I think the Social Club has kind of an anything goes vibe here, but sometimes do you hesitate about certain topics or do go in with guns blazing? Sometimes I want to talk about stuff but hesitate maybe because of the outcome, and maybe it's not the best outlet for a place like Rewind. General negativity and what not. For example, I saw a documentary on CNN last on Jonestown, so disturbing I had troble getting to sleep and the 30th anniverary of that horrific event is Monday. Do you hesitate sometimes about posting stuff?
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
I do Ripper. Many times I hesitate because I have a feeling that they will blow up.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Well....I never hestitate to post about anything...even thought I get blown up on constantly...I figure that's what a "social forum" is....I think if someone doesn't want to talk about it...then they should leave, they shouldn't come on a topic and start flappping about what someone said on it.
I avoid every topic on here that I don't want to comment on. Sometimes, I feel like I do have stuff to say about things that I don't agree with, and it might not be the same viewpoint as someone else, but I don't care, because I feel if that's my opinion, then that's my opinion...I don't care if it always meshes with whatever everyone else thinks.
See I don't think I am negative when I bash on today's stuff....I think that's being positive because I don't want to see negative stuff all the time, and it drives me crazy, and I figure people that grew up when I did...can understand what I mean-but that really isn't how it goes down at times.
I remember the Jim Jones thing.....because I have an Uncle named Jim Jones (it's a pretty common name)... that was one of the most horrible things ever....it was unbelievable...it reminded me of Charles Mansun-which scared the heck out of me in the 70's. I couldn't believe people were capable of such horrible stuff. It still is shocking. But, so many other horrible things have happened....but you don't really hear about mass things like that. Thankfully. I didn't see the documentary...I am sure I would have had nightmares too, if I had. Sometimes you just can't believe what people are capable of, and what goes through their heads.
Cults totally stun me...I don't know how twisted people get control over people like that...I know the people that follow someone that crazy, have to be so messed up and have something wrong with them, but I never understand why someone doesn't realize what's going on...and go get help. I know that belonging to a group of people...even if they are nuts...it makes some people feel a sense of belonging, and it's like a sense of family.
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
Seeing what happened to the children of Jonestown, there were 300 or so of them, i can't get those images out of my head, and looking at Jim Jones footage, seeing pure evil, it scares the bezeesus out of me. Manson was evil too, but thank god he never got away with the sheer scope of taking 900 lives, not to mention a congressman and some news reporters. When you have real evil staring at you from the tv screen and the fact it really happened....just overhwleming.
There's a lot of escapism for me when I go to the Rewind, it's a great outlet for that. I don't know if people can relate but my mind races with information overload, newscasts, opinions, trying to sift through stuff and get the truth if that's possible. I guess everyone is trying to find truth and sanity right?
So many people, opinions and perspectives isn't there? In fact sometimes I even feel conflicted with what went down in the 80's, Now, we grew up as kids and had great times with the culture, movies etc. But every decade has a darker side to it. People from the 60's were horrified as to what was going on, all kinds of sin, greed on Wall Street. The president preaching good family values and jostling with his jellybeans meanwhile he's selling arms to the US's mortal enemy(Iran), sponsoring Contra death squads in South America, tagrgeting civilians in the "Dirty" war. Cold war paranoia going on where we all thought nuclear annhilation was imminent.All kinds of stuff going, you just can't wear rose colored glasses all the time. In fact I'm reading some books about the 60's right now, reading about 1968 (40 years ago), with the assasinations, Vietnam, wondering how people lived throught that. I guess my mind races sometimes and I go off, holy cow.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by ISIS: I know that belonging to a group of people...even if they are nuts...it makes some people feel a sense of belonging, and it's like a sense of family.
Sounds like the Rewind.
That makes you Manson, Nick. Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
I don't really hesitate before posting or starting a new topic here. I respect the opinions of everyone here, and I hope they respect mine - and I also know that the folks on here are all fairly intelligent with a broad spectrums of opinions on a wide range of topics, so I find it fascinating to see what people think.
Here in the social room I think everyone is basically of the same opinion. Most people have started topics about subjects very personal to them, we've known when Rewinders have had sick family members and even, sadly, deaths; we even know when people are going on holidays and where!
There are plenty of threads that I don't respond to because I don't have anything interesting to say or because they are a topic I'm not interesting in - if people are likely to start feeling down by reading a thread about thinks like Jonestown, they should just avoid them!
Posted by Toxic Sammy Hain (Member # 3150) on :
quote:Originally posted by ISIS:
Cults totally stun me...I don't know how twisted people get control over people like that...I know the people that follow someone that crazy, have to be so messed up and have something wrong with them, but I never understand why someone doesn't realize what's going on...and go get help. I know that belonging to a group of people...even if they are nuts...it makes some people feel a sense of belonging, and it's like a sense of family.
Most people that join cults are outcasts, people on the fringes of society, vulnerable or those looking for enlightment somewhere else because they become disenfranchised with their current church. They might not be messed up when they join but they get brainwashed after joining because the cult leaders are so good at saying what each individual wants to hear; they're very observant and manipulative.
I remember I first heard about Jonestown when my family and I were on our way back home to North Dakota from visiting relatives in Minnesota and at that time the true magnitude of what happened wasn't fully realized. At first the death count was at 300 then each day it grew more and more until it got to the final count of just a little over 900.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I never realized the death toll was that many. I thought it was only about 100...I couldn't remember any more. I just remember that people did try and get away and I think they were shot or held at gun point to drink that poisonous Kool-Aid mix.
[ 15. November 2008, 13:07: Message edited by: ISIS ]
Posted by buffalo-girl (Member # 7498) on :
i do not post about politics or religion that's about it though! dee Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
She said it is awful to watch...because of it being real, but she said it was well done.
Posted by Stitch Groover (Member # 2895) on :
I guess the only time I might hesitate is when it comes to things that are too Australian, or things that no one would really care about. I'd love to be able to right about Australian Idol but I know no one here watches it or has an interest in it, so I don't bother. (Speaking of Idol, it's Top 3 performance tonight and for the first time it's 3 men)
There are some great Aussie shows from the 80's that I'd love to talk about too - "Hey Hey it's Saturday", "Hey Dad", "Acropolis Now", "Kingswood Country", "Sons and Daughters", "Prisoner (aka Cell Block H)"
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
Speaking of cults....remember the Heaven's Gate cult? I followed that story pretty close, I think it was in '96 if I remember correctly? They were brainwashed into thinking that the Hale/Bop comet had a spaceship trailing in it's tail and would take them all away when they killed themselves.
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
That was creepy too, I seem to remember the David Koresh/Waco stuff more. I even recall seeing some made for TV movie on it. People who think they are god are out to lunch.
Posted by Toxic Sammy Hain (Member # 3150) on :
I'll have the pastrami on rye
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I actually bought that Jim Jones movie, after looking it up...so Riptide your responsible now...for me having nightmares when I watch it.
I actually thought my mom might want to see it again...she called it a Hum-dinger. So, I'll watch it too.
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
Isis, maybe I opened a cans of worms I shouldn't have. Proably as uncomfortable viewing as when I was watching a Pol Pot/Cambodia doc, and to think that was also going on at the same time. But with the anniversary on Tuesday they've been showung a lot of Jonestown stuff. They have been repeating the CNN documentary too. I just wish the Guyanese army could have stormed the place in time and taken out Jones.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I may have seen pieces of the movie. Or maybe I saw previews, because once I looked it up and saw that Powers Boothe plays Jim Jones...I remember pieces of him in the movie, and thinking he did look alot like the real Jim Jones.
I remember the Heaven's Gate thing. I remember seeing the pictures of them on something...and they were all covered in black blankets, laying on bunk beds. They were all men (I think)...and I remember you could see their white sneakers sticking out from under the blankets.
I thought...how gross would that be to walk in there after everyone had died, and they had been in there decomposing for awhile.
Back around the time of Jamestown...I remember a creepy story that happened in my hometown.
I was in 8th grade...there was a girl that was found dead in the old Beef Slaughter House...in my hometown. (It was abandoned) They found her naked and wrapped up in plastic. I knew who she was...from school, because she actually gave me the creeps. I was in the bathroom once with her and another girl, and they just looked creepy and I hurried up and got out of there-I had heard she did drugs-and I didn't even know what drugs were then.
For years...they never caught the person responsible for her murder...everyone thought it was her creepy stepfather-he wandered around town...everyone knew him to see him, he was creepy too. Anyway....it was about 10 years later....a 17 year old boy was found strangled to death in the junk yard. He was in special education.
It turned out that the 2 murders were done by the same person. The guy lived in an apartment above the pet store, in our downtown. He was arrested. Nobody even knew his name when we found out who it was. It was the creepiest story. I am actually shocked that it didn't make the news bigger than what it did. I always thought that the whole thing would have made a good movie, except for the fact that it was true.
The true stories are what are so horrible.
Did they ever make a movie about Jeffery Dahmer?
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
That's quite a disturbing story about those murders. It's good they fianlly caught him.
I think there is a movie called Dahmner, but I have yet to see it. It might be on of those low budget ones. I saw a doc of him too which creeped me out. I find these in-depth docs., really bring out the gory details that the were glossed over for the news story. Real life horror like you said. He had such a sick mind, I pray we never see his like again.
I don't remember Jonestown when it happened, but I did hear about those horrible child murders in Atlanta in the early 80's.
Posted by Toxic Sammy Hain (Member # 3150) on :
There was a movie called 'Dahmer' its been on IFC on occasion. I've seen it and didn't think it was anything special.
Posted by buffalo-girl (Member # 7498) on :
i saw the movie about dommer i think it was on the history channel here not sure but it was pretty good he was a truly sick man for sure also saw the jonestown movie with powers booth he played a excellent role in the movie i haven't seen it on in a long time though maybe this week they also had a movie about gacy the one that dressed up as a clown and killed all those kids and buried them in his yard wow alot of sick people in the world!!! dee Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Toxic Sammy Hain: I'll have the pastrami on rye
:Dhahahaha Posted by jdocster (Member # 5752) on :
quote:Originally posted by Toxic Sammy Hain: I'll have the pastrami on rye