I hope that this post is allowed - I know we don't usually allow posts like this, but I wanted to put it up for a couple of weeks then I'll remove it.
I'll not beat around the bush, this is a blatant appeal for funds.
Some friends of mine are currently at what should be the most joyful moment of their lives, the birth of their first child, a little boy called Teddy. However, this has been hit massively, with the news that Nina was diagnosed with cancer that meant an early and emergency c-section before treatment can start.
They are looking to raise funds for specialist Nano-Knife treatment that isn't currently available for free in the UK, but is vital for her because of the location of the cancer.
Please can I ask people to take a few minutes to read their story at the link below, and, if you are able, give a little something towards their goal? We're doing lots of other fundraising activity, but I'm trying to spread the net as wide as possible to give them the best chance of reaching their target.
Thanks for your patience and attention.
Nina's page Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I just donated,I hope they reach there goal.
Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
quote:Originally posted by the young warrior: I just donated,I hope they reach there goal.
Thank you - I really appreciate it!
Posted by P_a_u_l (Member # 1022) on :
Bumping this thread - we're so close to the target now, if anyone is able to help us get to the finishing line so Nina can get the treatment she so desperately needs, it would be so appreciated.
Every little amount helps so much, and every message of goodwill means so much to them.