"Set 15 years after the events of Alien, gamers play as Ripley's daughter and embark on an mission to find her missing mother."
If you're a fan of "Alien" -- you need to play this.
Game Footage:
I played through this a few months ago. I don't play anywhere near as many games as I used to -- but this is my favourite game of the last 10-15 years. At the moment, this is as close to being in the movies as you get!
Warning: This is definitely not for the faint-hearted. This is one tense experience!
You can crawl through the vents -- if you dare!
This game isn't just about you and the Alien.
Flamethrower! Hells yes
[ 22. March 2015, 07:17: Message edited by: J2ME ]
Posted by JCU (Member # 2851) on :
Easily one of the best games I have played in the past two generations.
Every element of the game was done so well that it shares a cohesive bond with the original.
Posted by J2ME (Member # 5728) on :
I couldn't agree more. The team at Creative Assembly did an amazing job.