This is topic I think I'm the youngest one on here. in forum Rewind Social Club at iRewind Talk.

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Posted by FcMovies (Member # 8402) on :
I think i might be the youngest one on here. I'm 15. Dont however think just cause I'm young i dont enjoy the 80s. Almost all of my favorite movies are from the 80s Weird science, Pretty in pink, sixteen candles, The breakfast club, Ferris buellers day off, ect. And yes John Hughes is my favorite writer, producer, director. I think i should have been born in the 80s, But alas i was forced to be born in 94. I find it kinda sad that i cant talk about anything from the 80s or 90s with any one my age. They either dont know or dont care! Any way this is just kinda my introduction...
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Hi there and welcome!
You´re never too young or old to enjoy the 80s magic.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Welcome FC, hope you have a great time here, it's a good crowd.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Welcome home!

You wouldn't want to have been born in the 80's to enjoy the 80's. You'd need to have been born in the 60's or 70's to grow up in the 80's.

We know your age, but what gender are you and what country do you live in?
Posted by FcMovies (Member # 8402) on :
I'm male and I'm from Colorado.
Posted by Earl Keese (Member # 7986) on :
FcMovies - Welcome! Check in often, I am kind of a newbie here too, but it such great fun and everyone here is just so darn nice and they all have that one thing in of 80's movies! I thought I knew a lot about 80's movies and movies in general, but have since found I was just scratching the surface.

Anyways, start some threads, any topic, have fun with it. Agree with you too...when it comes to the 80's, it all begins with John Hughes doesn't it?

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