The Cable Guy, Ace Ventura 2 It took Liar Liar and the Truman Show for Jim Carrey to get back into my good books.
The Spirit Not even Samuel L. Jackson and a scantily clad Eva Mendes could rescue this.
Richard Tracy To this day, I've never been able to make it to the end.
Jurassic Park 2: Lost World I was so hyped for JP2 but Spielberg took damn near three hours to say: "That T-Rex wasn't so bad after all". Dinosaurs in the city seemed like the coolest idea ever, but by the time they finally arrived, we were beyond caring.
Tenacious D: Pick of destiny Started off so well, but then someone got the bright idea of not having any jokes for 20 minutes straight.
Hook More long winded shmaltz from SS, seriosuly; how many of you were rooting for the captain?
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny rules!
Now gimme a powerslide. Full throttle.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Aww Kash, Jurassic 2 is my favorite of the series!
The 2 worst films I've ever seen, so bad that I almost walked out of the cinema, are
"8mm" starring Nicolas Cage - it was beyond disturbing, it made me feel sick.
"Random Hearts" with Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas - the single most dull film I've see in my life.
There are plenty of B movies I've watched on DVD, but it's not fair to count them, films like "The Net 2.0" and "War Games 2".
Posted by There'll be no morning for us (Member # 5804) on :
Silent Hill, Four Weddings And A Funeral and Alone In The Dark (2005) are the first ones that come to mind.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October. Oh, were we supposed to name more than one?
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
Be Kind Rewind!!!!!!!!
The worst movie ever made in the history of movimaking!
Posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes.... (Member # 1022) on :
Bio Dome.
Pauly Shore, Stephen Baldwin, stumbling into an eco-dome they mistake for a shopping mall when they are looking for the mens room. Then trashing it. Hilarious.
Oh, and if you need any more info, remember this. The hermetically sealed, time-locked, controlled atmosphere dome had windows that opened...
Be Kind Rewind is a masterpiece by comparison.
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
eeeeh... no!
Nothing beats Be Kind Rewind.....!
I felt like I was being tortured, while watching it.
They should show it to prisoners at Gitmo, and we would have every location of every Al Qeida and Taliban group in a matter of minutes! Plus the precise latitude and longitude for osama's secret cave hideout!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
Worst Movie EVER!
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I agree Jay...not too many movies I shut off in the middle, but "Be Kind, Rewind" was one of them. I remember seeing the preview and being super excited, seeing some cool 80's references...but darn it was awful.
I also really struggled getting through "Eyes Wide Shut"...I know I might get some flak for dissing a Kubrick film, but this was painful...went to the theatre to see it when it came out, and would have left in the middle...were it not for all the nudity
Posted by Mike. (Member # 7179) on :
The only film i have walked out of because of sheer boredom was Unbreakable with Bruce Willis just a terrible film.
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
I never liked Natural Born Killers. Any movie where they use a hand held camera is too annoying to watch. Cool World. I never got through it. Shanghai Surprise, not good...
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
I think that Unbreakable is one of the better, if not the best Shaymalan film!
Well, there's no accounting for taste!
Posted by DuB1978 (Member # 7950) on :
Wolf Creek and Battlefield Earth are the worst movies ever.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Wolf Creek is just a very disturbing movie. Very, very disturbing.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I liked Unbreakable but then again others probably think some of the things I like suck too. The Talented Mr. Ripley, Alone in the Dark, Dumb and Dumberer, and Battlefield Earth were stinkers to me.......
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by pettyfan: Wolf Creek is just a very disturbing movie. Very, very disturbing.
Disturbing - yes, but awesome for me!
quote:Originally posted by There'll be no morning for us : Silent Hill and Alone In The Dark
I liked Silent Hill, probably more so because I played the entire video game series. Alone in the Dark wasn't a very good flick, but had good CGI.
quote:Originally posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes.... : Bio Dome
Couldn't agree more! Terrible!
quote:Originally posted by Mike. : The only film i have walked out of because of sheer boredom was Unbreakable with Bruce Willis just a terrible film
I disagree with that. I love that film!
quote:Originally posted by jdocster : Natural Born Killers
Seriously? Not the greatest movie ever, but I wouldn't call it the worst.
OK, now a couple of my own - The Animal with Rob Schneider. You wanna talk about a BAD movie. I had to force my way through this one big time. Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat was pretty awful for me too. Sorry all you Bruce Campbell fans....though he wasn't too bad in it.
Posted by DuB1978 (Member # 7950) on :
Oh i forgot one,The Wrestler.The soundtrack was the only thing good about the movie.
Posted by Chris the CandyFanMan (Member # 3197) on :
Let's see now:
-Mac and Me; still the worst theatrical experience for me; even at age 6 I could tell they were just knocking off E.T. without any attempt at originality or heart. Thank God they never did make the sequel they promised at the end (unless of course they give the honors to Mel Brooks...)
-Sandler's Going Overboard. While he usually tries to be funny, unlike so many of his contemporaries these days, this early effort could quite possibly be the worst comedy ever made. Not a single thing is funny at all; moreover, the film isn't even arranged in a rational manner, making me wonder if the editor got drunk after realizing how bad the film he was putting together was.
-Surf Ninjas; Leslie Nielsen deserved better than this, forced to act as a Dr. Strangelove knockoff type in the middle of a film so shallow--and devoid of rational plotting without any sustinance--that by the end of the film you'll wonder if you've just been abducted by aliens, because you'll forget what happened in the last 2 hours of your life.
-Celtic Pride; a reasonable enough premise by Judd Apatow earlier in his career that gets so mismanaged in execution that you'll turn off your VCR at the end feeling rather angrier than you have in a long time, especially since the supposed payoff pay nothing believably off; even the great talents of Dan Aykroyd and the always underrated (this doesn't do much to help, though) Daniel Stern can't save a ship that's sinking the moment it leaves port. Now, with more rational people behind the camera and a desire not to settle for a Hollywood ending, this could be a good flop to remake at some point in the future...
-Disorganized Crime; disorganized is certainly right; I can't remember anything at all that happened in the darn film, or what it was even about, or even what genre it was supposed to be. That's all you need to know.
-Cheaper by the Dozen; vicious hateful piece of trash not fit to show your children; yes, I have to say it like that. A perfect encapsulation, in a way, of all that was wrong during the Bush Jr. years, showing anyone with half a brain to forget what they're trying to say on screen, because like most people would say about the Bush Jr. administration, the filmmakers are lying through their teeth about their so-called message, which is really: hate thy parents and thy shall get anything you want. If I could have, I would have jumped through the screen and beaten all 12 kids bloody, perhaps to death in the worst cases, because they were all materialist lice whom their father would be commended for walking out on had they had the guts to take that rational course. If I'm not mistaken, holding on to things irrationally is what sent Anakin Skywalker down the path to sociapathicality, which, regardless of your opinions of the prequel trilogy, is a valid point to make; all 12 kids would have been prime disciples of the Emperor in that universe, as they make Anakin's mistakes here 10 times over, and yet we're supposed to applaud them for it. Steve and Bonnie Hunt deserve much better than this.
Posted by Mike. (Member # 7179) on :
Seeing some other posts on here i forgot about Battlefield Earth now that truely is a bad film,but for some reason if it's on tv i will watch it thinking it can't be as bad as i remember it and it always is.
Posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes.... (Member # 1022) on :
Remembered another one which I thought was shocking - both for certrain characters, the complete lack of any suspense or surprise in the plot, and all round general boredom :
Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
quote:Originally posted by pettyfan: Wolf Creek is just a very disturbing movie. Very, very disturbing.
I know people like the killer Mick Taylor in Wolf Creek. That's what made it so disturbing for so many Aussies, is that he reminded us all of someone we know. Bit rough around the edges but has a heart of gold, goes out of his way to help... but Mick had just that one little flaw underneath all that - the homicidal maniac bit!
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
Of those mentioned, I like all of these:
The Cable Guy Four Weddings and a Funeral The Hunt for Red October Unbreakable Wolf Creek Disorganized Crime
As far as terrible mainstream movies go, there are way too many for me to list. Now days, Hollywood makes at least 10 crappy films for every one I even kind of like.
Posted by Kash (Member # 297) on :
Stitch, will have to give Jurassic Park 2 another chance, see if 12 years has made any difference.
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
Night at the Roxbury The Tuxedo Suburban Commando Last Action Hero
Posted by DuB1978 (Member # 7950) on :
quote:Originally posted by Riptide: Night at the Roxbury The Tuxedo Suburban Commando Last Action Hero
i agree on the last three but night at the roxbury is just a fun movie.
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stitch Groover: "Random Hearts" with Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas - the single most dull film I've see in my life.
I couldn't agree with you more. The only other movie I can think of that was half as boring with as little a payoff in the end was the Tarkovsky film Stalker.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Ripper, couldn't agree more with you on Night at the Roxbury, it was so unfunny!
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by Riptide: Night at the Roxbury
NO WAY!!!! This movie is hilarious!!!!!
Posted by DuB1978 (Member # 7950) on :
quote:Originally posted by 80'sRocked: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Riptide: Night at the Roxbury </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">NO WAY!!!! This movie is hilarious!!!!!
Posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes.... (Member # 1022) on :
Oh - if you want dull, what about The English Patient? Or Titanic? or American Beauty?
Posted by EJ Loves Takashi (Member # 7767) on :
Frankenstein meets the Space Monster
Great White
The incredibly strange creatures that stopped living and became mixed-up zombies. (No really it is a movie)
Batman and Robin
The Towering Inferno
I could go on and on, but I will stop here.
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
quote:Originally posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes....: Oh - if you want dull, what about The English Patient? Or Titanic? or American Beauty?
Those all might have been overly long, but at least there was some kind of story with an actual conflict and resolution to hang your hat on. Random Hearts tricks you into thinking it's going to be some sort of conspiracy thriller or mystery and instead just deteriorates into a mindless grief drama. It meanders on and on with nothing interesting ever happening. The conflict is: Can a real relationship work if it emerges out of commiseration? - Wow! 3 hours of magic right there.
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
A few come to mind:
Feardotcom Norbit Cold Creek Manor Cellular The Happening The Matador Congo
All of these movies bored me to tears, and/or the plots were really ridiculous.
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
quote:Originally posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes....: Oh - if you want dull, what about The English Patient? Or Titanic? or American Beauty?
American Beauty? Really?
That's one of my all time favourites. But it does seem to be one that people really love or really hate; doesn't seem to be too much middle ground.
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
Im not a huge fan of American Beauty myself, but there is no way that it belongs in a worst movie thread!
Posted by Paul Dangerously, you iceholes.... (Member # 1022) on :
Yes it does - it has no discernable plot that I could think of, beyond the fact that his home life was 'unfulfilling', and that in the end, after near misses with his daughter's young friend, he ends up with his brains blown out. Rest of it? Dunno - can't remember and don't really care.
Same with Titanic. Right at the start they told you the boat sank and she survived. Where's the tension after that?
The English Patient? Title tells you all I needed to know: there was this patient, and he wasn't French.
Seen them all, and that's way over 6 hours of my life I'll never get back.......
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
I knew the boat sank in Titanic before I even went to the movie The only redeeming thing from that movie was seeing Kate Winslet's funbags
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
I agree with The English Patient. What a boring movie...
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
I like Titanic, never saw The English Patient.
Posted by Kash (Member # 297) on :
Titanic, never a big fan: I actually found myself rooting for Billy Zane. That's Jim Cameron's fault for making his characters as fake as the CGI.
American Beauty was a good film IMO, Kevin Spacey was the man back then: memorable depiction of a mid-life crisis, people engaging with one another beyond the banal artifice of modernity. It was over hyped at the time but a decade down the line, still holds up pretty well.
I bought the The English Patient on DVD years ago, still haven't opened the shirnk wrap. One day, some day.
Another movie by the late/great Anthony Minghella which really divides audiences is Breaking & Entering with Jude Law and Robin Wright Penn.