Hi folks I have a question and was wanting to seek out other renter's opinions. I moved into my new condo Jan. 31. Although it's a condo, the management team is still set up like an apartment where you have a property manager, leasing consultant, and a maintenance person. This past Sunday night approximately 10 minutes after doing dishes, I noticed a small puddle in the cabinet under the kitchen cabinet where the pipes are. The only time the leak occurs is when I use the right sink rather than the left. I sent a request asking the maintenance guy to come in and check it on Monday. He called me at work on Monday assuring it was fixed. I come in from work Monday and ran the sink and lo and behold a puddle again. I made another maintenance request Monday night for the dude to come in and check on Tuesday. He calls me Tuesday while I'm at work saying it's fixed. I come in tonight and yup you guessed it another puddle after doing dishes. Should I just go directly to the property manager and ask for her to contact a plumber rather than continue fooling with this bumbling moron? I've already called property manager's voice mail and told her that I would be in at 9:30 in morning to discuss the situation with her. Thanks for any advice. Oh and another odd thing. This condo was built in March 2008 and I am the first one to live in it. Sort of odd that it's doing this since it's new or maybe some of it is from rarely being used..........
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I think plumbers, or maintenance men, are like doctors. You should ask for a second opinion. It sounds like this guy's not too sure of what he's doing.
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
I'd say talking to the property manager like you are is a step in the right direction and hear what he/she has to say.
Could it be a problem with the garbage disposal?
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
That's what everybody's said but odd thing is I don't even have one. Another odd thing the dude mentioned me having a slow leak in the dishwasher as well. Guess what? I hadn't even used the dishwasher any since I moved in. I don't even dirty up enough dishes to use one. I wondered even more after that if the poor guy even knew what lines/pipes he was looking at.......
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
I thought about the dishwasher as well...LOL
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Don't they run water through the line after they say they fix it to check it to make sure it doesn't leak any more? Why would it leak when you do dishes, and not for them if they run water in it to check for the leak? (Unless they never checked it-or never fixed it) I am sure it would be something really simple like the sealer that they use to connect the pipes -could be defective or something minor-since it is brand new. Anything brand new shouldn't take anything major to fix it. If it leaks and ruins your floor, they are going to be responsible for that, so I would make that real clear when you call again, and say that you want it fixed properly, that they sent the same guy twice, and it's still not fixed, and either they get someone else in there to fix it or, you'll get someone to fix it, and send them the bill.
I had my gutter guys here this afternoon, to fix a leak in my gutters- I just had them replaced, and they goofed it...and today was their 4th attempt to fix it...I think they might have got it right this time, but the sign on their trucks says "we do it right the 1st time", and I thought, you need to change that motto- to "Maybe by the 4th or 5th time it might be right."
My gutter guys said that sometimes the sealer they use gets little pin holes in it -which I have no clue why they would use a product that does that....so maybe it's something to that effect.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Someone I spoke with earlier today had mentioned the seals. I'm always at work so I've never personally been here when the maintenance guy was working. For all I know the dude could be coming in, looking at it, and going out the door. I'm gonna tell the property manager to either call a plumber with experience to fix it right this time, or I'm personally gonna call a plumber and send them the bill. That should get them moving. The thing that worries me is small things turn into big things and if not fixed properly there could be floor damage as you mentioned or worse yet damage to the condo below me since I'm on the 2nd floor.........
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
I think your instinct to speak to the property manager is correct. The maintenance guy has had two failed attempts, I think you're within your rights to complain.
As far as being the first person to move in since the building was finished, I would blame the poltergeists.
I have one questions, I've always wondered what is the difference between a condo and an apartment?
Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
I would meet the maintenance guy in person and explain what you're talking about. Then, if he doesn't fix it correctly in front of you, you can point it out to him on the spot. This does two things for you. Firstly, it lets him know that you are not going to take any crap and you want your stuff fixed properly. Second, It sounds like you're going to be there for a while so you probably want to get on the maintenance guys good side right off the bat. This is your chance to be very polite, and, friendly to this man so he doesn't think you're a push-over, but, he also doesn't think you're a d1ck. Some of these guys are really good, some are really bad. If he still can't fix the problem then speak with the manager.
As an aside:
Looking for the leak...
Open the cabinet under the sink, lay a towel down, run the water for 5 to 10 minutes, and, using a flashlight to determine where the leak is coming from. Try this in both the left AND right sinks. If you don't see any leaks, stand up and in the left sink pull out the sprayer and use it to wash a plate or two using the sprayer. Stop and look for a leak. If nothing is found, try the same thing using the sprayer in the right sink. Sometimes the sprayer itself will leak and run down the hose onto the cabinet floor. The sprayer hose is usually located on the right side of the sink.
Hope this helps...
- jdocster Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Maintenance guy and I finally figured it out. I was off today so he and I started on it about 1pm. Come to find out the plumbers who installed the sink didn't put enough sealant around one of the pipes. Thanks everyone for the advice......