My mom and I were talking about this...and I can remember the telephone numbers of all my friends from when I was a kid/teenager. From about 4th grade on. I remember my grandparents phone number, and my Aunt's phone number, and our old house phone number, and I haven't called some of those numbers in 20 years...and those people aren't on the other end anymore anyway.
But, I wondered if other people could remember stuff like that too?
Posted by Toxic Sammy Hain (Member # 3150) on :
There's a lot of things I rememb.....what was the question again?
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
Considering my years of alcohol and cocaine abuse... im lucky I can tie my own shoes Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
I'm really good at remembering old telephone numbers as well. Don't know where that came from! I seem to remember them better than movie titles and actors/actresses much to my chagrin.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
Isis, given the whole math teacher thing, I became very good at phone numbers and usually could remember most phone numbers if I wrote them down only once. But yes, Addresses and phone numbers I was locked into.
We are DEVO
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
My short term memory is not the greatest. If I don't write it down, like something I need to do, I will forget it most of the time.
My long term memory is totally different. I can remember things from way back with great detail sometimes. Like movies....half the movies I find on here for others are by pure memory....I don't even own them on DVD. I also can remember most of the posts I have read on this site going back to when I first joined here....weird.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I think that is amazing, because I have gone back at alot of posts, and read things I have said, and thought...was that me that said that...cause I sounded I didn't recognize my own words. I honestly wish that my memory was better. My childhood I remember so much detail...but my life from the time I got married and had my seems like everything is so much the same, not really my own life...that's actually changed alot, and I have moved, and met tons of new people...but the world itself seems like it hasn't changed. The biggest change I have seen in the last 10 the way people use cell phones and text messaging...other than that...the music seems the same, the clothes seem the same...the restaurant are all the models seem pretty much the same. The GPS thing is the one thing I have seen that is a major improvement in car technology.
But...I am surprised about remembering phone numbers...because I call my one friend all the time...sometimes I call her house...sometimes I call her gift shop...and I can never remember the number...I have to look them up in my address book all the time, or if she calls me...I just look for her number on my id on the phone, and hit talk, and then I don't have to find it.
It took me a long time to remember my brother's new telephone number...I know it now, but I can't remember his cell phone. Go figure.
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
I don't remember phone numbers, except for my own at home. Maybe it's because that I don't make very many calls. And even when I do, there's automatic speed-dial buttons, so perhaps that's why.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
Isis, funny you say that because when I look at a topic, I can tell by that if I started the thread or not.