentally slow, who wears two different color shoes. he hitches/ gets a ride from someone and they get into an accident. the driver is thrown from the car and the shoe man is thrown into the driver seat, so when the cops come, they think the shoe man had been driving.
Posted by mariafaria (Member # 7449) on :
I am looking for a movie's name. It's a romantic comedy. I remember just the ending: the boy realizes that h is in love with his friend, and goes to tell her, but she is already leaving on a trip where she is to saty for a year (I guess0. He tries to catch her, but end up going after her at a Dock, where her ship is about to sail. He them shouts that he loves her and they jump in the water and kiss. The end. I thought it was a John Cusack's film, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know the name?
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
quote:Originally posted by mariafaria: Hello,
I am looking for a movie's name. It's a romantic comedy. I remember just the ending: the boy realizes that h is in love with his friend, and goes to tell her, but she is already leaving on a trip where she is to saty for a year (I guess0. He tries to catch her, but end up going after her at a Dock, where her ship is about to sail. He them shouts that he loves her and they jump in the water and kiss. The end. I thought it was a John Cusack's film, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know the name?
sounds like SECRET ADMIRER starring c. thomas howell and lori loughlin...
cute movie. here' my info on the film: SECRET ADMIRER Posted by Woody (Member # 7429) on :
Hi, I'm looking for a movie, it's a movie about a bunch of dancers, I think in NYC, but I'm not sure, they all live together, they dance on the street for money and at the end they go to this big competition and win, it reminds me of Breakin' but that isn't it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
quote:Originally posted by Woody: Hi, I'm looking for a movie, it's a movie about a bunch of dancers, I think in NYC, but I'm not sure, they all live together, they dance on the street for money and at the end they go to this big competition and win, it reminds me of Breakin' but that isn't it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
i'm pretty sure the movie you are talking about is FAST FOWARD Posted by Woody (Member # 7429) on :
yes, that is it!!! thank you so much! I loved this movie and now I can finally buy it on ebay or something!!!
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
glad i could help! Posted by timmy (Member # 7109) on :
Can any1 help, my brother used to have a wide collection of videos back in the eighties, and I remember watching one which I cannot remember the title, it was about 2 kids in spain I think who find work at a hotel or stay there and cannot afford the bill so they work as waiters and get up to loads of mischief there was also nudity in the movie one scene that I can remember was he was delivering a drink to a room and the woman is playing the chelo naked and he goes in and starts how do you helping her with her chelo hehe? does any1 no the name of the movie? thanks
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Crazy T&A flick Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
I'm looking for a movie I saw late one night years ago, I don't know if it was from the 70s or 80s, but it was about a secret group of women who were trying to gain power of major companies and such. They worshipped I think the goddess Artemis, and their symbol was a bracelet, which had a bow and arrow charm on it. I remember the ending, where the group was destroyed, but one young girl was left and you saw her practicing archery. Can someone help?
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by AuroraD: Hi I'm looking for the name of a movie that came out maybe in the late 80s or early 90's. I remember it stared this brunette (can't think of her name) who breaks up with her boyfriend and goes to work for a terminally ill blonde lady (I think she may have cancer but I'm not sure. Anyways her ex finds out and they scheme up a way to try and take her money when she dies. He becomes her gardener/caretaker and is taking advantage of her illness when he falls in love with her. I remember him taking her to the mountains and they make love in the meadow. Also at the end of the movie he creates for her the most beautiful flower garden I have ever seen, he asks her to marry him and makes rings out of flowers for them both. She says yes, lays in his arms and then passes peacefully away. I can't for the life of me remember any of the actors names or the name of the movie. Somebody has to know...Please Help.
I think it's "Under Heaven" (1998) with Joely Richardson and Molly Parker.
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by jasey: Does anyone know the name of a really stupid 80s film about two brothers who go to some beer factory? I think that's what it is. They talk like they are from Canada, like "A" all the time. I can't remeber who the guys were, but it was pretty silly. I've been trying to think of it and I can't for the life of me remeber! Thanks
I think it's "Strange Brew" (1983)
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by linda86: i'm looking for this 80-90's children's movie. It's not the dark crystal but in my memory it's alot alike. One child (i don't remember exactly, maybe it has a sibling) goes away from home to a secret island/country to find..(something) and encounters several monsters and creatures. It's not animated, there are actually actors but also puppets.
Is it "Labyrinth"?
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by jennypink: Hi i am lokking for a movie about a guy who in the begging of the movie knew someone or owned a gas staion but turned into a burger place and they had a secret sauce and people loved it. Does anyone know what it is??? Please e-mail me at jchabreck@yahoo.com
Is it "Hamburger: The Motion Picture (1986)"
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I believe this is an 80's movie, I need to find the name please. Ok, boy in love with girl who I believe is his friend, somehow there is a note involved written to her by him, but she thinks it's from someone else, so he finally has to tell her that he is in love with her, but she is going off to school, in the end he ends up jumping off a dock to swim to the boat she is taking to school. Any Clues?. please help!
Posted by oscodaposse (Member # 7493) on :
ok, guy in love with girl, I believe they are friends and she has no idea, he writes her a note that she thinks is from someone else, but when he finally gets to tell her he's in love with her, she is leaving for school. in the end, he jumps off a dock to swim to her boat that she is taking to school. Any clues?
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
quote:Originally posted by oscodaposse: ok, guy in love with girl, I believe they are friends and she has no idea, he writes her a note that she thinks is from someone else, but when he finally gets to tell her he's in love with her, she is leaving for school. in the end, he jumps off a dock to swim to her boat that she is taking to school. Any clues?
You seek Secret Admirer (1985), only that the girl is secretly in love with the boy. Great flick!
Posted by krispoon (Member # 7505) on :
I tried finding this in the first post of the FAQs.
I "believe" it is an 80's movie.
A kind of cheesy teenage movie about a girl who just wants to like this Tiffany-like superstar. With the help of the little old lady with the raspy voice (who's in a lot of movies) she becomes this chic chick and is popular for awhile.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
quote:Originally posted by krispoon: I tried finding this in the first post of the FAQs.
I "believe" it is an 80's movie.
A kind of cheesy teenage movie about a girl who just wants to like this Tiffany-like superstar. With the help of the little old lady with the raspy voice (who's in a lot of movies) she becomes this chic chick and is popular for awhile.
Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you, thank you. That is it! I've been looking for that movie for forever. Posted by 80sFan9999 (Member # 7515) on :
Looking for a movie possibly called "Dear you, love me"
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by 80sFan9999: Looking for a movie possibly called "Dear you, love me"
This was found already....ended up being "Seven Minutes in Heaven."
Don't want people going nuts trying to find this. Posted by Mellow (Member # 7443) on :
quote:Originally posted by krispoon: I tried finding this in the first post of the FAQs.
I "believe" it is an 80's movie.
A kind of cheesy teenage movie about a girl who just wants to like this Tiffany-like superstar. With the help of the little old lady with the raspy voice (who's in a lot of movies) she becomes this chic chick and is popular for awhile.
You're looking for Teen Witch. Awesome movie.
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
Hi there...hopefully someone can help me name this movie I have been trying to pinpoint for years now. Here are the only details of the scene that I can remember:
Two girls go to visit a next door neighbor that they believe to be a witch, or suspect of some wrongdoing. I believe the reason for the girls' visit is to investigate the goings-on inside the creepy neighbor's house. Upon arrival, the neighbor greets the girls, and offers them some milk and cake. The girls, already suspicious of the neighbor, pretend to eat the cake & milk, but actually deposit it into a nearby potted plant when the neighbor is not looking.
I'm not certain if this is a feature-length movie, or if it was a made-for-TV movie ala the Saturday afternoon special. I am most grateful to anyone who can provide me with a definite answer.
Posted by Debbie79 (Member # 7542) on :
Thanx so much for this FAQ becuz I found out the title of my movie I was looking for. Thank you so much. Posted by seadreamer (Member # 7567) on :
Hello. I joined hoping someone could help me with an 80s movie. It's a suspense or thriller type. I think it's mostly psychological suspense. There may be violence but nothing supernatural. It's not a slasher film. The characters are a group of teens. The only thing I remember is the ending where one of the male teens is revealed to the audience (not sure if he's revealed in the movie itself) as the cause of all the problems. He's a psychopath. I think the last scene shows him turning around with an evil smile or evil look on his face. He's got brown hair. Any help greatly appreciated. I remember it as being a very good, dark movie.
[ 30. November 2008, 13:09: Message edited by: seadreamer ]
Posted by Amanda88 (Member # 7595) on :
Okay I have a few movies I can not figure out.
1. There were a bunch of kids outside in the snow while at school standing next to a flag pole. One kid dared another kid to stick his tongue on it so he did and got stuck. The school bell rang and the kids ran back inside leaving the one kid alone by the pole.
2. This was a really weird one that seems like a dream. There was a couple who I think were both aliens and after a teenage boy. The female had huge hair and at one point I remember a bird flying out of it. I remember one scene where they were sitting at a table with the boy and his family and somebody stuck a fork in someone else's leg. Then in another scene the boy was sleepwalking into the bathroom where his grandma was sitting on the toilet but since he couldn't see her he started to pee on her and the scene cut with her screaming. That's all I remember. It's been driving me crazy for past several months trying to figure it out!
3. This was a really a really, really weird movie (or possibly series) about several 10 minute sketches. I remember the first one was about a guy who went to the video store to rent a movie and the clerk recomended one for him which ended up getting. Once he got home he put it on and there was this porn-type lady on the screen and she started talking to him and he was about to go into the screen with her? But then her boyfriend or somebody came in... Another short sketch was a dinosaur thing walking down the street and met a lady who fell in love with it so they went behind an alley and I remember the lady screaming...
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Amanda88: Okay I have a few movies I can not figure out.
1. There were a bunch of kids outside in the snow while at school standing next to a flag pole. One kid dared another kid to stick his tongue on it so he did and got stuck. The school bell rang and the kids ran back inside leaving the one kid alone by the pole.
2. This was a really weird one that seems like a dream. There was a couple who I think were both aliens and after a teenage boy. The female had huge hair and at one point I remember a bird flying out of it. I remember one scene where they were sitting at a table with the boy and his family and somebody stuck a fork in someone else's leg. Then in another scene the boy was sleepwalking into the bathroom where his grandma was sitting on the toilet but since he couldn't see her he started to pee on her and the scene cut with her screaming. That's all I remember. It's been driving me crazy for past several months trying to figure it out!
3. This was a really a really, really weird movie (or possibly series) about several 10 minute sketches. I remember the first one was about a guy who went to the video store to rent a movie and the clerk recomended one for him which ended up getting. Once he got home he put it on and there was this porn-type lady on the screen and she started talking to him and he was about to go into the screen with her? But then her boyfriend or somebody came in... Another short sketch was a dinosaur thing walking down the street and met a lady who fell in love with it so they went behind an alley and I remember the lady screaming...
Q: From what I remember of this movie it could possibly be one of those 80's (or 90's) slasher films. I saw this film when I was 8 so please excuse me if my descriptions are vague. Anyway, there were a group of friends living in a luxurious house (or hotel) and one of the women is blind. At the night hour a disfigured man gruesomely kills most of the group, but leaves the blind girl alone. The killer falls in love with the blind woman and (if I recall correctly) he kills her in the end. The most vividly memorable scene from the movie for me would be the part when the killer lunges a stake into the chests of two lovers while they were having sex. Please if you do know the title share it with me. I would like to watch this movie again.
Posted by 0122winter74 (Member # 7661) on :
I am looking for a movie that I saw in the last part of 86 or early months of 87 on cable. I don't remember if it was Cinemax or HBO (sorry)
I was not allowed to see it because I was 12 or 13 at the time and it has some nudity and sexual content. It's about a group of girls who ride in a car. I remember a couple of scenes that I saw before my parents kicked me out of the room (lol) One is where this chubby girl is cleaning a toilet and she's complaining about it because nobody wants to help her. Another one is where they are trying on dresses and one of them is big (chest area) and the chubby girl gives her a dress that would really make her "attributes" draw attention. Then they are at this party and there is a long line of men at the stairs and it goes to a bedroom where the "big chest" girl is with a guy in bed. The other girls notice the line and inmediatelly know is their friend. That was the last part I saw and then I was kicked out of the room (sorry) At the end I think each of the girls get paired with a guy. Sorry if I give so little information but it was long time ago and I didn't see much as you can read. (lol)
Posted by MotorexskyGTR34 (Member # 7666) on :
(I cant figure out how to make a new topic since I am a new member)
Q. It was in 1988 or 89 when I was 5, I remember watch it on TV. My dad must have rent it because it is too violent to show on TV. I remember a part where a group of motorcycle gang took a cheerleader girl to high school gym's bathroom. They torn her cheerleading clothes off and rape her. Then there is a group of girls had a bunches of guns and shotguns to kill the gangs of motorcycle at night. Does anyone know this movie? Thanks.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I remember Savage Streets (1983) has a school gym rape scene.
Special Edition dvd just out:
Posted by MotorexskyGTR34 (Member # 7666) on :
OMG...YES!!! THANK YOU!!! That is the right movie after I saw the trailer of Savage Streets. It bugged me over 20 years since I saw this movie.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
No problem, glad i could help. It´s a great movie!
Posted by Marixpress (Member # 7676) on :
Help Help Help
Does anyone remember the name of that 80s movie where there was a jeans trend to have butt cheeks on the backside instead of pockets?? Posted by Marixpress (Member # 7676) on :
hahaha found it~
So Fine (1981)
Posted by dougjsimpson (Member # 7683) on :
Looking for movie title, believe 80's, comedy, Ferris type feel to it. Young man, high school, college age. Dad is a politician I believe, main character is all into movies, Horror, B movies I think. I remember for some reason him watching Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Climax of movie, if I recall correctly is him sneaking back into his house, dad's associates trying to keep him out, some event going on. Thanks for your help
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by dougjsimpson: Looking for movie title, believe 80's, comedy, Ferris type feel to it. Young man, high school, college age. Dad is a politician I believe, main character is all into movies, Horror, B movies I think. I remember for some reason him watching Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Climax of movie, if I recall correctly is him sneaking back into his house, dad's associates trying to keep him out, some event going on. Thanks for your help
thanks very much
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by dougjsimpson: thanks very much
Posted by Silly Dave (Member # 7716) on :
Awesome thread...this made me join up on here! Reading through here though I still couldn't find the movies I'm looking for. I've been looking for these for years now...any help with these would be greatly appreciated
#1 Action movie about a Vietnam vet coming home only to find it overrun by gang that has the city in fear...he teaches the city to fight back after his friends get terrorized and hurt by the gang. The gang has a final showdown with the city at the end. The movie starts in the jungle with a squad getting ambushed and one of the guys ends up in a wheelchair. I remember a scene where the main character teaches self defense technique using a pencil and at the end of the movie a school bus is held hostage by a gang member who gets stabbed in the neck with a pencil by one of the hostages using that technique. Also a lady spills boiling water on one of the gang members from a balcony. It’s not “band of the hand” another great movie.
#2 Action movie about a cop getting revenge for his partner getting killed in NY. The movie starts off with a truck stopping at a red light at night. A bunch of kids attach chains the back door and when the truck goes on green the doors rip open and they steal the contents of the truck. Then in the daytime there’s a cop undercover at a restaurant and his cover gets blown so he chases the bad guy…his partner rushes in and shoots a bad guy across the room onto a pinball machine. The bad guy gets chased to the docks and kills the cop whose cover was blown. The other cop goes out for revenge. I remember the final showdown being at these huge docks where the main cop and his buddies attack everyone else with lots of shootouts. I specifically remember one of the good guys using a rocket launcher to take out a shooter on a tower. The credits roll when they‘re leaving the docks and the camera zooms out to show NYC.
#3 Horror movie about girl who gets raped by a group of guys and seeks revenge by summoning a demon. She goes to a gypsy who summons a demon monster to kill them off one by one. I think she’s connected to the demon..so she has visions of the killings. One of the guys was a fat kid who watched it happen but didn’t do anything to stop it.
#4 A sci-fi horror movie about a giant praying mantis type creature inside a hospital. The movie starts with an older man getting pricked by a plant and gets sick. His wife takes him to the hospital where the bug creature comes out of his mouth and grows bigger. The hospital gets quarantined by the military because the creature spreads a virus in the hospital and the survivors try to find a cure stay alive.
#5 Horror movie about a group of teens who get stranded in the woods and enter a house with different monsters and creatures killing them off one by one. The creatures are all lead by some pale vampire guy who wants the main girl of the group for himself. The first creature attack was by these mud zombies in a cellar who sound like farting when they move and a guy and girl kill them by breaking open wine barrels that melt the creatures.
#6 Horror movie about a demon genie killing people in a museum. The movie starts with a group of misfits breaking into an old gypsy’s home where they kill her and steal a genie lamb which gets free and kills them all. The lamp ends up in a museum where the genie starts killing people one by one. I remember the genie kills one couple with lots of snakes. At the end the lamp gets thrown into a furnace by a guy and a girl and the genie is stopped. It’s not “the wishmaster”
#7 Movie about a family that get attacked by a group of men in a cabin who rape the mother and daughter and then kill the parents. They think they kill the daughter by knocking her head on a table but she survives and goes after them for revenge. I remember one scene she seduces one guy in the water and cuts off his johnson. There’s another scene where she chases a guy in an ice factory with a meat hook. The ending has her shooting the last guy in a back alley in NYC and walking off.
#8 Horror movie about moms who become cannibal monsters. I remember one scene where the husband comes home and finds his wife eating their son with only the arm left sticking out of her mouth with a baseball glove on it. It used to be on TV a lot on “usa up all night”.
#9 Sci-fi movie about women cyborgs posing as humans hunting down some guy. There’s a scene in a warehouse with mannequins where the main character is being chased by a woman cyborg. There’s also a chase in the woods with a damaged cyborg. I remember the ending being in a cabin where the main character gets betrayed by someone he trusted and there’s a showdown with the cyborgs. It’s not “the stepford children”
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
#6 is 'The Lamp':
IMDB The Lamp Posted by Silly Dave (Member # 7716) on :
Yes that's it! "The Lamp" a.k.a "The Outing" Thanks logan5. Also #3 is "Necromancer" and #4 "Blue Monkey" thanks everyone for your help with those. Only 6 more to go!
Posted by niki486 (Member # 7738) on :
Hi, I saw a horror film when I was younger about a group of kids on camp, someone/thing is killing them, not sure what, all I remember is someone gets buried except for their head and their head gets run over by a lawnmower! been trying to find out what its called for years, hope someone can help
Posted by wackybrian (Member # 7740) on :
Hey All! I saw a movie when I was young. It was an 80s teen movie. All I can recall is that the main character needed school work help from a nerd. So, the main character paid this hot girl that was easy to sleep w/ him. Her name was "Peanut Butter" and she drove a full size van. He had a big wang and she fell for him and they dated. I have tried IMDb but had no luck. Any help with the film's title is GREATLY appreciated.
Posted by eliminator (Member # 7779) on :
I am new to this site and I have been looking for a movie for what seems like forever. The plot of the movie involves a charm school and there are two guys who are taken under the wing of the headmistress's husband where he teaches them to get anything for free or to be able to fool people into thinking they are something they are not. They end up in playing a game that is set in this granite cube and the host says it is an anceint game of some sort. If you know the answer it would be a huge help to finally be able to put this to rest and my wife to know I am not insane
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by eliminator: I am new to this site and I have been looking for a movie for what seems like forever. The plot of the movie involves a charm school and there are two guys who are taken under the wing of the headmistress's husband where he teaches them to get anything for free or to be able to fool people into thinking they are something they are not. They end up in playing a game that is set in this granite cube and the host says it is an anceint game of some sort. If you know the answer it would be a huge help to finally be able to put this to rest and my wife to know I am not insane
This sounds similar to The Whoopee Boys, though not exactly. If this is not the movie you seek, you should watch it anyway! It is great! Check it out:
That's it...
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by jdocster: That's it...
Yeah, now I remember the game, "cross-courts" that they played in the stone cube. This movie is great.
Posted by eliminator (Member # 7779) on :
Thank you that was it. I have told everyone about this site.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
You're welcome. Glad to help.
Posted by Goodlife71 (Member # 7802) on :
Q: I know several details about this movie but can not for the life of me remember the title. It's about a man who dies and goes to heaven after learning about living in heaven he falls in love with a girl who has never been born to heaven. They make a home together and are happy. Then suddenly she is sent to be born on earth. Heart broken he begs to go to earth to be with her. The powers that be agree but only give him 30 years to find her or he will be without her forever. There are small clues to finding her throughout the movie, including that in heaven her family makes toys. On earth she owns a toy store.
It has a happy ending I think. I am pretty sure this is an 80's movie to early 90's. I have been searching but have had no luck. Hopefully you guys will have some clue. Thanks a bunch.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
That's it!!! Your guys are awesome. Thanks so much!
Posted by Goodman (Member # 6524) on :
I've been trying to remember what a film is called so I can order the DVD or video of it, I think it is lates 70's or eighties, it is about a group of people who know they are going to each get killed by an explosion or somehow, and in a van near the end it explodes with them in it, I think it is a paranormal or sci fi thriller set in america (not in the future), and in part of the film I think a road gets blocked by a telegraph pole. It is probably an american TV movie Anyone got any ideas?
Posted by Kranitz (Member # 7823) on :
Ok, I think this was an actual movie and not a weird dream I had, so..
It stared a bunch of kids, and one of them was going to sell the blueprints he got out of a plane (SR-71?) or the space shuttle, to this guy that was Russian, or turns out to be Russian. I remember something about a kite and also a hot air balloon, but that might be a different movie....
Posted by anders2 (Member # 7889) on :
A trio of late 80's (though possibly early 90's) movies I am trying to figure out:
1) A drama, where a guy is trying to escape from a prison or institution and is walking through a long hall with pipes. He digs something (like a screwdriver) out of ashes in the bottom of a furnace or oven or maybe it was just some dirt. I think he puts on a dark olive green jacket and walks outside at night where there is a chain link fence and asphalt. I want to say the title is "return to hell" "return from ..." or "escape" but I really have no idea. I thought the guy might be working in a kitchen. I also think he leaves through steel framed glass doors at one point, in a disguise including his dark jacket.
2) A time period movie - a comedy I believe - set in the 20's or the 40's or something. There is a cute blonde woman eating chocolates in a hotel room. The man she is seeing does something to make her angry and she shoots at him with a crossbow. I think there is also another scene where she pouts and flashes her underwear from a fur coat while standing at the back of a train as it is pulling out of the station.
3) This one might have been x-rated or it might have been a comedy, not sure. There is some guy that has a little black box with a switch on it that drives women wild - like a universal aphrodisiac. I think there is a scene with him driving a speedboat.
Posted by jay666m (Member # 7894) on :
i remember a film when i was a teenager, i think it was released early eighties, ive had a look on ur 80,s film list but cant find it, please help. from what i can remember it was about two gangs, and they a deadly game in the city,where they get hurt and even killed, i think they called the game christopher columbus, but this is all i can remember about it, as its all i put in my book of fav films from when i was a kid
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:2) A time period movie - a comedy I believe - set in the 20's or the 40's or something. There is a cute blonde woman eating chocolates in a hotel room. The man she is seeing does something to make her angry and she shoots at him with a crossbow. I think there is also another scene where she pouts and flashes her underwear from a fur coat while standing at the back of a train as it is pulling out of the station.
Here's one for the books as they say... A young Robert Wagner has been invited by his rich girlfriends daddy to accompany them on a cruise. Daddy makes it a point of embarassing the young man at every opportunity to diminish him to his daughter. The young man starts a diary of interesting and strange events and people encountered during the voyage. They all part company however daddy has not missed the fact that the kid knows too much and things go wild from there, does anyone have a clue??
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by shane013a: Here's one for the books as they say... A young Robert Wagner has been invited by his rich girlfriends daddy to accompany them on a cruise. Daddy makes it a point of embarassing the young man at every opportunity to diminish him to his daughter. The young man starts a diary of interesting and strange events and people encountered during the voyage. They all part company however daddy has not missed the fact that the kid knows too much and things go wild from there, does anyone have a clue??
Here is every movie Robert Wagner has made. It should be one of these:
I'm trying to find a kids movie from the 1980s, about a group of kids (there was at least one tomboyish girl) that had a secret underground clubhouse. (I believe they entered it through a sewer). They either skaboarded,skated or rode bikes, (I was really young, I can't remember). I think they had a battle with other kids and they needed to fight, so they enlisted the help of an old man to train them. Then they had to go somewhere at night, and they're camouflaged. This is driving me crazy, I've spent so many hours searching for it. Google is not helping! Please help!
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Maybe....The Zoo Gang (1985)
Posted by jupitersct78 (Member # 7916) on :
Help! No one I know can tell me the name of this movie. There is a little league player who visits a nuclear silo on a school trip. He then decides not to play little league anymore and gets professional athletes to join him in not playing sports until the world leaders can get rid of nuclear weapons. They all hang out at the kids house. At the end, the basketball player is killed in a plane explosion. Anyone?
Posted by Siouxsie Sam and the Hainshees (Member # 3150) on :
quote:Originally posted by jupitersct78: Help! No one I know can tell me the name of this movie. There is a little league player who visits a nuclear silo on a school trip. He then decides not to play little league anymore and gets professional athletes to join him in not playing sports until the world leaders can get rid of nuclear weapons. They all hang out at the kids house. At the end, the basketball player is killed in a plane explosion. Anyone?
Amazing Grace & Chuck
Posted by even (Member # 7959) on :
i am looking for a movie i've seen years ago, i asume from the 80's because of the soundtrack and wardrobe, etc...it's set on NY, the main character is a chubby girl, that falls in love with a man she sees in the subway, i really don't remember how they meet, yet somehow, they have a date and she decorates her flat, cooks him a meal, gets all dressed up...she works like in a department store, seling perfumes, make-up, and other guy, a subway driver is interested in her and at the end the fell in love, the other one regrets because she is a really nice girl...pff...i really liked this movie as a child and i really want to find it out, again...thanks!
Posted by There'll be no morning for us (Member # 5804) on :
^Aww, that's a Ricki Lake film, Babycakes. Me loves Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by Goodman: I've been trying to remember what a film is called so I can order the DVD or video of it, I think it is lates 70's or eighties, it is about a group of people who know they are going to each get killed by an explosion or somehow, and in a van near the end it explodes with them in it, I think it is a paranormal or sci fi thriller set in america (not in the future), and in part of the film I think a road gets blocked by a telegraph pole. It is probably an american TV movie Anyone got any ideas?
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by Goodman: I've been trying to remember what a film is called so I can order the DVD or video of it, I think it is lates 70's or eighties, it is about a group of people who know they are going to each get killed by an explosion or somehow, and in a van near the end it explodes with them in it, I think it is a paranormal or sci fi thriller set in america (not in the future), and in part of the film I think a road gets blocked by a telegraph pole. It is probably an american TV movie Anyone got any ideas?
Sounds like a scene from Final Destination 2. It wasn't an 80s flick though.
Posted by dacaria (Member # 2818) on :
quote:Originally posted by jay666m: i remember a film when i was a teenager, i think it was released early eighties, ive had a look on ur 80,s film list but cant find it, please help. from what i can remember it was about two gangs, and they a deadly game in the city,where they get hurt and even killed, i think they called the game christopher columbus, but this is all i can remember about it, as its all i put in my book of fav films from when i was a kid
quote:Originally posted by anders2: A trio of late 80's (though possibly early 90's) movies I am trying to figure out:
1) A drama, where a guy is trying to escape from a prison or institution and is walking through a long hall with pipes. He digs something (like a screwdriver) out of ashes in the bottom of a furnace or oven or maybe it was just some dirt. I think he puts on a dark olive green jacket and walks outside at night where there is a chain link fence and asphalt. I want to say the title is "return to hell" "return from ..." or "escape" but I really have no idea. I thought the guy might be working in a kitchen. I also think he leaves through steel framed glass doors at one point, in a disguise including his dark jacket.
Long shot: was it "Band of the Hand"
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Playing for Keeps ('86).
It's not Playing for Keeps.
Posted by RhiannonCJS (Member # 8026) on :
Hiya folks,
I've got a doozie for you. I don't know the plot of the movie I'm looking for, and I don't know who is in it. I was just told that one of the supporting actors in it was a young Doug Jones sans prosthetics, and that he had this aweful line: "I'd like to tickle her tonsils with my meat puppet."
Boyfriend says he's heard the line SOMEWHERE, so I'm trying to find the movie it was in.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by jdocster McFly you Irish bug (Member # 5752) on :
Hope this helps...
Posted by RozenHound (Member # 8041) on :
I wasn't alive in the 80's, but my sister was, and she has this movie she obsessively searches for. All she knows about it is that some girl goes underground and there are these wierd puppet things called ugugs. Does anyone recognize this, and can someone give me its title?
Posted by ninkanink (Member # 8059) on :
Im remembering a movie that had real people and animation. I think a car rides leads to the animation world for this boy and in the animation part I remember something about a war between numbers and letters?
Posted by Humphrey (Member # 8060) on :
I was looking for this movie, I think it was from the 80's. This nerdy guy pays this popular girl to pretend to date him to make him look cool. Then they fall in love with each other. Can anyone help
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by Humphrey: I was looking for this movie, I think it was from the 80's. This nerdy guy pays this popular girl to pretend to date him to make him look cool. Then they fall in love with each other. Can anyone help
Had a mooch through the 80's film section but can't seem to find what I'm looking for....basically all I can remember is it was an early-mid 80's horror, and there were two lads in a house, they get split up, then the one finds his mate in the kitchen...well, his head in the microwave to be precise..hehe..sooo he panics (as ya would) tries to get out the window....its stuck..all of a sudden it opens, and then as he's climbing out it slams down on him, cutting him in half....does anyone have a clue of the title of this film? I'd love to see it again!! Cheers!
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by spinderella67: Had a mooch through the 80's film section but can't seem to find what I'm looking for....basically all I can remember is it was an early-mid 80's horror, and there were two lads in a house, they get split up, then the one finds his mate in the kitchen...well, his head in the microwave to be precise..hehe..sooo he panics (as ya would) tries to get out the window....its stuck..all of a sudden it opens, and then as he's climbing out it slams down on him, cutting him in half....does anyone have a clue of the title of this film? I'd love to see it again!! Cheers!
Thanks for your reply! Dooooooon't think it was this one tho, it was between 81-85, I used to go to my friends and watch horrors on her brand spirkling new video, but by '86 we weren't hanging out any more, so it couldn't have been this one...looks cool tho! Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
The movie you are looking for is Superstition (1982). Great flick!
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by Silly Dave: Awesome thread...this made me join up on here! Reading through here though I still couldn't find the movies I'm looking for. I've been looking for these for years now...any help with these would be greatly appreciated
#1 Action movie about a Vietnam vet coming home only to find it overrun by gang that has the city in fear...he teaches the city to fight back after his friends get terrorized and hurt by the gang. The gang has a final showdown with the city at the end. The movie starts in the jungle with a squad getting ambushed and one of the guys ends up in a wheelchair. I remember a scene where the main character teaches self defense technique using a pencil and at the end of the movie a school bus is held hostage by a gang member who gets stabbed in the neck with a pencil by one of the hostages using that technique. Also a lady spills boiling water on one of the gang members from a balcony. It’s not “band of the hand” another great movie.
#2 Action movie about a cop getting revenge for his partner getting killed in NY. The movie starts off with a truck stopping at a red light at night. A bunch of kids attach chains the back door and when the truck goes on green the doors rip open and they steal the contents of the truck. Then in the daytime there’s a cop undercover at a restaurant and his cover gets blown so he chases the bad guy…his partner rushes in and shoots a bad guy across the room onto a pinball machine. The bad guy gets chased to the docks and kills the cop whose cover was blown. The other cop goes out for revenge. I remember the final showdown being at these huge docks where the main cop and his buddies attack everyone else with lots of shootouts. I specifically remember one of the good guys using a rocket launcher to take out a shooter on a tower. The credits roll when they‘re leaving the docks and the camera zooms out to show NYC.
#3 Horror movie about girl who gets raped by a group of guys and seeks revenge by summoning a demon. She goes to a gypsy who summons a demon monster to kill them off one by one. I think she’s connected to the demon..so she has visions of the killings. One of the guys was a fat kid who watched it happen but didn’t do anything to stop it.
#4 A sci-fi horror movie about a giant praying mantis type creature inside a hospital. The movie starts with an older man getting pricked by a plant and gets sick. His wife takes him to the hospital where the bug creature comes out of his mouth and grows bigger. The hospital gets quarantined by the military because the creature spreads a virus in the hospital and the survivors try to find a cure stay alive.
#5 Horror movie about a group of teens who get stranded in the woods and enter a house with different monsters and creatures killing them off one by one. The creatures are all lead by some pale vampire guy who wants the main girl of the group for himself. The first creature attack was by these mud zombies in a cellar who sound like farting when they move and a guy and girl kill them by breaking open wine barrels that melt the creatures.
#6 Horror movie about a demon genie killing people in a museum. The movie starts with a group of misfits breaking into an old gypsy’s home where they kill her and steal a genie lamb which gets free and kills them all. The lamp ends up in a museum where the genie starts killing people one by one. I remember the genie kills one couple with lots of snakes. At the end the lamp gets thrown into a furnace by a guy and a girl and the genie is stopped. It’s not “the wishmaster”
#7 Movie about a family that get attacked by a group of men in a cabin who rape the mother and daughter and then kill the parents. They think they kill the daughter by knocking her head on a table but she survives and goes after them for revenge. I remember one scene she seduces one guy in the water and cuts off his johnson. There’s another scene where she chases a guy in an ice factory with a meat hook. The ending has her shooting the last guy in a back alley in NYC and walking off.
#8 Horror movie about moms who become cannibal monsters. I remember one scene where the husband comes home and finds his wife eating their son with only the arm left sticking out of her mouth with a baseball glove on it. It used to be on TV a lot on “usa up all night”.
#9 Sci-fi movie about women cyborgs posing as humans hunting down some guy. There’s a scene in a warehouse with mannequins where the main character is being chased by a woman cyborg. There’s also a chase in the woods with a damaged cyborg. I remember the ending being in a cabin where the main character gets betrayed by someone he trusted and there’s a showdown with the cyborgs. It’s not “the stepford children”
#1 Might be Vigilante or possibly The Exterminator however i'm not intirely sure.
#9 Annihilator. I So love this movie and to this day have it on VHS. Was made as a pilot for a TV-Series that never (to my dismay) came to fruition Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by quiddie:
(2) Another horror flick, with a man inviting girls to his apartment, only to feed them to his "pet" bed. The last scene had him being invited to a woman's apartment, only to have her "pet" fridge eat him.
That's not a movie it's From the TV show MONSTERS episode 10 first season to be more excact called "Pillow Talk" Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Im remembering a movie that had real people and animation. I think a car rides leads to the animation world for this boy and in the animation part I remember something about a war between numbers and letters?
quote:Originally posted by Kerberus: The movie you are looking for is Superstition (1982). Great flick!
You are a STAR!!!!! Thanks ever so much!! Posted by starxgirl8 (Member # 8076) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darin: Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of this movie I saw years ago. It was one of those high school movies... I could only remember a few frames: a composition, a trip to washington as a prize, a trekie chasing the students, a party at the principal's home... That's all that I can remember. Somebody told me that is "Summer School", but I'm not sure. Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
The movie is national Lampoon's Senior Trip.
Posted by stquirkey (Member # 8121) on :
Please help!
80s film I saw on home video, story of a young boy who befriends some strange creatures.
I am almost 100% certain it was based on a range of toys and/or food etc.
I know that's not much to go on but any ideas?
Posted by stquirkey (Member # 8121) on :
After doing some googling I think it was 'Garbage Pail Kids'
Posted by Dalyssa (Member # 8151) on :
Help. This movie was about two teenage boys. One of them invents this machine that makes whatever he puts in it (vegetables in this case) grow very large and quickly, a matter of seconds. Well the other boy gets into the machine one day, and it turns him into a grown up. He goes to his school the next day and becomes the principal. There's this love story between him and one of hte teachers I think. Anyway, at the end she gets into the machine and becomes a teenager so they can be together. It's kinda like a different take on the movie BiG. Does anyone remember this movie and if so do you remember what the title was?
Posted by Dalyssa (Member # 8151) on :
Another movie about two children that get tired of their mother. They sell her to a market place and are given a coin, so they can buy any mother they want. They go through a series of mothers, then decide they want their own mother back. It might be early 90's but I think it was made in the 80's.
Posted by RozenHound (Member # 8041) on :
Dalyssa, I think the second movie you're looking for is Trading Mom.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dalyssa: Help. This movie was about two teenage boys. One of them invents this machine that makes whatever he puts in it (vegetables in this case) grow very large and quickly, a matter of seconds. Well the other boy gets into the machine one day, and it turns him into a grown up. He goes to his school the next day and becomes the principal. There's this love story between him and one of hte teachers I think. Anyway, at the end she gets into the machine and becomes a teenager so they can be together. It's kinda like a different take on the movie BiG. Does anyone remember this movie and if so do you remember what the title was?
Help! Have been trying to find a title to a movie! A woman is hurt in the head and in a nursing home. they fall in love - she wakes up or something and he wakes from a coma (think he was in a place crash and his name was carey or something). At the end they wheel him into the room in a wheelchair and bandages wrapped around his head. I know not much to go on.
Posted by jordi (Member # 8152) on :
I think I posted this comment in the wrong place. I guess this is the thread where it should have been posted.
I need help with the title of a movie I half-watched:
Back in the 80's, when I was just a kid, I remember I went with my parents to the movies, and watch a sci-fi movie. The movie was a little bit of a horror movie, so I was so scared I had to leave the theater in the middle of the movie. Now I would love to get hold of a copy and try to watch it again until the end, but I cannot remember the title! Here is what I remember:
An alien with a human shape arrives to planet Earth, and somehow settles down in a barn in the middle of nowhere, a sort of forest. He has the nasty habit to attract his victims to the barn and then with a sort of fluorescent light he stabs them and cuts them into pieces and then throws away the body parts into a sort magic portal that opens in the wall, like a sort of twirl or space black hole.
I know this is not much of a plot, but if it rings a bell to anyone, I would be eternally grateful... This movie has been in my head for the past 20 years or so!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Posted by Zone (Member # 8155) on :
This was posted earlier, but I didn't see an answer for it. I'm also looking for this movie. They get the dad drunk at the airport when they go to pick him up. They stage the accident.
quote:Originally posted by vikijensen99: I am looking for a movie What I remember is this guys dad is out of town and he takes out his dad's sports car and crashes it into a tree When his dad gets back the son gets him drunk and then takes him out to the scene of the accident and puts him behind the wheel of the car to make him think that he was the one that crashed it. Then at the end of the movie I seem to remember the guy and his friends rebuilding the car with a bus engine and entering it in some sort of race. Does anybody have any idea what this movie is? It is driving me crazy.
Posted by Zone (Member # 8155) on :
I think the answer to a similar question was posted earlier.
quote:Originally posted by refinement2009: Help! Have been trying to find a title to a movie! A woman is hurt in the head and in a nursing home. they fall in love - she wakes up or something and he wakes from a coma (think he was in a place crash and his name was carey or something). At the end they wheel him into the room in a wheelchair and bandages wrapped around his head. I know not much to go on.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:This was posted earlier, but I didn't see an answer for it. I'm also looking for this movie. They get the dad drunk at the airport when they go to pick him up. They stage the accident.
vikijensen99: I am looking for a movie What I remember is this guys dad is out of town and he takes out his dad's sports car and crashes it into a tree When his dad gets back the son gets him drunk and then takes him out to the scene of the accident and puts him behind the wheel of the car to make him think that he was the one that crashed it. Then at the end of the movie I seem to remember the guy and his friends rebuilding the car with a bus engine and entering it in some sort of race. Does anybody have any idea what this movie is? It is driving me crazy
It's an early Michael J. Fox movie 'High School USA':
I am looking for a 80's movie, but I cannot remember its title. It was one of those body swap movies. I can vaguely remember it, but there was that student that falls in love with the teacher, who has a boyfriend who is a jerk. One morning the student wakes up as an adult, and tries to prove the teacher's boyfriend is not the right man for her. I think the stupid boyfriend's name was Roy, but I am not sure.
Can anyone help me with this title, please!!!
Thanks a lot in advance guys.
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by jordi: I am looking for a 80's movie, but I cannot remember its title. It was one of those body swap movies. I can vaguely remember it, but there was that student that falls in love with the teacher, who has a boyfriend who is a jerk. One morning the student wakes up as an adult, and tries to prove the teacher's boyfriend is not the right man for her. I think the stupid boyfriend's name was Roy, but I am not sure.
Can anyone help me with this title, please!!!
Thanks a lot in advance guys.
Like Father Like Son?
Posted by jordi (Member # 8152) on :
Thanks a lot Kerberus. But unfortunately it's not Like Father Like Son. Million thanks for the help and trying. I guess that, rather than a body swap kind movie, it was the Tom Hanks' Big kind of movie, where the main character wakes up as a grown up man. But this time, there main story was about the main character falling in love with his teacher, and when he suddenly grows up, tries to prove that the teacher's boyfriend is not the right man for her.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi jordi.
Once again this sounds like 14 going on 30. (scroll up and you can see the finnish vhs cover art)
Rick Rossovich plays the teacher´s boyfriend Roy 'Jackjaw' Kelton
Posted by jordi (Member # 8152) on :
A million thanks aTomik! This is the one! Somehow I got it confused with the 2004 movie, "13 going on 30". It is almost the same title, and similar topic, but I knew originally it was an 80's movie. Again, thank you so, so much!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
quote:Originally posted by jordi: A million thanks aTomik! This is the one! Somehow I got it confused with the 2004 movie, "13 going on 30". It is almost the same title, and similar topic, but I knew originally it was an 80's movie. Again, thank you so, so much!
No problem!
Posted by stonethrower (Member # 8173) on :
Q: The movie I am looking for has a red headed kid in it who can flip people off in 50 different ways. It takes place around the beach and he and a blond friend of his show these tourist like business men how to have fun on the beach or get girls. The blond kid is the main character. At one point this girl called "blue balls something" opens a dishwasher and hits the chubby man in the nuts. This would have been early 80's. Any thoughts?
[ 25. August 2009, 06:54: Message edited by: stonethrower ]
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by Silly Dave: Awesome thread...this made me join up on here! Reading through here though I still couldn't find the movies I'm looking for. I've been looking for these for years now...any help with these would be greatly appreciated
#1 Action movie about a Vietnam vet coming home only to find it overrun by gang that has the city in fear...he teaches the city to fight back after his friends get terrorized and hurt by the gang. The gang has a final showdown with the city at the end. The movie starts in the jungle with a squad getting ambushed and one of the guys ends up in a wheelchair. I remember a scene where the main character teaches self defense technique using a pencil and at the end of the movie a school bus is held hostage by a gang member who gets stabbed in the neck with a pencil by one of the hostages using that technique. Also a lady spills boiling water on one of the gang members from a balcony. It’s not “band of the hand” another great movie.
The Annihilators (1985)
Posted by fairybeliever (Member # 8191) on :
I found this site just a minute ago because I have TWO movies that I can't for the LIFE of me remember what they're called and have searched and asked people for YEARS! God I love the internet, lol.
Anyway, the first movie (and I'm not sure if its 70's, 80's, or 90's honestly (when you get older, everything starts to just blend together) is I think about a boy and he lives maybe in the jungle, like the Amazon and there's this river and there's something scary in the river and he rides a dolphin ???? Any clue?
And the second one, I KNOW I'll probably get a quick response on this one at least, is about these people who find this baby dinosaur. It's not animated.
Thank you for any help! I appreciate it!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi fairybeliever and welcome to the site!
The second movie must be Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985)
THANK YOU aTomiK, I thought it had to do with something Baby, now if only I can remember the FIRST movie, lol. Gonna hop on Netflix right now and add that movie. Appreciate it!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Anyway, the first movie (and I'm not sure if its 70's, 80's, or 90's honestly (when you get older, everything starts to just blend together) is I think about a boy and he lives maybe in the jungle, like the Amazon and there's this river and there's something scary in the river and he rides a dolphin ???? Any clue?
It's possible your getting movies mixed-up. But here are some suggestions:
quote:Originally posted by fairybeliever: I found this site just a minute ago because I have TWO movies that I can't for the LIFE of me remember what they're called and have searched and asked people for YEARS! God I love the internet, lol.
Anyway, the first movie (and I'm not sure if its 70's, 80's, or 90's honestly (when you get older, everything starts to just blend together) is I think about a boy and he lives maybe in the jungle, like the Amazon and there's this river and there's something scary in the river and he rides a dolphin ???? Any clue?
Thank you for any help! I appreciate it!
I would like to think you are looking for Where the River Runs Black (1986) Posted by P a u l (Member # 1022) on :
quote:Originally posted by logan5: It's possible your getting movies mixed-up. But here are some suggestions:
I like it! Especially if that creature is Brooke Shields! Unless of course... you were talking about Christopher Atkins! Posted by fairybeliever (Member # 8191) on :
Ding Ding Ding!! Thanks a million Kerberus! Just searched Where The River Runs Black and that's it! YAH! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Man, it's been YEARS since I've seen that movie. Time to go to Netflix and add it to my list, lol. I appreciate everyone's help!
Posted by Sarah G. (Member # 8234) on :
I've scoured the board and the site to see if the movie was there, but I couldn't find it.
I'm pretty sure this was an 80s movie-- my guess would be around 1985-1987. I remember that it starts out that there's a solar eclipse coming. This blonde teen girl has a kid sister and their parents are throwing a big party to watch the eclipse. The girl is in her boyfriend's basement and she gives up her virginity to him. Meanwhile, the solar eclipse occurs and seemingly everyone on Earth is somehow turned to dust (I remember a scene panning showing all the people clothes just lying on the ground). The teen girl and the kid sister reunite and try to figure out what happened. They meet up with some other people including a guy who works in a radio station. I don't remember much else- I don't think any of the actors were very famous and it wasn't a great quality movie or anything.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Welcome to the Rewind Sarah!
I think that the movie you´re looking for is a classic called Night of the Comet (1984)
Thank you so much, atomik! For years I have wondered what this was. I didn't even realize that "Night of the Comet" was it when I read the summary page. I am so happy!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I´m glad i could help. Have fun while watching it again!
Posted by Humphrey (Member # 8060) on :
I was looking for this movie i remember watching about 20 years ago. It is about a man who was sent to this desert penal colony for getting drunk and cutting off parking meters. When he get there he somehow leads this group against another group of people for resources. The leader of the other group of people was a murder and thought the main character was too, and that is why he wanted to fight him or something. If i remember correctly it was futuristic.
I hope someone can help me, and im sorry about the bad description i was like 6 when i saw this movie so my perception may be a bit distorted. Anyways Thanks in advance.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by Humphrey: I was looking for this movie i remember watching about 20 years ago. It is about a man who was sent to this desert penal colony for getting drunk and cutting off parking meters. When he get there he somehow leads this group against another group of people for resources. The leader of the other group of people was a murder and thought the main character was too, and that is why he wanted to fight him or something. If i remember correctly it was futuristic.
The only thing similar that comes to my mind is No Escape. Doubt that is it though, it's from 1994.
ok so i've just got back into watching a while heap of movies i remember growing up with. Last Starfighter, Weird Science, Weekend at Bernies, etc. However there is one that i can only remember a little bit about and not the title.
The lead character pours some sort of chemical on pictures of girls and they come to life. That is all I remember from it and would appreciate any help finding the movie.
- ryan
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
It was an episode of the TV series 'Amazing Stories':
my friends and i were talking about a movie we think is from the 80's that had a dna homming missle?
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by marog12: my friends and i were talking about a movie we think is from the 80's that had a dna homming missle?
Don't think it had anything to do with DNA but it reminds me of the excellent movie Runaway starring Tom Selleck
Posted by wangmauler (Member # 8289) on :
Hey there all. I'm new here, I wanted to help out but also find out what a movie name was called! I looked and searched through this thread and couldn't find the name of this one, so here goes.
This movie I believe was from the late 80's. It was a pg-13 movie probably(maybe pg), about this young kid(maybe freshman in high school), who found out there were monsters under his bed - and the monsters could take him to another world under his bed - to their world.
In the monster world, I remember there being skateboarders and a lot of what I thought was cool stuff back then - I remember the boy going down to their world every night, and in doing so, i think he started becoming one of them, and during the day at school he had to wear sunglasses(because it was very dark in their world, and our world was too bright), and was very tired because he was up all night.
I remember only seeing this movie on TV, and only maybe 2 or 3 times in my childhood, but of course, the name eludes me, and I can't find much details on the all powerful Google.
Any help would be awesome. Thanks a lot, and I hope to be able to help in the near future.
Posted by hewzy (Member # 6043) on :
Hey, welcome to Rewind. I think the film your looking for is...
[ 06. October 2009, 10:21: Message edited by: hewzy ]
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
quote:Originally posted by Humphrey: I was looking for this movie i remember watching about 20 years ago. It is about a man who was sent to this desert penal colony for getting drunk and cutting off parking meters. When he get there he somehow leads this group against another group of people for resources. The leader of the other group of people was a murder and thought the main character was too, and that is why he wanted to fight him or something. If i remember correctly it was futuristic.
I hope someone can help me, and im sorry about the bad description i was like 6 when i saw this movie so my perception may be a bit distorted. Anyways Thanks in advance.
Is it some sort of spoof? Because the first part about cutting off parking meters is straight out of Cool Hand Luke.
Posted by PNorris1979 (Member # 8317) on :
Does anyone know this movie? Its about abunch of teenagers that dress up for halloween and start becomeing the monsters thay dressed up as.
Posted by 88LXi68 (Member # 8324) on :
First off this a great forum...wish I found it earlier.
For the last 5-6yrs I have been trying find a movie that I saw on HBO, Cinemax or Showtime anytime from 1987-94. I just can't find it.
The movie is set around teenagers in high school. one scene they are in a gym for a pep rally or some sort gathering. I then remember a kid and his girlfriend getting into a black muscle car and racing around town. the passenger had a remote that could change the street lights from red to green.
I know I am not giving a lot of info, but any idea would great!
[ 16. October 2009, 16:08: Message edited by: 88LXi68 ]
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
quote:Originally posted by PNorris1979: Does anyone know this movie? Its about abunch of teenagers that dress up for halloween and start becomeing the monsters thay dressed up as.
I don't know a movie like that, however, there was an episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in which that happened.
Posted by nyswagga (Member # 8325) on :
Its an 80's movie and all I can remember from the movie is there is a boy...maybe two boys...there in a house and they are looking out the window, the sky turns dark, they go out the window, then there is a scene change where it shows an old barbershop and an empty street. The boy(s) come up to a carnival...the carousel is on and they go over to it....there is a guy on the carousel with music comin from it....the sky has turned into a storm and this guy gets electrocuted on the carousel.. and that's at the end of the movie..anyone know?
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Its an 80's movie and all I can remember from the movie is there is a boy...maybe two boys...there in a house and they are looking out the window, the sky turns dark, they go out the window, then there is a scene change where it shows an old barbershop and an empty street. The boy(s) come up to a carnival...the carousel is on and they go over to it....there is a guy on the carousel with music comin from it....the sky has turned into a storm and this guy gets electrocuted on the carousel.. and that's at the end of the movie..anyone know?
Q-..It was an 80's movie about a girl that turned into a guy. She went to some old store or something like that, and came out with this piece of chalk. When you draw a circle around yourself, and wish on a star, your wish is granted. I think her name as a female was "MILLY". When she changed over into a boy, it was "Willy". It came on HBO back in the early 90's alot when i was a kid. But i know its not the movie called "Just one of the guy's".
[ 22. October 2009, 14:56: Message edited by: movieguy ]
Posted by hewzy (Member # 6043) on :
quote:Originally posted by movieguy: Q-..It was an 80's movie about a girl that turned into a guy. She went to some old store or something like that, and came out with this piece of chalk. When you draw a circle around yourself, and wish on a star, your wish is granted. I think her name as a female was "MILLY". When she changed over into a boy, it was "Willy". It came on HBO back in the early 90's alot when i was a kid. But i know its not the movie called "Just one of the guy's".
I have been racking my brain trying to figure this out. I think it was possibly a made for TV movie, but I'm not sure.
Don't remember much, but, it featured deaf school children being terrorized by a couple of males with guns. Their teacher is trying to protect them.
That's all I've got. Haven't seen it in years. Any leads?
Posted by topgun86 (Member # 8354) on :
Looking for a movie, either from 1970s or 1980s, i believe its the 80s.
Its in medieval times. I specifically remember there being a little troll that protects a child from some sort of evil empire. Can't be sure if the child was merlin or maybe arthur. Hope thats enough information to get an accurate answer.
thanks so much
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
quote:Originally posted by topgun86: Looking for a movie, either from 1970s or 1980s, i believe its the 80s.
Its in medieval times. I specifically remember there being a little troll that protects a child from some sort of evil empire. Can't be sure if the child was merlin or maybe arthur. Hope thats enough information to get an accurate answer.
thanks so much
I believe that you are talking about the movie Willow, which was directed by Ron Howard and written by George Lucas. An 80's classic, in my opinion:
Looking for a movie i watched a long time ago, i think it was in the mid eighties, cant remember much of it but basically it was about some kind of an astronaut whos filming solar flares and gets him by a freak solar wave, later he wakes up in the hospital and finds he has these powers where he can run fast and read and write fast too. His eyes also change colour from yellow and then to red depending on how much solar energy he uses up. Can anyone suggest what this movie was called please?
Posted by afellvoice (Member # 8437) on :
Hey Nick, it looks like you really know your movies, maybe you can help me with this one. It's an 80's movie with a boy in a city that swings around like Tarzan, the kid kinda looks like the the boy from Quiet Cool, if that helps but I don't think it's him. At one point in the movie he spies on a couple making out and then later relates it to a female character in a ridimentary way as "body bump". Any help would be great. Thanks.
Posted by Dan77 (Member # 8452) on :
Hello all, my brother just reminded me of a movie we used to watch when we were very little. all I can remember from it is 1 scene where a guy is swinging on a horizontal pole, and another guy was riding his bicycle underneath, he didn't see him and kicked him in the head knocking him off his bike. I remember it was a scary movie set in some old village inhabited by some sort of crazy arab people or something. I only remember that scene because we used to rewind it literally dozens of times and laugh all the way through it. Please help me remember the name, I'm sure it was made in the eighties. Thanking you in advance, Dan.
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dan77: Hello all, my brother just reminded me of a movie we used to watch when we were very little. all I can remember from it is 1 scene where a guy is swinging on a horizontal pole, and another guy was riding his bicycle underneath, he didn't see him and kicked him in the head knocking him off his bike. I remember it was a scary movie set in some old village inhabited by some sort of crazy arab people or something. I only remember that scene because we used to rewind it literally dozens of times and laugh all the way through it. Please help me remember the name, I'm sure it was made in the eighties. Thanking you in advance, Dan.
The name of the movie is Gymkata (1985) Posted by Daverooski (Member # 8457) on :
Hello everyone! I recently started a list of all the movies I would like to own and racking my brain for any ideas. I remembered a movie from the 80's (I think) and the details are a bit sketchy. So there are two boys, brothers, and I think they are leaving mom to go to dad, or something like that(maybe not), but the younger boy believes he is a robot/android(part of me thinks that he believes his father is responsible), another part they are at a tanning salon and the younger boy gets very red. Um,... another part the boys find a woman to give them a ride and the police show up and the boys say their mother is deaf and needs a special telephone device to call her. At some point the younger boy tried to prove he's a robot by throwing a bottle at a specific letter on a billboard. Sorry my details are vague and scattered. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot everyone.
Posted by Alphonse (Member # 8464) on :
Hi all, you guys are amazing with your movie knowledge. I hope you can help me remember a couple movie titles.
The first one I'm certain was from the 80's. I don't remember too much of it except I think it kinda loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood. It had a very surreal, dreamlike quality to it.
The second. It must have been from 78-79 because I remember seeing it at the drive in along with Laserblast, which was made in 78. All i remember from this movie was that there were these very small alien spacecraft. (very similar to those in Batteries Not Included) And these aliens were not friendly. There were some people on a farm being attacked by them. Thats all I can remember of it.
Not a whole lot to go on.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi Alphonse!
The first one could be The Company of Wolves (1984)
Posted by Alphonse (Member # 8464) on :
aTomiK, yesss. thats the one, thank you.
Posted by Sephira (Member # 8473) on :
quote:Originally posted by canigetanidplz: ok...this is a cool post and I like how it is all together for people to look up...but it needs to be monitored and consolidated every once in a while, because some questions get over looked and it gets all jumbled up...just a suggestion...
I had post a question a while back about a movie I cant remember...it is about a group of kids training for the olympics...the main character is in love with one of the girls and has problems with his father...any help would be appreciated...
American Anthem thanks
Posted by Synergy (Member # 8468) on :
I hope someone can id this movie for me, in this thread. Been searching the lead actor, I'm sure he has light (blue?) eyes and brown(or dark) hair because I remember his eyes really stood out. The story is about a man in the military whose job was a driver for a senior officer and so there were lot of high speed driving scenes, and they were in a foreign country. There was a ballroom scene and I think he drove past the Berlin wall with a woman. Near the end he rides a motorcycle behind an 'active' military base to find out that it's not and that apparently there was an accident (a flashback) and everyone got killed in an explosion. He took some pictures for evidence then had to escape from people guarding this secret. He reached his superior officers but was told to hand over the film because they wanted to keep this cover-up, he gave them a fake and gave his friend the film.
Posted by 2kansam (Member # 8481) on :
Okay I am not sure if anyone knows or has already named this movie but, it's been driving me crazy because I can't think of the name or who stars in it or the plot. All I remember is a scene where the boy is working on a bike seat for this girl and he shrinks down very small, ends up inside her panties and while she's in class causes her to have an orgasm by tugging or climbing on her pubic hairs. The whole scene is hilarious and I truly can't remember if it's from the late 70's in the 80's or very early 90's. Any and all help would be great, Thanks.
Posted by @mb3r133 (Member # 8509) on :
My spouse described a 1980's movie to me, and though I pride myself on my knowledge of the genre, I am thoroughly STUMPED! Here is what was described:
Story of a boy who grows up in an upper class home with 2 loving parents, basically an entitled life, and when he is a teen he is killed somehow, but he is reincarnated, this time to a poor, low-class family. He looks EXACTLY the same in his second life as he did in the first life. The only other thing that can be remembered about the film is a part sometime toward the end of the movie where the boy is not quite a teenager anymore and is hitchhiking, and he is picked up by the now-older parents from his first life. They look at him in recognition and look at each other, unbelieving...and other than that, total blank.
Please help me redeem myself!!! Thanks!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
got a bit of a good one here for yall. Got a movie I remember as a kid that I just cant remember now. I wanna say there was 5 aliens (one wore sunglasses and talked like jack nicholson) and they were stranded(god figure) and when they finally found a way to elave earth their space ship was too heavy so they emptied their space tanks and alien poo went into a field that wasnt growing too well, and over night the crops exploded and grew like crazy....any ideas?
Posted by 2kansam (Member # 8481) on :
spaced invaders is the name ogre
Posted by ogre (Member # 8526) on :
awesome thanks
Posted by silly (Member # 8539) on :
Need help with this one.. Can not remember the title of it at all !!
Early to mid eighties (hopefully not 70s) but it was about a group of kids that hang out in abandon houses and have problems at school and their is a big town meeting concerning all the kids and they end up over taking the school and at the end of the movie they are all taken away on a bus and you see the main kid looking out the window of the bus and he is smiling and all the kids are waving on the bridges and cheering..
Hopefully someone can help - I have always remembered this movie but no one knows what the heck I am talking about !!
Posted by Sir Sammy Hain Esq. (Member # 3150) on :
Over the Edge
Posted by Sir Sammy Hain Esq. (Member # 3150) on :
and yes it was late 70s
Posted by silly (Member # 8539) on :
That was quick !!
Thanks so much.. I guess I am older than I think !! lol
Posted by Sir Sammy Hain Esq. (Member # 3150) on :
well it was shown on HBO quite often during the 80s
Posted by silly (Member # 8539) on :
And that's probably were I seen..
Oh the good ole days when all you had to do was put a tube on the back of the cable box to get HBO and Cinemax for free !!
Posted by gadawg (Member # 8540) on :
OK here goes i think it was an 80's movie. Can't remember any of the names of the actors but the plot went kinda like this. There was a geeky guy from school and i think later after school he asks a popular guy to be in his wedding or best man. The popular guy doesnt remember him but goes along with it until the end when he tells the geeky guy "I don't remember you!" and the geeky guy says "Don't you remember, you looked at me after the football game and said cmon you guys"( or some generalized statement) and the cool guy says of coourse i remember. Anybody? This is driving me crazy!
Posted by EE138 (Member # 8576) on :
I'm trying to remember the name of this movie. I *think* I remember it being based on a book, though by who I couldn't say. There were 2 teenage kids, they had an old Plymouth Road Runner painted with gray primer. I think they were general troublemakers, but one of them kept getting progressively worse. I believe it ended with him shooting some people in a mall. Any ideas?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
EE138, the movie you´re searching for must be The Boys Next Door (1985) with Charlie Sheen and Maxwell Caulfield.
Good flick with some rockin´ early Great White tunes on the soundtrack.
Posted by EE138 (Member # 8576) on :
Yes! Thank you Posted by f1osof2 (Member # 8589) on :
Does this sound familiar, I don't know the name of it. A boy plays the electronic 80's simon game until he beats it. When he beats it, a portal opens up in his bedroom and he walks through it. His parents have to beat it to follow him.
Posted by f1osof2 (Member # 8589) on :
no luck?
Posted by f1osof2 (Member # 8589) on :
wow did i find a real stumper? no comments at all
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Well, it´s obviously a tough one. Are you the dude who´s asking the same question here:
I didn´t even know what a Simon game is until i checked it Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Do you know that it's a movie? There are an awful lot of people who look for things that were part of a TV series like 'Amazing Stories' or 'Twilight Zone' (80's version). You could try the plot synopsis' for those on the IMDB.
Posted by djinfrared (Member # 8610) on :
hi can anyone help me im looking for the mane oof a 80's fil where these monsters with little heads live in the ground or sumwhere and capture children to drain their essence and drink it.. im also pretty sure the kids have wings but cant be 100% thanx craig
Posted by Skip (Member # 8616) on :
hey people whats up, movie I'm looking for was from the 80's ,perhaps late 70's. The movie started with kids playing in a self build spaceship (a fake spaceship just for playing) that was standing in the yard of one of the kids.(they were playing like they were in a space war). But most scenes I remember were from those kids doing crazy things with there skateboards; like 2 skateboarders next to each other holding arms and hangin verry low to the road while going pretty fast down a road.And one of the kids building a giant skateboard while the others visit him. I think its possible that the actors were french-canadian speaking actors. I think it ended with a skate contest,but not shure. The kids were 12 to 14 years old I think...
Thanx in advance!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
hey thanx logan5 ; BUT I went true it on the tube,but its not that one,although It was pretty close,with the skateboarding parts and the 2 kids building that soapbox (or what is it, didnt see the ending of the film) similar to what I remeber as kids building a giant skateboard in the movie Im looking for. And the kids playing in a spaceship didnt come up... Im pretty shure Im not mixing up 2 movies... but Thanx again! cheers
[ 19. February 2010, 02:08: Message edited by: Skip ]
Posted by pozatip (Member # 8622) on :
I really need help with this one... Its a movie about a guy that grew up in the era when there was no television only radio... He narrates through out the movie. In one seen he sees his neighbor changing from the window in his room, i want for say it takes place in a place like Brooklyn cuz there's a like a Train. In the and his brother signs up to the military. One big thing about this movie is the music they play in it I think its from the 20's or 40's. Any clue???
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
maybe even Brighton Beach Memoirs? if it isn't Radio Days? I was gonna suggest both Posted by pozatip (Member # 8622) on :
i think its the brighton beach memories one, I'll rent them both just to be safe thanks guys! aTomiK and Muffy
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
The movie I am looking for is not any of the Indiana Jones or Crocodile Dundee movies. But it seemed like a spoof of them. It takes place in South America. Near or looking for an Inca or Aztec temple(s). The one scene that sticks in my head takes place near a river? There are about 5 people around and not all of them are good. The good one(s) pass out at some point. I've often wondered if the lead guy is the same one that played the lead role in the Allen Quartermain movie. Anyways any help would be wonderful. Thank you all.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lady Redheart78: The movie I am looking for is not any of the Indiana Jones or Crocodile Dundee movies. But it seemed like a spoof of them. It takes place in South America. Near or looking for an Inca or Aztec temple(s). The one scene that sticks in my head takes place near a river? There are about 5 people around and not all of them are good. The good one(s) pass out at some point. I've often wondered if the lead guy is the same one that played the lead role in the Allen Quartermain movie. Anyways any help would be wonderful. Thank you all.
I do believe that it is Firewalker. but just in case i am going to re-watch the Quartermain movies to be sure. thank u guys for your help. Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
since i had such good luck before, im going to ask about one more movie. its from 89 or 90 a warewolf movie. I remember a blond actress in a cabin in the woods with a German Shepard. At some point a dark haired man shows up, may be a brother. the guy is staying in a silver camper.
i know the movie is NOT silver bullet or wolf. again any help would be loved.
Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
It sounds like My Mom's a Werewolf. Check it out Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
I wrote the page for My Mom's a Werewolf........it doesn't sound like it? hmmmmm? the whole camper and brother thing sort of put it out of the running I may be wrong???
Posted by Muffy Tepperman (Member # 1551) on :
ooooo yeah duh could it be The Howling? with Dee Wallace? I haven't seen it in a long time.....but I think they do go into the woods and stay?
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
no its not the howling or my moms a warewolf either. it might have been on HBO or Showtime. but again thank you for yr help everyone.
I mostly remember that her dog hated the guy with the dark hair because he had been bitten or injured by a wolf. i even wondered if it might have been the movie Night Shadow. but its not the same cast.
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
i only remember the woman and the man because their the ones or only ones throught out the movie
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
I FOUND IT!!! Bad Moon - 1996. But Thank you everyone for the efforts.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Yeah, i have Bad Moon on dvd. It´s a pretty nice low-budget werewolf flick with Michael Paré and Mariel Hemingway.
Posted by Skip (Member # 8616) on :
quote:Originally posted by Skip: hey people whats up, movie I'm looking for was from the 80's ,perhaps late 70's. The movie started with kids playing in a self build spaceship (a fake spaceship just for playing) that was standing in the yard of one of the kids.(they were playing like they were in a space war). But most scenes I remember were from those kids doing crazy things with there skateboards; like 2 skateboarders next to each other holding arms and hangin verry low to the road while going pretty fast down a road.And one of the kids building a giant skateboard while the others visit him. I think its possible that the actors were french-canadian speaking actors. I think it ended with a skate contest,but not shure. The kids were 12 to 14 years old I think...
Thanx in advance!
Anyone? (Im absolutely shure its NOT Kenny & Co.)
Posted by daisyx (Member # 8685) on :
Hey looking for a dance movie about a guy and its set on a tv show, kinda like cry baby, but its not that or hairspray....
It has sweet soul music on itys soundtrack.... thanks!
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Originally posted by daisyx: Hey looking for a dance movie about a guy and its set on a tv show, kinda like cry baby, but its not that or hairspray....
It has sweet soul music on itys soundtrack.... thanks!
Logan5 is absolutely correct. The movie you seek is "The In Crowd". Great flick!
Posted by ariel (Member # 8710) on :
hello, the movie im looking for well its hard lol. I only remember the intro, its a kid cutting his face in front of a mirror...the song thats played is mocking bird during the intro. pleeasee help meee lol.
Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
Hi, it sounds like you're describing The Hills Run Red (2009).
I've been looking for the movie "The Bride" 1985 featuring Sting in it. Does anyone know where I can get it? Thank you in advance.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
You can get it also from amazon but it´s much more expensive there.
Posted by tmichaels88 (Member # 8735) on :
I can vaguely remember a movie from either the late 80s or early to mid 90s.
It was about three brothers, who don't treat their mother with the respect she deserves, and then one morning she's just disappeared. The boys don't know whats going on and they have to fend for themselves. Then i think a fair-like this comes to town and they get three tokens/coins to try out a variety of different mums. Each mum that they try out though just doesnt suit them, so they eventually go and smash the coin machine and steal more coins so they can try more mums. When all hope is lost and they don't think they are ever going to see their mum again, she reappears one morning, all is happy again.
Would really appreciate any help. Cheers.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:I've been looking for the movie "The Bride" 1985 featuring Sting in it. Does anyone know where I can get it? Thank you in advance.
It's available in the UK dirt cheap (Region 2) it has a director's commentary.
[ 17. March 2010, 11:30: Message edited by: logan5 ]
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
Another good movie I always like was "Wild Orchid" with whats his name from 9 1/2 weeks and Sin City. Mickey Rouke? Its adult oriented so don't watch it in front of the kiddies lads.
Tmichaels88 - I never herd of that one. do u know any of the actors by any chance.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I´ve never seen Wild Orchid but i have the dvd. Wish i had more time to watch all the movies that lie on the shelf Posted by Alphonse (Member # 8464) on :
Hi all. I'm trying to find the titles for 2 movies, I'm almost certain were from the 80's.
Every once in a while there's a story in the news about someone who has a crack on their wall that reminds them of Jesus or The Virgin Mary. Or a potato, or a shrub or any random thing. The movie tells the story of a family who has something such as this on their property and all the commotion it causes. Very funny movie.
The other, I can't remember too much about but it was a very funny spoof of westerns.
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Hi Alphie, donno about the first 1. But the second might be Blazing Saddles
Someone pls. help, trying to find a couple of movie titles.
First movie i think was a slasher thriller type of movie. I believe it was a New yrs. eve party, there was a killer on the loose. I can remember someone hiding in a barn or garage. I also remember something to do with a keychain that beeps when you whistle and someone getting blown away with a shotgun.
the second movie i think is an early 80`s movie, took place on a farm somewhere in the midwest(not a 100% sure)I also remember 2 young adults playing in the hayloft of the barn, i can remember her being topless. I think i can also remember something to do with a dune buggy in the movie.
Any help would be great
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
the second one sounds like the Critters movie. I remember a barn scene. just dont remember if she was topless or not. i dont know the other one but the guys and gals on this site are great, just give em a day or two and im sure someone will have an idea for u. best of luck
Posted by Lady Redheart78 (Member # 8625) on :
Yes it is Mickey Rouke in Wild Orchid and 9 1/2 weeks. Again don't watch with kids around lots of nudity and explicit scenes in Wild Orchid and some in 9 1/2. Much watches with yr girlfriends.
Posted by momof4monkeys (Member # 8783) on :
okay...limited detail as I have seen this movie when I was around 4-5 years old(fyi 33 now) My dad and I have been trying to find it but here goes... little girl, green light bouncing at the foot of her bed....something having to do with triangles/spaceship or time travel. They live in possibly the desert/mountains - late 70's early 80's. So that's it....keeping my fingers crossed!
Posted by momof4monkeys (Member # 8783) on :
one more thing I remembered....I think the little green light turns into a pyramid that the little girl holds in her hand...
Posted by momof4monkeys (Member # 8783) on :
nevermind! Found it!!! The Day Time Ended 1980 Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kiki: I'm looking for this movie that use to air on the Disney channel (I think) at night. I think it is an 80's movie (it looked like it) anyway...
It was a story about a high school girl (and if i remember correctly I think she was a babysitter too) who wants to be popular so she visits this lady (possibly a fortune teller or something? She looked old and dressed like one) and that lady helped her wish come true and she became popular. Then another part in the movie she showed the old lady a picture of a pretty woman that she wanted to look just like and it happened.
She ends up with a popular guy and goes and makes out with him in some abandoned house. Thats all I can remember.
Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?
Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
The movie is called "Teen Witch" it was a good one...one of my faves as a kid.
Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
quote:Originally posted by BoriGurlaHP: ok i have 2 movies i would like to find the names of
1. there was one about a girl and her boyfriend and in the beginning of the movie they show im at the store with her and i think he gets shot and shes there holding him and he comes back to life or something in the movie and i think the theme song to it was "my boyfriends back and theres going to be trouble hey ya..."
2. this one is really hard because i hardly remember anything. it should be a 80s movie if not early 90s its a dance movie and all i remember is the end where the girl and the guy are supposed to do a dance but some people dont want them to and they are chasing them and the guy the girl is with helps her get out of the window and she takes off her shoes i think and they get out of the window and they are climbing out on the side of the building on the stairs or something
any ideas would be great! thanks!
Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
#1 is actualy called "my boyfriends Back"
Posted by omie (Member # 8865) on :
Hey all, great site. I have one I've been looking for, and I'm not sure if I have the title right, and it's just not popular, or I'm totally off on the title.
I want to say the title of this movie is 'TM, I love you', and I can't remember if this was a 70's or 80's movie, because I THINK it's Japanese. It's a live action movie, that takes place in Japan, and follows a little girl around with some sort of smart robot that she's runaway with, or something along those lines. She's joined by a japanese boy who protects her from being found. I remember that in one scene, they end up sleeping in a department store or something, and he's guarding her with a katana sword.
Any help would be appreciated. It's been stumping me for a loooong time. Thanks, y'all!
Posted by Canyon (Member # 8873) on :
Hi there!
I am looking for a movie which I saw back in the 80's.
It's a movie from the 80's and this is what I remember of the plot.
There is a couple and they have a teenage daughter. I think that the mother is actually the girl's stepmother. She and her father are American and I'm pretty sure I remember that they move into this huge mansion in England. There is a large staircase and at the bottom on the carpet, is a large blood stain that has been there for many years. I remember that they got in two paranormal investigators to do an investigaion, and they begin to get an image of a woman dressed in an Elizabethan style dress and collar appear, and one of the investigators faints. Also, the teenage girl meets up with a ghost, in the form of an old man, and near the end of the movie, she has to somehow save him from disappearing altogether. I also remember that at the end of the movie, the girl sees a boy at school, looks over at him, and tells her father that she is interested in him. It could be a TV movie, but I'm damned if I remember the title, let alone who was in it.
If you could help in any way, I would be grateful!
Thank you!
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
The Canterville Ghost is the movie / TV-Movie you're looking for There were many different versions made. So i don't know excactly wich one you are looking for.
Posted by Canyon (Member # 8873) on :
Kerberus, thank you so much!
It would have been the 1986 version with Sir John Guilgud. ;-)
Thanks once again.
Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
quote:Originally posted by @mb3r133: Help!!
My spouse described a 1980's movie to me, and though I pride myself on my knowledge of the genre, I am thoroughly STUMPED! Here is what was described:
Story of a boy who grows up in an upper class home with 2 loving parents, basically an entitled life, and when he is a teen he is killed somehow, but he is reincarnated, this time to a poor, low-class family. He looks EXACTLY the same in his second life as he did in the first life. The only other thing that can be remembered about the film is a part sometime toward the end of the movie where the boy is not quite a teenager anymore and is hitchhiking, and he is picked up by the now-older parents from his first life. They look at him in recognition and look at each other, unbelieving...and other than that, total blank.
Please help me redeem myself!!! Thanks!
Posted by firefansec8 (Member # 8823) on :
quote:Originally posted by @mb3r133: Help!!
My spouse described a 1980's movie to me, and though I pride myself on my knowledge of the genre, I am thoroughly STUMPED! Here is what was described:
Story of a boy who grows up in an upper class home with 2 loving parents, basically an entitled life, and when he is a teen he is killed somehow, but he is reincarnated, this time to a poor, low-class family. He looks EXACTLY the same in his second life as he did in the first life. The only other thing that can be remembered about the film is a part sometime toward the end of the movie where the boy is not quite a teenager anymore and is hitchhiking, and he is picked up by the now-older parents from his first life. They look at him in recognition and look at each other, unbelieving...and other than that, total blank.
Please help me redeem myself!!! Thanks!
The movie is called "Made In Heavan" 1987, with Tomothy Hutton and Kelly McGillis
Posted by amaranth (Member # 8882) on :
Been trying remeber the title for years think it was late 80s about some teenagers go swimming in an old church and a cross falls of someones neck awakening some creature mabe vampire from under the water then it goes about killing virgins i remember mabe main charater loses virginity to stay alive???
Posted by tankman201 (Member # 8888) on :
looking for a movie think it was 80s where they play a game of pranks dont remember what its called then one character inhierts this old house they fix it up towns people dont like it so play this game on the town
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Playing For Keeps?
[ 12. May 2010, 09:20: Message edited by: Valley ]
Posted by tankman201 (Member # 8888) on :
Posted by tankman201 (Member # 8888) on :
thats the one thank u very much
Posted by tina maispeis (Member # 8916) on :
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
I'm looking for an 80's movie where there was a blonde woman seeking revenge from i believe, sort of like a biker gang.I was about 12 years old when i saw it but i do remember a bathtub scene where she takes a bubble bath revealing pubic hair Also at the final scene she kills someone with a bow and arrow
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Well it's not totally up to par with your description but it might be Savage Streets (1984)
To be honest i was too young to remember and only seen it once to know who were the actors,but i kinda remember like a blonde girl as the lead or at least the one in the bathtub scene I'll take a look at this film and see if any memories spark Thankks
Posted by Zico140 (Member # 9061) on :
Hey Im looking for a movie. It is about a kid who has some sort of accident with a computer and he absorbs all the computer's info. He also happens to be in a high school jeopardy like team (so now he is like the best cause he knows everything from the computer) near the end, I remember the guy who is on the opposing team, sends him a computer virus. does anyone know what this movie is called?
thank you.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
My thought is that you are looking for "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes"..
There are two choices.. the original from 1969 with Kurt Russell and the remake from 1995 with Kirk Cameron.
Posted by Zico140 (Member # 9061) on :
Hey Valley, thnx a lot for ur help but i think im looking for a different movie.
the story is identical, but this is not it. I just checked out the movie u recommend. There was a romance element too, and the bad guy infected him with a virus. and im pretty sure it was after 1969. does anyone else have any ideas
Posted by Zico140 (Member # 9061) on :
hey Valley, I checked it out, I was looking for the 1995 version. thnx a lot.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Thanks for coming back and telling me! I've been trying to think of a similar 80's movie.
Posted by SavageHenry (Member # 9082) on :
Q: Does anyone remember a movie that was based around halloween, and there were 3 statues. A tall skinny red one, a mid size blue one, and a short chubby green one. And a kid somehow got the blue one to come to life. and it ran real fast and helped him out. I think the kid was high school aged... Also i remember the monster mash song being involved... am i crazy or anyone else remember something somewhat like this?... might have had something to do with a full moon... maybe kid turned into the monster???
Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
Q: I'm trying to find the name of a movie (or made for TV movie) from the 80s, but I don't remember that much about it...
There is a boy that can heal animals with his hands. He heals a blind turtle. Someone brings him a dead animal and he can't do anything for it.
There is one scene where he and his buddy are playing in a river and some bullies kick them out...then the boy shocks them with his hands through the water...
I think the boy has flash-backs of his mom dying by getting hit by a bus when he was younger...
Any information would be great...I've been looking for this movie for a while.
Logan5 thanks for the suggestion, but Powder isn't the movie I'm thinking of. I wish I could remember more about it.
I think at the end of the movie the boy finds out that his mom is still alive, but I'm not sure.
Thanks again guys for any thoughts you have. Posted by Avlis (Member # 9108) on :
Any other thoughts guys?
This one is killing me...
Posted by DarkRavenZ (Member # 9138) on :
Hello, I'm looking for a movie title. It was so long ago, I only remember one scene. A woman was kidnapped and held in a room possibly for ransom. While she was being held there, a couple of thugs came in and was trying to assault her. In the meanwhile a male who was in the area came and rescued her before they could assault her (i think). It seemed like it was set in hong kong or a gang related district. That's all I can remember. Can anyone help? Thanks
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi aTomiK, Thank you for trying, but that was not the movie. I really appreciate your help.
Posted by DarkRavenZ (Member # 9138) on :
quote:Originally posted by PNorris1979: Does anyone know this movie? Its about abunch of teenagers that dress up for halloween and start becomeing the monsters thay dressed up as.
Hi PNorris1979, Is it an old movie? Try Tick 'r Treat (2008) DarkRavenZ
Posted by Avlis (Member # 9108) on :
I found it!
The Gifted One (1989)
Thanks for your help. Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
Way to go, Avlis! I have never heard of that one before. Thanks for stopping back in to let us know your case has been solved. You should stick around and post more if you see any topics that interest you. New blood is always welcome around here. Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Good to hear you found it Avlis i got real curious myself:) And as previous speaker stated Welcome!
Posted by jayvee (Member # 9156) on :
Great site. First post. Reviewed the thread and apologies if I missed the answer.
I am looking for the name of a film, made in Canada, 80s, something like War Games, but low budget and no graphics. (But IMHO with a better premise).
A student develops an algorithm which he releases into the school computer and changes his marks. The algorithm escapes into the 'net causing havoc in other systems. I am stopping here so as not to be a spoiler.
Thanks in advance. JV
[ 12. September 2010, 21:35: Message edited by: jayvee ]
Posted by Rockbandexpert (Member # 9164) on :
Q: OK I Need Help With This Movie I Think It Was An 80's Movie There Was A Young Boy Who Was Like Lost In A Mountainy Forest And He Had to Survive There Was People Chasing Him I Remember A Scene Where There Was Men On Dirtbikes Chasing Him He Tricked One Of Them And The Man Went Off The Cliff I Think And throughout the movie the boy setup traps and stuff i think There Is Another Scene Where He Has To Use A Zipline But Is Afraid At First But Then He Works Up The Courage The Boy Was Dressed In Like Animal Fur And I Think Had A Wolf Head For A Hat And He Wore A Necklace I Think That Had some kind of medallion on it like a talon or something i dont remember i think he ran across some people or someone At a cool looking fort like place i think the person or people tried to trick him into staying with them but he said he had to keep moving i think i remember like his father or maybe the man that raised him was a husky guy with a big beard white beard i believe but he dies or is killed somehow near the beginning and then the boy is on his own from then to survive i can't remember who or what is chasing him though i'm not sure if his father or whoever the man was sent him on a quest or he just had to survive till the end. it's based in a foggy mountaln forest i do know that i think it ends with the boy on a cliff top and a helicopter hovering over him Not Directly over him like just off the cliff in front of him and the boy is crouched down like he's tired and hurt ending camera angle is from helicopter to boy on cliff. i strongly believe that's how the movie ends. any help with this is highly appreciated for years i have been trying to find this movie please help A 1000 thank you's. god bless.
Posted by Secret Admirer (Member # 3574) on :
quote:Originally posted by jayvee: A student develops an algorithm which he releases into the school computer and changes his marks. The algorithm escapes into the 'net causing havoc in other systems. I am stopping here so as not to be a spoiler.
Secret: Thanks. Hide and Seek it is. The film was based on the the Sci-Fi novel The Adolescence of P-1 , (1977) by Thomas J. Ryan. (Ref. Wikipedia). I am pleasantly surprised to find that the novel is set in the town where I live. Per Wikipedia: The low budget film was one of the first to describe a computer virus and artificial intelligence (AI). IMO War Games was just a gamer and a hacker with no I, Artifical or otherwise. Posted by Dr.Flavor (Member # 9217) on :
I actually need the name of a movie, and I just became a member of this message board to figure it out..maybe you guys can help?
The movie is about a 'hate-filled' teen girl, she's a bit angry and tough, she has piercings, dyed oddly colored hair, etc,.I know she is mad at her mom/parents etc, and she goes to a carnival of some sort. I remember her being really hot and climbing something like a water tower. I think it was a slightly action filled type movie, but not 'scary'. I believe she had long hair and she 'shaved' or cut the majority of it off, angry with mom, went to carnival. (wow..this is pretty broad, don't know what else happeend though). I'd like to see the movie again. anyone help?
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Hi Dr. Flavor..
This movie doesn't describe it exactly, but how about:
If this by chance not the movie.. how about a longshot:
"The Legend of Billie Jean"
Neither fit your description totally, but that is all I can come up with at the moment..
[ 26. October 2010, 00:23: Message edited by: Valley ]
Posted by Ml2CoolCat (Member # 9093) on :
im looking for the name of a movie from the 80's with Laverne from the Laverne and Shirley i think it was space something i cant remember but if you know the name and where i can find it i would appreciate it thanks
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Any more details that you can remember? I don't recall Penny Marshall being in very many movies in the 80's.. how about Cindy Williams in "UFOria"?
Space Camp?
Posted by Ml2CoolCat (Member # 9093) on :
i made a mistake it was Shirley and it was a take off of the alien movie and the alien starts to sing "i want to eat your face" some kind of comedy i guess
Posted by Ml2CoolCat (Member # 9093) on :
it had leslie neilson in it too
Posted by Ml2CoolCat (Member # 9093) on :
i found it the name of the movie is "naked space" with leslie nielson and cindy williams from 1983
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Been trying to the name of this movie for years so if any of you can help me I'd be eternally grateful!
It's about this guy who takes this girl out on a date. Her dad is super strick I think he might be a police detective if memory serves me right. He gives them a curfew and threatens the boy about what will happen if he brings his daughter home late. They end up running into all kinds of problems and the movie ends up being mostly about him trying to get her home safe. Does this ring any bells for anyone? It's driving me crazy!
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
The Night Before
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
It is a hidden gem.. enjoy!
Posted by bjjunegirl (Member # 6199) on :
I'll check it out and see if it is the movie I seek! Thanks much!
Posted by dude (Member # 9380) on :
I briefly saw parts to this movie about high school/college teens who try to find out personal things about girls to have sex with them. The one kid pretends he works for the IRS and visits a girls house to find out things about her for someone else. While he is there he winds up hooking up the the mother behind the bar while the father was in the kitchen. From what I saw it was hilarious. The only other thing I remember is when they get into college the cool kid winds up falling in love and punches one of his buddies in the nose. I told my wife how funny it was and now I can't find it for her. I saw it on dish network possibly on starz or one of there movie channels. If someone knows the name please let me know. My wife and I are dying to whatch it.
Posted by Rubberduckloser (Member # 9419) on :
I am looking for the name of a movie. I do not know all the details. From what I can remember a guy crashes into a cement truck or falls into a vat of cement and goes down in like a drain or something. I think the main character thinks he died but at the end of the movie he is still alive. It was all a hoax or something... hope this is enough information Posted by FREESPIRITED79 (Member # 9488) on :
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Posted by marty1975 (Member # 9501) on :
Please, please, please help!
I've been searching for this movie for years. My fourth-grade teacher showed it to my class in 1985, so I'm thinking that it was made in the early-80's, or possibly the late-70's.
It was a live action-animation combo. I only vaguely remember the opening scenes of the movie: a boy (he may have had a sibling) chases a leprechaun (or gnome) across fields and through a forest. The leprechaun/gnome was animated. I believe that they ended up going after treasure of some sort, or that the leprechaun/gnome may have stolen something, and the boy was trying to retrieve it.
I've asked in a few other places before, and I've received, "The Great Land of the Small," as a possible answer. However, I am POSITIVE that that is not the movie.
Thanks in advance for any possible help. This one's been driving me crazy for years!
Posted by Lauren Dallas Texas (Member # 9541) on :
I need a movie from the 80's with teenage boys at a boarding school. The headmaster was so mean and had a stick. He would scream "say it again, I said say it again" over and over with a country accent. It was hilarious. All I remember was that, and that the boys were always in trouble. Maybe they were like 14 or 15? They stole a car. Anyone remember that? The song "Rock the Casbah" was in it by the Clash, so it was maybe mid 80's.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Up The Academy
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
I think you might be confusing images from The Clash video with a character from the movie. But I'm still going with "Up The Academy".. because the quote is definitely in it.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Yep, definitely Up The Academy. No doubt about it.
Posted by Lauren Dallas Texas (Member # 9541) on :
Thank you guys so much! I watched the movie UP THE ACADEMY last night and laughed like crazy. Brought back some fun times. I love it! 80's is the BEST!
Posted by Helen_S (Member # 5804) on :
Great flick!
Welcome to the boards Lauren Posted by Manafae (Member # 9542) on :
I remember being a small child and seeing this sort of scene on our television screen.
There was a giant pit with thick tar at the bottom. People were sliding down under the tar and some were never seen again but a small few came back out with fairy wings on their backs.
I don't think that I made this memory up, but I can't seem to find anything online. I've searched for years!
Please help!
Posted by conard le barban (Member # 9581) on :
wow. 24 pages sure is a lot to read. I sadly didn't find the movie i'm looking for in those pages. I believe that there is a kind or gardian angel helping a guy to be cooler. Once more self-assured, he gets to sleep with the winner of a wet t-shirt contest, but FORGETS TO REMOVE THE SALAMI HE PUT IN HIS PANTS... At the end, the angel helps an "ugly" girl to flirt with this guy (who no longer need him). Not sure about this one, but he also tries to score with the ultra hot chick alone in her dorm while everybody wait outside for the huge jalous boyfriend to come back and throw him by the window.I hope I didn't mixed two movies, but you guys really know your stuff so i'm confident you can help me. Thx.
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
Firstly, welcome to the Rewind Conard
Secondly, you're looking for MEATBALLS III Starring Patrick Dempsey. Posted by conard le barban (Member # 9581) on :
Thank you very much. Perhaps this was an easy one, but in any case, I'm very impressed by your collective knowledge about 80s movies. This forum is priceless.
Posted by Jace (Member # 9583) on :
There was a movie I saw on cable when I was younger. The people were on boats and there were a bunch of girls who lined up on a boat and flashed this group of guys and the guys got distracted and crashed their boat.
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
Jace, that sounds very much like a scene from the same movie mentioned above...MEATBALLS III.
Posted by Jace (Member # 9583) on :
Wasn't sure. Thank you sir for the response!! Too bad #3 isn't available on dvd right now.
Posted by bigswoll (Member # 9773) on :
Q: I can't remember many details of this movie but what I do remember is: There is a kid that is super smart, genius even, and he basically steals some hi-tech jet(SR-71 Blackbird I think) and flies it to meet his friend. Along the something happens with the controls and he sticks his chewing gum on the panel to fix it.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Surely that's it. D.A.R.Y.L. rocks. I used to love that movie. I will have to check it out again soon.
On another note, in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops you can call in a Blackbird and when you do a voice says, "Your SR-71 is online."
Posted by Anthony33 (Member # 9820) on :
quote:Originally posted by mshorter62: i am looking for the title of a movie in which there were two actors who played undercover cops who got addicted to drugs. it also had a track from eric clapton in it called "tears in heaven.
Posted by MickeyCoast (Member # 9855) on :
Hello there!
I am in search of an 80's movie and don't know where else to go to find it.
The film was sci-fi, young boy in the central role (like boy from D.A.R.Y.L), this boy gains a black, out of this world, remote control (thick triangle shape I think) which is his source of power for the movie... he moves a space ship in the end with it. It's along the lines of D.A.R.Y.L and flight of the navigator I think.
Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance!
Posted by Jan_Balk_i (Member # 9859) on :
Does anyone know the title of this movie?
I remember, a woman being coerced to go on vacation (she didnt want to go, didnt want to leave her son who was about 5-10 yrs old, I think) by another woman, maybe her friend or sister. She ended up going on the vacation alone. When she got to the place, a resort of some kind, it was being run by her ex (not sure if it was husband or just lover) but he was the son's father and he didnt know about the son. He could have also owned the island/resort or whatever the vacation spot was. Other vacationers were also vacationing with smaller love stories thrown in. They ended up rekindling their love.
I remember she had to get there by boat and when she got there, as she got off the boat she spotted the ex and so she tried to get back on the boat to leave but the boat driver wouldnt let her, so she hid from him, managed to get to her room, and was planning to hide out in there, but she eventually had to go out for food...
I also remember a dance scene where two other vacationers were dancing and the girl was taller than the guy and the guy laid his head on her shoulders (the reverse of "normal" movie scenes).
....sounds really girlie and soap opera like but it was a movie...any clues...anybody? I really need to find this movie...Im going crazy with the search for it.
Posted by WALT (Member # 9877) on :
The movie or movies I seek are as follows:
One movie involves young ten men obsessed with sex. I can only recall one scene because its been stuck in my mind for over 20 years. The scene is about one of the guys is shrunk and ends up in a females underwear. By him scratching his way out makes the female go crazy while in class. Not sure if that rings any bells with anyone.
The other movie is about some young teens that have a hand held device that turns on women when the switch is turned on.
Please help me name these flicks.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
Walt, your first description is about the movie Getting Lucky (1990).. absolutely no doubt about that ! It is available on dvd from Troma entertainment with a director's commentary.
Posted by WALT (Member # 9877) on :
Johnny Roarke is reckless - Thank you so so much mate! You have no idea how relieved my mind is, much appreciated.
The second movie I was seeking is about some young men that find or make a remote device that controls women's sexual appetite. The device, when turned to 10( or high) makes the women it was pointed at go absolutely crazy with desire.
I seen this movie many years ago and saw it on TV once since then. Please assist me if you can...
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:The film was sci-fi, young boy in the central role (like boy from D.A.R.Y.L), this boy gains a black, out of this world, remote control (thick triangle shape I think) which is his source of power for the movie... he moves a space ship in the end with it. It's along the lines of D.A.R.Y.L and flight of the navigator I think.
Sounds like 'Sheriff and the Satellite Kid' or its sequel 'Why Did You Pick on Me?'
[ 19. August 2011, 09:38: Message edited by: Logan 5 ]
Posted by MickeyCoast (Member # 9855) on :
It could well be the sequal... thanks a lot.. Will look closer but looks very familiar!
Posted by Lucky2 (Member # 9931) on :
I am trying to find the name of an 80's movie ( I believe) What I remember about the movie is two teenage girls one pretty (the bad one) the other not so pretty and not so bad. They become friends and the pretty one has a brother that the other girl likes. I remember they steal "fire engine red" nailpolish. I also remember a scene where the girl gets on the handle bars of the brothers bike and he goes very fast scaring her. I have been trying to find the naame of this movie forever and hope someone else knows it.
Posted by fanny469 (Member # 9941) on :
hello all hope someone may know this movie and wishful thinking thank u ,i think it is 80's.. takes place in like old times like a conan movies maybe.. woman is main person whos father is killed by a guy who used to be on his team she goes after him to try to kill him they play a fighting sport like 5 on 5 like a hockey or lacroos kinda thing.. sry if cant remeber much havent seen it in like 13 years or so
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi fanny469!
You might be remembering Salute of the Jugger aka Blood of Heroes (1989) Great movie!
its driving me crazy please help! i believe it is an 80s movie. it takes place in a single classroom out in the country. a couple of guys show up in masks of animals(?) they kidnap the teacher and kids and some how the teacher manages to get the kids in a cave and end up like up on a mountain. sorry thats all i remember
[ 12. September 2011, 18:19: Message edited by: lovinit ]
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Well, it's certainly not a movie that I have seen for a long time but that is certainly it.
Thanks heaps, once again.
I dunno how you got that one so quick.
Posted by Retro454 (Member # 9983) on :
I hope someone can help me w/ this, has been driving me nuts for years!...I cant remember the name of this movie but remember watching it when I was little (80s)..What I remember is a boy and a girl and possibly a midget? Or maybe a hobo, cant remember but it involved magic or a fantasy world, something like that..I remember one scene where I think theyre looking for their mom and theyre riding in a gondola and its foggy and magical looking and I think they see their mom up on a rope, like in cirque de solei where they are dangling from the rope and do tricks or whatnot...I know its not much to go by I remember really liking it as a kid and I cannot find out what it was called anywhere!!
Posted by lovely_julie (Member # 6249) on :
I am trying to find a movie, pretty sure it's an 80's movie. It was what I would call a comedy horror.
What I remember is this teenage guy's parent's were hosting a Halloween party, the guy actually falls for this new girl in town, she is actually a dead cheerleader that came back to life. Anyway, she eventually tells him this, and says that sometimes the dead come back to life just to have fun. Several of the undead actually go to his parents party, since it's a costume party most of them blend right in. It seems to be more comedic mischief then anything else. Some of the undead do come back to cause havoc though.
I wish I could remember more. =( Any help would be greatly appreciated. =)
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Wow, THANK YOU! I have been trying to find this movie forever, never could remember the name or even find any info on the web. I tried searching by plot, the few lines from the movie I remembered...nada.
I really appreciate it! =)
Posted by danielduke (Member # 10192) on :
Hello everyone,
I am trying to find a movie from the 80th. It is a youth comedy about a boy who falls in love with a girl and stays in the front garden of her house for days just to make Her fall in love with him too. He eats there, sleep there and everything. After many days, He just leave but the girl discovered that in all that time She was indeed in love with him and go to his house and does exactly the same thing he did just to be with him.
I hope you can help me find the title of this movie.
Thank you,
Posted by diamond (Member # 10319) on :
I need help, me & my co-workers can't remember the name of this maybe 80's movie. its about a drifter with stars on his hand & as it gets closer to the appocalypse they start to move into a circle. he carries christ's blood in a amulet around his neck. the blood protects him & the people he's trying to save from demons trying to kill him. he dies at the end & passes on the amulet & the stars to one of the persons he helped.does anyone know the name of this movie?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
diamond, what about Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)?
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Originally posted by danielduke: I am trying to find a movie from the 80th. It is a youth comedy about a boy who falls in love with a girl and stays in the front garden of her house for days just to make Her fall in love with him too. He eats there, sleep there and everything. After many days, He just leave but the girl discovered that in all that time She was indeed in love with him and go to his house and does exactly the same thing he did just to be with him.
I asked about this movie a long time ago and never found it. It is a teen dance romance movie 70s or 80s was on cable in 89 or 90 it was like girls just want to have fun and dirty dancing rolled into one. A girl ends up dancing with the "bad boy's" crew in a comp against her older brother. It's bugged me for years.
Posted by sneaks (Member # 11352) on :
Not sure if I'm posting this inquiry in the right place but worth a shot. I'm searching for the name of a movie that was featured on HBO in the mid 80s. It was set in white suburbia, coming of age teen drama about 3 kids. One girl was the 'dork' with a short blonde bob and a big smile and then there was the 'pretty' dark haired, timid girl. There was a dark haired dorky boy that runs away from home and winds up camping out in a yellow tent on the porch of one of the girl's house. The blonde girl finally get a kiss at the end. I know its vague any ideas?
Posted by LiRR (Member # 11485) on :
Hi, I am looking for an old sci-fi, The a man ( I remember a cop) that finds a wrist watch that give him special powers (Superhero like) and I remember it was alien, and at the end he give it back.
Appreciate any help with this one, I have been searching for a couple of days now.
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
quote:Originally posted by LiRR: Hi, I am looking for an old sci-fi, The a man ( I remember a cop) that finds a wrist watch that give him special powers (Superhero like) and I remember it was alien, and at the end he give it back.
Appreciate any help with this one, I have been searching for a couple of days now.
Hi LiRR, could you be thinking of the old 1976 T.V. series Gemini Man?
Takes place at a beach or big lake with a bunch of teens. There is this young guy that works at a boat shop where he fills the boats with gas and one part he is filling one up, a girl passes by, checks her out and he overfills the gas tank. there is also a gang of biker looking guys but on boats and jet ski. Also some girl that is in a house that guys keep getting thrown out a window by this big biker guy and fall in the water. well the young guy ends up going in her room, somehow the big biker guy gets knocked out and the young guy shows off in the window so everyone can see that he made it. at the end the biker guy was the brother of the girl.
Posted by Pyro (Member # 7658) on :
quote:Originally posted by brand7734: Takes place at a beach or big lake with a bunch of teens. There is this young guy that works at a boat shop where he fills the boats with gas and one part he is filling one up, a girl passes by, checks her out and he overfills the gas tank. there is also a gang of biker looking guys but on boats and jet ski. Also some girl that is in a house that guys keep getting thrown out a window by this big biker guy and fall in the water. well the young guy ends up going in her room, somehow the big biker guy gets knocked out and the young guy shows off in the window so everyone can see that he made it. at the end the biker guy was the brother of the girl.
This movie was mentioned already a couple pages back, but once again...You are looking for the movie Meatballs III starring a very young Patrick Dempsey Brand7734. Posted by lostintheflood (Member # 11864) on :
Hi, wondering if anyone might know the title of the movie where this scene is from:
Not sure if 70s or 80s but any help would be appreciated ... thanks.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
I don't, but what a cool pic!
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
i got a question for you.
If you don't know the title of the movie, then how did you find that pic ? And how do you know it's from the 70s or 80s ? I mean, any kind of hint about how you found that pic might help us to come up with the title.
Thus far i can see something that has been filmed in cinescope, is most likely set in the fifties or early sixties, and has a sun-drenched look to it.
When that pic popped up on my screen, the first thing i thought about was The Hot Spot.. but that can't be it. It does seem to have the same atmosphere though.
Posted by lostintheflood (Member # 11864) on :
Johnny, it's from the website Tumblr. It has been "reblogged" several times, however, the original poster does not specify the movie it is from. After all, I suppose it could also be a TV show, however, I stumbled across this site and just figured I'd inquire.
I don't know that it's from the 70s or 80s ... I had said "not sure if 70s or 80s" in my original post ... Again, just figured this is a good spot to ask.
Thanks for the reply though!
Posted by lostintheflood (Member # 11864) on :
To anyone interested, I've come to realize it's from Tom Ford's "A Single Man" (2009) set in 1962 ...
Posted by Pickle (Member # 12033) on :
Hi, I am new to this so I'd appreciate your help, I am looking for what I think is an 80's film but could be early 90's. Its about a girl, who gets taken in by a lady who has a cafe, she helps out as a waitress and lives with the woman, I seem to recall, the girl stealing some food, but I can't remember why, (I think to give to a waif?), I had this film on video, but chucked it and the name of it just eludes me although I watched it often! I think it was something like, The something cafe, just need the something - your help would be much appreciated - thank you x
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
Bagdad Cafe (1987) Posted by phrankieboi_80 (Member # 12179) on :
Can someone Plz help me with this movie title. Do you remember an 80's comedy movie i saw on hbo where cocaine was smuggled Into a hotel kitchen and replaced the sugar in big jars and these cooks were making a cake and couldnt taste the sweetness of it thinking it was sugar and went stir crazy making it and everyone went bezerk after eating the cake. There was even a scene where there was a talent show and someone put a pile of cocaine in the AC vent and these girls were like 'do you smell that' and they were on stage playing slow music like earth angel or something, then went nuts and started playing metal and scared the hell out of everyone. Can someone Plz help me with this movie title.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
the movie you're looking for is Screwball Hotel (1988).
The funny thing is that the only legit dvd release of this one was released here in Holland.
There's also a user review on the Imdb that's really quite similar to yours, from someone who also remembers it from the early days of HBO.
Posted by Isaac (Member # 10555) on :
I dont know a lot how to use this, but I am trying to find a 80's movie that were boys in a bedroom and they use to have monsters friends and then they use to travel to their world, i think the special door to travel was in the bedroom boys. I know is difficult but is only i remember when i was a kid. Thaks.
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
the movie you're looking for is Little Monsters (1989) starring Fred Savage (from The Wonder Years).
Posted by sparkie (Member # 12685) on :
Hi, I am trying to find out the name of a 80s sci fi film. The good guys had jetpacks and brown suits of some sort and wore helmets that were shaped like crocodile or alligator heads. I think the bad guys were all lizard like men. Not sure if the plot was taken place in the future or another planet.
Posted by tony filho (Member # 13138) on :
Hi. I'd like to know the name of a movie in which there is this guy, with glasses and this girl called "Joyce", I think. They go to college, but it's a college with separate housing for boys and girls. And then, one day this guy takes Joyce out. And he borrows a friend's car and his friend tells him not to make a mess in the backseat - it was a black car. And then he brings Joyce home and they make love. It's a sad movie somehow, because I think one of this guy's friends dies.What's the name of this movie?
Posted by orangepit (Member # 13139) on :
Ive just about given up figuring this one out. It was a horror movie I watched on tv at a friends house many years ago and the only thing we remember is a scene where a guy is running from a monster of some sort and ends up in a cemetary and is cornered against a headstone. The monster then lifts his arms high above his head in outward arches and pees on the guy.
I'd love to know what movie this was.
Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
quote:Originally posted by sparkie: Hi, I am trying to find out the name of a 80s sci fi film. The good guys had jetpacks and brown suits of some sort and wore helmets that were shaped like crocodile or alligator heads. I think the bad guys were all lizard like men. Not sure if the plot was taken place in the future or another planet.
Could be Enemy Mine with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr. ?
Posted by sparkie (Member # 12685) on :
Thanks for the reply P_A_U_L, but it is not Enemy Mine. The lizard like bad guys look more like the green alien guy from Hunter Prey. The movie I am looking for was not as popular as Enemy Mine and I don't think there was any A-list actors.
Posted by travis h cecil (Member # 13669) on :
ok trying to find a movie movie is about a man getting caught by the cops put in jail for a reason i cant remember but there is a draw bridge that is the only way out and in of thid town this is how he was caught by police by rasing it so he is in jail somw how escapes runs through a swamp until he finds a road a crazzy man in a low ryder trucl picks him up but u can hear police coming do the driver hitsd the NOS in the truck leaving the cops in the dust he lets the man out to run while he keeps driving with the cops on hus tail we the man gets caught gets back in jail he comes up with a way of getting out and getting over the bridge by jumping it with a dump truck at the the end of the movie and he gets away so all i can think of the movie that low ryder truck sold for alot of money it made the movie popular so i u can think of this movie please my email is travishcecil@gmail.com please help this movie is driving me crazy to find for the past 2 years....thank u all trav
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
Travis h cecil,
i'm not really sure, but how about Highway To Hell (1991) ?
Actually that description also sounds a bit like Nothing But Trouble (1991)...
Posted by travis h cecil (Member # 13669) on :
ok i have looke through every search engine for this movie have fount alot of peps looking for the same movie it is a 80s movie a man escapes a detention area but his friends are still in there he escapes thrugh a swamp onto the road where he meets a crazy guy with a low ryder truck with NOS instaded they out run police using NOS best scene in movie later this truck wa sold in low rider magazine for lots of money so he comes back gets his friends out escape at the of the by jumping off bridge into a dump truck i thought he ramped the draw bridge at the end of the movie with the dump truck i dont know but this the movie from what i can gather by other posts so maybe this will ring a bell thanks again...trav
Posted by travis h cecil (Member # 13669) on :
Looking for a movie that I vaguely remember but the imagery was so vivid. Very colorful and the house was almost fake or imaginary in it...the woman in the one part I remember was upset about something maybe being dead and hides behind a door in a room of the house and tries to take pills or something ....the guy in it and her fight or don't get along ..it reminded me of a fantasy and I cannot remember the name..had to be late eighties, like 88 89 maybe a love story where a woman is dead?? or dreaming??
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
Truly Madly Deeply?
Posted by Trevallon (Member # 16475) on :
Looking for name of an 80's romantic comedy. It was set in LA. The guy is a rock musician, the woman comes from money. They rollerblade at Venice Beach on their first date only he doesn't really know how to. Think her family doesn't approve, causing romantic tension. Movie was often shown on cable channels like USA/TBS/TNT 20 years ago. Don't think any well known actors were in it.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Somehow Beach Balls (1988) comes to mind, not sure if it´s the film you´re looking for though... Good movie anyway
In my film, the woman worked in an office, and was mugged. She started going to a self-defense class, and the instructor, a police man, got her into weighlifting. She started getting healthier, losing weight. She got fired from her job because she annoyed her boss by eating healthy crunchy snacks, like carrot sticks.
She starts dating the cop (near LA, I think), who is later embarrassed when she can lift more than him around his friends at an outside area like the weightlifting area at Venice Beach. He breaks up with her, she's distraught, the big dramatic scene is her struggling to not drown her sorrows in Hagen-Dasz, she over comes, and lives happily ever after.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I think that this is Getting Physical. Here´s the Finnish VHS tape i own. Good film!
Posted by Tellabelle (Member # 17101) on :
The part of the movie i remember is right near the end i think....it's an early-mid 80's movie i don't remember any "big" names in it, but then again, i was about 5-7 years old. The main charachter is a typical 80's looking teenager, with darker mouse-y brown curly hair (not tight curls, but not loose waves either...typical 80's hair with the poof for bangs), and she's wearing a catholic school uniform (dark blue blazer with red/blue plaid skirt), is maybe getting kinda raped on the hood of a car, then gets away and is running away from the guy (or group of guys...it's night time).... as she's running away, she jumps from what appears to be a field that is way up on a hill or cliff, jumps off the cliff to try and clear a fence at the bottom, but doesn't quite make it and is maybe impaled at gut level on the fence (I think it's a chain-link fence, but could be a white picket fence)? That's all I remember, and I have a few friends who say it sounds familiar, but don't remember it either, and I have read thru all 27 pages....(took me 8 hours! lol) Please help! (sorry if I posted wrong)
Posted by Kerberus (Member # 8063) on :
Probably not this one but nonetheless worth checking out. Only movie that sounded vaguely familiar.
I was thinking about that one when I saw the original post earlier in the feeds...but it appears that the rape scene is at the beginning, and this one is at the end....i am going to try and see it tho, and get back to you on it. Thanks tho Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
It probably won't be the movie you're looking for.. but with a description like that, it's just a matter of time before someone mentions Death Wish 2, since it has the most famous "rapevictim-who-ends-up-on-the-sharp-end-of-a-fence" scene.
The lovely Robin Sherwood plays the unfortunate girl here, and kinda does fit the description.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
It most probably is Death Wish 2.
Posted by Dev12 (Member # 17244) on :
Hi. I'm looking for the title of an 80's movie that had a Mr. McCready in it. Seems like he might have been a camp counsellor or youth leader.
Thanks, Dev
Posted by AaronInWI (Member # 18410) on :
I only vaguely remember this movie from my youth, and the only part I remember is towards the end. I'm pretty sure it was a teen comedy, and the end involves a robot being dismantled because they wanted to put a school bus engine into a car for a race, and the robot’s outer shell could withstand the heat. And if memory serves me right, the robot was put back together after the race and pulls down the pants of the main “bad guy” at the very end. Any ideas???
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
AaronInWI, the movie you are remembering is High School USA (1983). Great flick!
Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just checked it out on YouTube, and that is definitely the movie I remember!
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
No problem, glad to help!
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
quote:Originally posted by Dev12: Hi. I'm looking for the title of an 80's movie that had a Mr. McCready in it. Seems like he might have been a camp counsellor or youth leader.
Thanks, Dev
I watched Blind Fury with Rutger Hauer the other day and there was a Mr. McCready in that but he was more of a crime boss than a youth leader.
quote:Originally posted by Tellabelle: The part of the movie i remember is right near the end i think....it's an early-mid 80's movie i don't remember any "big" names in it, but then again, i was about 5-7 years old. The main charachter is a typical 80's looking teenager, with darker mouse-y brown curly hair (not tight curls, but not loose waves either...typical 80's hair with the poof for bangs), and she's wearing a catholic school uniform (dark blue blazer with red/blue plaid skirt), is maybe getting kinda raped on the hood of a car, then gets away and is running away from the guy (or group of guys...it's night time).... as she's running away, she jumps from what appears to be a field that is way up on a hill or cliff, jumps off the cliff to try and clear a fence at the bottom, but doesn't quite make it and is maybe impaled at gut level on the fence (I think it's a chain-link fence, but could be a white picket fence)? That's all I remember, and I have a few friends who say it sounds familiar, but don't remember it either, and I have read thru all 27 pages....(took me 8 hours! lol) Please help! (sorry if I posted wrong)
OK, I dunno if this is it because it does not match your description exactly. This woman does get confronted by a guy dressed as Dracula at her car and runs away from him down a dark alley and ends up getting impaled on a white picket fence (in the neck). This has definitely got a chance of being it but just check this movie out and see if this might be it:
I hope this is it cos if it is the full movie is on You Tube.
[ 28. April 2013, 00:35: Message edited by: Bernie_Lomax ]
Posted by mya_marshmallows (Member # 36119) on :
I'm trying to find a movie that I watched in the 90's (I was pretty young) but I'm pretty sure it's from the 70's or 80's.
All I can remember is stuff from the end. This woman (I think her hair was red) went kind of crazy because her daughter died. I think she accidentally fell down the stairs. The end of the movie shows the mother kept the daughter in a coffin in her basement or something, and she's all dusty and skeletal.
I think she may have been pretending someone else was her daughter. It may have taken place in an orphanage, or something similar. I also remember a check being written in british pounds, for a very large amount.
Anyone know what movie this was?
Posted by bobcat_816 (Member # 2768) on :
Here's one that I'm trying to find out. I didn't see the whole movie, just the trailer. In the trailer 2 teens are making out when the girl's parents pull up in the driveway. The guy quickly gets dressed and climbs out the window so he won't get caught. He jumps down to the ground, thinking that he's gotten away only to land right in front of the dad. Any ideas?
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
Hello bobcat sounds a bit like mischief from 1985 starring doug mckeon, Kelly Preston and Catherine Mary stuart,if so it's a really fun movie that is worth checking out,I have it in my own personal collection. Here is the trailer which features a scene reminiscent to what you describe but it's the girl's (Kelly Preston's) mother he drops down from the roof in front of. Here is the trailer - www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Va4Q4sH0u8 Posted by Chloe (Member # 37365) on :
I just saw the name Michael J. Fox and that drew my attention to the thread. What was that film like, Midnight Madness?
Posted by bigtruck66 (Member # 37377) on :
ok this movie is from the early 80's I think. all I can remember is two guys have these two so-called girls in a car making out with them when one guy reaches between the legs of his date and he screams to the other guy artie this chicks got balls.been trying to remember this movie for quite some time with no luck
Posted by Alien (Member # 37378) on :
I'm looking for a movie that I remember seeing as a kid -- this would have been around the late 80s.
I can remember it involved a boy travelling back to the '50s in a tin can shaped like a car, and meeting up with Albert Einstein. Does this sound familiar to anybody?
Many thanks.
Posted by Capfred (Member # 37387) on :
Ok I have looked through every message in this topic, searched IMDb.
Ok, I have been trying to find a movie, thought it might be a miniseries. The problem is I cannot remember enough to properly search for it. There is this family with a boy traveling places, nomadic or time travelish. One scene has the boy in a room listening to a commander. The commander has a clod/blue flame coming out a finger or a gun. The boy comes down to put his finger/hand in the flame. The commander tells him, the last time that happened, that boy rebelled. Later they decide to move on because the environment was making the mom sick, possibly due to radiation. I have this kick, where I want to find this out. Live action, color.
Posted by silentnight (Member # 37394) on :
I am looking for two movies also. One of the movies I am looking for, someone told me the name years ago and I forgot. The second movie I believe is from the 1980's, but it may be possibly from the early 1990's. Anyone recall a movie from the 80's that takes place in what I remember being a haunted manor. During one scene, a message on the screen reads "put on your 3D glasses." there is a search team looking for them in the woods. the movie ends showing the search party still roaming the woods, a guy in the crowd says something and the film closes. the second film is about women being killed at a sleepover. One girl survives because she outsmarts the killer: one of the girls at the party has a split personality and didn't realize she was the attacker. hope someone can help! thx
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Tricky questions you have there Capfred and silentnight. I´m all out of answers here...
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
quote:Originally posted by silentnight: the second film is about women being killed at a sleepover. One girl survives because she outsmarts the killer: one of the girls at the party has a split personality and didn't realize she was the attacker. hope someone can help! thx
Hmm.. This actually does sound familiar, very familiar.. but i can't come up with a specific title either.. for now.
I will keep this in mind though !
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Well... it could be April Fools Day (1986), could it?
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
Could it really be that simple ?
Please do let us know, Silentnight.. Otherwise this thing will be stuck in my mind for months. Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
The split identity killer was used in both the Slumber Party Massacre and Sorority House Massacre series - it's probably one of those.
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I´ve never seen those SPM or SHM films. I´ll need to find some of them.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I've got both slumber party massacre and sorority house massacre on blu ray atomik,there both daft but I think a lot of fun especially slumber party massacre,love the music score to slumber party - https://youtu.be/0SYbvwCfn1cc. Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
There's no split identity (or female killer) in any of them, except for a little supernatural possession-from-beyond-the-grave sub-plot in Sorority House Massacre 2.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
quote:Originally posted by silentnight: the second film is about women being killed at a sleepover. One girl survives because she outsmarts the killer: one of the girls at the party has a split personality and didn't realize she was the attacker. hope someone can help! thx
Doesn't sound nothing much like it plot wise and its been a while since I've watched it but didn't 1981's horror/slasher - happy birthday to me have a female killer (Melissa sue Anderson) with a split personality!
[ 17. November 2015, 06:55: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:Originally posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless: There's no split identity (or female killer) in any of them, except for a little supernatural possession-from-beyond-the-grave sub-plot in Sorority House Massacre 2.
Really... I could have sworn the killer was in the girls head or something. I defer to you on this since it's been a while since I watched them.
Posted by saturday9t (Member # 37420) on :
Q: Looking for an 80s American movie.At the beginning of the movie, it is at nighttime. There are many people and cars. They look young, energetic, slim, thin, wearing fashion clothes, white young women young men. They all park at the same motel & get in to that motel's different rooms. A woman and a man go in their room. The woman sits on dresser and plays guitar and flirts with a man. That man lies on a bed listening to her flirting. She then pukes at sink and she is abandoned by that man in a motel. Both of that woman & that man are white people. That woman says: "Take off that too." "You put it (condom) in your wallet it is becoming moldy." The woman feels uncomfortable and pukes in a bathroom. The man says he will wait for her but gets out to tell everybody to go, and leave that woman in motel alone. [Confused]
Posted by saturday9t (Member # 37420) on :
Q:a 90's movie. A group bandits rob a bank or a post office. They hide in a family house which is a wood cabin in forest or countryside.The family includes husband, wife, boy, & all of them & bandits are white people. A blond female bandit is hurt badly. The housewife lies that she worked as a nurse before & could cure the blond bandit. One bandit asks the boy: "Have your mom worked in a hospital?" The boy says: "What hospital?" The blond bandit dies & saying where is my money when she dies. Her boy friend works in that bank or post office. He steals money for her.
Posted by saturday9t (Member # 37420) on :
Q:What's this movie's name? It's about vampire or werewolf. A vampire woman kidnaps a naive blond man & prepares an initiation on him. A man goes to a store or a library/bookstore searching for a woman who is a vampire hunter. Her store sells items relates to fortune taler & woodoo. That man & woman go to a garage to buy weapons. They are going to save that blond man. Movie Scene is in modern America. It is released after 2010. Maybe a TV-movie. All characters aren't international stars.
Posted by bobcat_816 (Member # 2768) on :
Trying to find the name of a mid-80s movie that I only saw the trailer for. All I can remember is 1 or 2 muscular dudes working out in an open loft style space. I don't remember any equipment. I think that they were just doing some really intense sit ups and push ups. They also may have had shaved heads. The trailer had a really serious dramatic tone to it.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
I know the name of the movie but I am trying to find a copy of it, even if it can be found online etc.
The movie is called. Lost! (1986). It's a Canadian Drama film. I believe the movie has an alternate title of "Typhoon" but when I saw it on TV back in the early 90s it was called Lost!.
Does anyone have any idea of how to track down a film like this?
Posted by SharonMichael74 (Member # 37597) on :
Hi! New here...trying to post a new topic. So I have a super hard challenge. I am trying to recall an 80's movie I loved so much when I was younger...but I can not remember the name...OR...the actors in it. I can tell you the gist of it and am hoping something may ring a bell to someone here that can name it for me.
So...the girl of the movie had REALLY long blonde hair...straight. At one point she had it crimped. (Of course right?! We ARE talking the 80's LOL) She wore a red mini skirt on the cover of the movie and there were some building I think and a car and maybe a guy with her...maybe another gal....and her boyfriend in the movie was sort of a rough guy who snuck in her bedroom window and she hide it from her family..she would sneak out and run the streets with her friends.... (I know this all sounds like a total common 80's movie) I think one of the other actress's was famous later after this movie...but cant recall who....but the MAIN girl was someone I do not recall the name of. She was kind of a bad ***. LONG blonde hair to her lower back...wore the mini skirt...There were scenes at the school and after school fights...
Anything ring a bell here? Thanks in advance! I have searched the net over and over hoping to see the movie cover or some connection to the movie...
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hello SharonMichael74.
Tuff Turf (1985) perhaps?
Posted by TerdNthePoolGGB (Member # 9818) on :
Anyone know this movie. Its on the beach and a guy watches a girl walking on the beach in a pink 2 piece. He says something to her and she says something back then jogs off. Behind him a guy says you don't look so hot and the first fella throws him a Frisbee. He catches it and tosses it back. The first guy puts the Frisbee into his bag and pulls out another Frisbee with razor blades all around the edge. He throws it to the other guy and it cuts his fingers off when he tries to catch it and it stabs into his neck. Anyone?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
quote:Originally posted by TerdNthePoolGGB: Anyone know this movie. Its on the beach and a guy watches a girl walking on the beach in a pink 2 piece. He says something to her and she says something back then jogs off. Behind him a guy says you don't look so hot and the first fella throws him a Frisbee. He catches it and tosses it back. The first guy puts the Frisbee into his bag and pulls out another Frisbee with razor blades all around the edge. He throws it to the other guy and it cuts his fingers off when he tries to catch it and it stabs into his neck. Anyone?
It´s the classic Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987).
Posted by TerdNthePoolGGB (Member # 9818) on :
Is that the same movie where a guy is riding a skateboard doing a handstand and ends up getting bazookaed out of the sky by a guy in a jeep?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Ronn Moss with a bazooka, yeah.
Posted by TerdNthePoolGGB (Member # 9818) on :
Awesome! I gotta see it. Thanks for chiming in aTomik
Posted by Adamthwaite (Member # 38325) on :
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