I haven't really studied the cast as of yet and might not before the show begins tomorrow evening. I usually like to pick my favourites after the first viewing instead of having a pre-show favourite.
Can't wait until tomorrow night.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Woo Hoo!!
Just like last time, I'll avoid this thread until I've downloaded each episode, so don't worry about spoilers.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
I'm glad Jalapao decided to keep Sandy, even though she's more than a little crazy and not the smartest Survivor around. Who doesn't know what a pace is?
I liked Carolina too, they seem to be the only personalities we've seen so far.
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
For the second straight season the first tribe at tribal council throws a blindside towards a ditzy younger girl instead of voting out what seemed to be the inevitible older lady.
Pretty hard to choose a favourite right now. All I know is that I want "Coach" gone soon. He reminds me way too much of "Ace" from last season.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Did you notice that for Taj, it says she's a "former pop star"? I looked her up on Wikipedia, she was a member of SWV!
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
Yup I knew that about her
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
Pretty stupid of her to mention her husband. She might as well have announced that she's a billionaire for what it's worth. She'd have to go up against Johnny Fairplay in the end to have a shot at the million dollars now.
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
so far i'm finding this season to be pretty boring. Haven't found anybody to really hate with the exception of coach but also haven't found anybody to cheer for either.
Posted by Siouxsie Sam and the Hainshees (Member # 3150) on :
This season was a great big stinking snoozefest until last week.
Now that the tribes finally merged the show has really picked up momentum. Two tribal councils since the merge and two huge blindsides. Last week I lost one of my favourites In Brendon to a blindside and this week lost one in Tyson that made me give a big shout of joy. It was really satisfying to see Coach lose his smug smile as the votes were being read and him realizing that his 'Warrior Alliance' disintegrated. I really don't like him.
I'm thinking JT is in the power position now and a win by him, Stephen or Erin would make me happy.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
did you see how Tyson lost his **** eating grin too, once his name was read off for like the third time?
Posted by Siouxsie Sam and the Hainshees (Member # 3150) on :
I know right. Same with Coach (biggest douchebag in Survivor history)
But the best look came from Sierra who had no idea that Erinn, JT, Stephen and Taj were going to blindside Tyson and save her butt. She thought she was going home for sure.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Two things to know about Survivor: if you ever find a hidden immunity idol, play it at the next tribal council and if you dominate challenges, plan on a blindside the first time you aren't wearing an immunity necklace.
Oh and never win a car.
I was a Brendon fan, so watching Tyson get blindsided was quite satisfying. Coach is such the dragonslayer......not.
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
Now hopefully tonight Margie & Luke get sent home from the Amazing Race. Luke is one of the most annoying people I've ever seen on a reality program. Andrea can go home on Hell's Kitchen too; she's nowhere close to being in the same class of chef as Paula or Danny.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Coach is the most ridiculous player they've ever had on Survivor. Worse than Ace, worse than Randy, even worse than Shane. I love that the editors obviously hate him as well and show off his ridiculous meditating every episode, but the novelty has now worn off and I'm just sick of hearing is stupid voice!
It's hard right now to pick a potential winner, but I have to say I'm starting to get a Tina Wesson vibe from Debbie, she might be a dark horse. Did you see her backflips? She's fit!
I like Stephen too, he's a smart player and it's nice to see a smart player who isn't ****y about it and bragging about how he's in control of the game and all that crap.
I'm so glad Tyson is gone, he was a rude arrogant jerk. Sure, Sierra is by no means the smartest player the shows ever had, but to be so blatantly rude and insulting to her face, I hope his parents are ashamed.
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
Things were looking pretty good that we were going to see a nice little blindside on Coach which would have been a joyous occasion. But then he went and won himself immunity. So instead we saw them vote off the safe pick of Sierra instead of shaking things up and getting rid of Debbie.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
Coach getting immunity was a real kick in the guts. But good on Sienna for exposing him as a liar and hypocrite, even if it didn't save her.
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
Hell Yeah!!!! Coach goes home!!!!!
Season finale is this Sunday.
The four finalists are
Taj Stephen JT Errin
I feel that either Stephen or JT will win and neither would bother me as a winner. I'd prefer Stephen and actually none of the four would be horrible. Just don't think that Errin or Taj has done enough to warrant a victory but I don't despice anybody that's left.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
I think that if they are smart, they should vote off Taj. She seems to be well-liked, and could hurt their chances in the end. Then Stephen and JT would be against Erinn, vote her out, and let the judges panel do the rest.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
It's nice to have a top 4 made up of good decent people, it's pretty rare in Survivor. It happened last season in Gabon (Bob, Susie, Sugar and Matty), the Cook Islands (Yul, Ozzy, Becky and Sundra) and Guatemala (Danni, Stephanie, Rafe and Lydia)
Most times there is at least one bad egg in the top 4 (Dreamz, Denise, Parvati, Terry, Katie, Scout, Jon, Jenna, Clay, Lex, Keith to name a few)
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
Are they still doing a 3-person final vote or are they reverting back to the old way and having only 2 finalists again?
Posted by It's Sam, Mr. Hain If You're Nasty (Member # 3150) on :
It was a final two
Posted by journey (Member # 7316) on :
I think the right person won. On another note I really wish they'd modify that viewer's choice $100,000 prize to exclude the winner of the show. They should just give it to the top vote-getter amongst the non-winners.