Since you filled up with 1 useless post, figured we could return the favor ...
"I posted this on my site..I personally know that it is people from this site using our forum.....I have trackes all IPs
<snipped because it's just a boring copy/paste of my post in another thread -Nick>
these people come from SA
I can't believe you got that far without being banned earlier.
Please, everyone from Fast-Rewind, stay out of
Because you guys are so stupid.
[ 28. July 2008, 06:08: Message edited by: Nick ]
Posted by P.S. It's Paul.... (Member # 1022) on :
Guys, just so's you know, this board has also been visited by our little 'friend'. They kicked him out as well, but on there he was masquerading as someone from our site, and reposting all the stuff about him that we'd said here.
Please don't respond to this in any way - either here or on their site. At the moment, they think we are slamming them, whoch couldn't be further from the truth. Rhodes has screwed around with them like he tried to here. We'll cover it from here on in, but please just let this one go...
Posted by Nick (Member # 404) on :
LOL -- now I know why certain people were "interested" in our little friend...
To quote: "There is a file a mile long on this guy. It's with the right people"
I thought it was odd that they'd be interested in a little site about 80s movies.
Seems our problems are minimal compared with sites that are household names... Including one that you may know that allows you to post videos...