Alien - Ship fails to deliver cargo, crew don't get bonus. Aliens - Unplanned pregnancy leads to complications. Big Trouble in Little China - Redneck trucker kills Chinese immigrants. Cujo - Family neglects to give pet rabies shot; pays price. Dr Who - Elderly man serially abducts young women. Ferris Bueller - Amoral narcissist makes world dance for his own amusement. Poltergeist - Pothead parents lose child, ruin property value. Se7en - Homicide detectives unable to prevent even a single murder by admitted serial killer, killer gives cop head. Empire Strikes Back - Boy is abused by midget, kisses sister, attempts patricide. Terminator - An unplanned pregnancy leads to complications. Rosemary's Baby - An unplanned pregnancy leads to complications. Titanic - Crazy old widow disregards lifelong memories of husband, children, and grandchildren in favor of that one time she bonked a bum. W - Unspeakable disaster afflicts America. Then terrorists attack. Wizard of Oz - Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again
Posted by He came and he saw that it was NOMS (Member # 2688) on :
I just read these on another forum I visit. Very funny stuff.
Uncomfortable Noms
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
The Rewind - Lovers of ancient history are spread through space and time, yet find meeting place.
Posted by saturnchick (Member # 7524) on :
Milk - uppity queer dies.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Saturnchick, I thought that one was hilarious too!
Posted by He came and he saw that it was NOMS (Member # 2688) on :
quote:Originally posted by Stitch Groover: The Rewind - Lovers of ancient history are spread through space and time, yet find meeting place.
You see I think this sums up the Rewind a little better...
Killer Noms
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :