The ultimate Saturday morning star debuted for the first time 40 years ago this Sunday. Inspired in part by the refrain of Sinatra's Strangers in the Night, he's managed to remain strongly popular, after ten different serieses (even with the much-disliked Scrappy in some of them, none have really been terrible, really), multiple specials, and the recent live action films. Why? I think he shows people that fears can be easily overcome and that your problems, including big scary ghosts that aren't really, are often less significant in the end. Of course, that's just the interpretation of one Generation Yer; you could also easily point to his shows, the classic era ones especially, as the perfect mix of suspense and humor, with actually pretty good writing for its target audience. So here's for another 40 years for he, Raggy--uh, Shaggy, and the rest of the crew.
Posted by Kash (Member # 297) on :
Great show, just a great cartoon; nothing like it since. 'Scooby Doo Where Are You!' is still the best.
i love scooby and always have! my favorite was the scooby doo hour movies where they had special guests such as don knotts, the adams family, batman and robin, the three stooges...even **** van dyke!
my daughter loves scooby doo and the ghoul school & the reluctant werewolf. those were the best as well.
scooby was a big part of my childhood and still is a part of me, because my kid loves the cartoon and the movies. thank you hanna barbara!!!