hello guys i m back and i m in need of some davice my daughter is six and half mnths old and starting to teeth i v gotten teething rings and oragel any other suggestions that worked on your little ones?
Posted by xchazx (Member # 7158) on :
you should start drinking heavily and find a "happy place"
unfortunately i have no real advice. i have a 4 yr old and 15 month old and the only thing my wife and i did was the orajel on the gums and some baby tylenol. my 4 yr old wasn't so bad, but my 15 month old was a nightmare. he's now starting to get more teeth but so far he hasn't been too bad.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Do a search on the internet for advice on teething. You have to becareful about what to give a baby, so it doesn't choke on anything.
I know that when my son was a little older, he chewed on a frozen bagel. People might tell you to do that now too...but I wouldn't do that with a baby that little...because of choking.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
"Take it back and get a new one, the new ones are always more expensive."
Actually, I have no advice on this issue, but just wanted to say hi.
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
i did the traditional frozen teething ring, orajel on the gums, and baby tylenol drops as well. sorry, i can't think of what else you could use.... i'd try what isis said - look online and see if there's anything else you can do.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
quote:Originally posted by Valley: "Take it back and get a new one, the new ones are always more expensive."
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
thanks guys its so nice to be back at the rewind i so missed it
Posted by EleanorJune (Member # 7024) on :
When my daughter was teething, we gave her those homeopathic teething tablets. You can get then anywhere. Walgreens, CVS, I even found them at a Walmart once.
We also would rub her gums with a clean finger very firmly, but not hard enough to hurt her or him. The pressure from your finger helps the tooth break through the gums, and then when your done, the pressure from it trying to cut through is gone. My pediatrician was the one who told us to do that.
Good luck, nothing is a cure all for teething! Good luck!!
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
i ll have to try that with my daughter
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I got nothin that's not already been said...my son just turned two, so I went through this not long ago...used baby oragel and tylenol....he also liked chewing on a cold wet face cloth...you can even stick it in the freezer for a bit...watch for rash and fever. Me and my wife had to "tag team"...you would feel so helpless and frustrated cause you can olny help to some degree...quite frustrating, so I reccomend trading off when you can. Wishing you well.....