Well,we all have it around us all the time.I just really hate it.To have a break every 10min in a movie just ruins the whole experience completely to me I just installed a digital TV tuner some days ago,and it is already really getting on my nerves If this keeps up,i think i have to give up television altogether.
Actually it has gotten so bad,i strictly avoid many products just because of their stupid advertisement nagging on and on,quite the opposite result in other words.(in my case anyway though)
However,once in a while there is a few ones who just are so well done/funny you just got to love it.
So maybe you have a few ones to share?Here are a couple from me:
BTW i think anything goes in this forum,but if tv commercials is not allowed,i hope the moderators notice me/delete the Topic Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
I hear you, sometimes when I am watching TV, the length of commercials is so long that my ADD kicks in, I will turn it to another channel and forget what I was watching.
I found this commercial I never saw beack then, it makes me giggle.
There's a couple of guys on ebay that sell 80s commercials on DVD. Tons of them...
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I love the commercials of the 80's....we are always saying how horrible today's commercials are...infact my husband and my mother mute them...and that actually drives me crazy...I'd rather not even look at them. All the TV commercials today are for some sort of prescription medication, cell phones, and insurance companies....you never see cool cereal commercials, pop commercials that are cool like:
I love this commercial, because Burger King was where I worked in the 80's...when I was a senior, and I wore the exact style of the outfit that Elisabth Shue has on:
The whole Jack Links Messin' With sasquatch campaign is very funny.
The ones from Canada where Sasquatch shows what all the different penalties are is some of the funniest commercials I've ever seen
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
I'm sorry...I just had to post this after having a bit of fun with it in another thread:
Maybe he was a local guy... I never knew where he was from.
Posted by P.S. It's Paul.... (Member # 1022) on :
Commercials today are much cleverer and more memorable than they used to be - certainly here in the UK. There's a few that are brain-splittingly annoying, but most of the more creative ones are very funny and very clever - much more memorable, effective, and lasting than the ones from way back when.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Might have actually been 70's...."Please don't squeeze the Charmin".
I Love Cherry 7-Up...I remember that commercial, that was so cute.
That's what I am talking about with commercials...the "pink" effect they did, was neat...and the kids were cute...and the song was nice. That's what you never see any more.
I just looked at all the Cherry 7-up commercials...they are all awesome.
Posted by Sam 'The Made Man' Hain (Member # 3150) on :
They had to make up for their crappy product I guess
No cute kids anymore Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Yeah show me a commercial with teenagers in it...that look that cute....any one will do.
Cherry 7-up and Squirt are my favorite 2 Soda Pops (aside from Rob Lowe- )
Posted by Sam 'The Made Man' Hain (Member # 3150) on :
I could easily find some but I don't want yet another thread to go down that road.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
All I wanted was 1.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
All I wanted was 1.
This cereal is where I got my brother's nick name from: