last night when we went to get my step son's costume. We literally walked into the store and were walking back to the costumes when my son saw a black man with one leg on crutches. Okay, he is six keep in mind. He pointed to his brother and said "Hey Cam look" then all of the sudden this guy started going into orbit yelling at the top of his lungs and kids saying stuff about him and making fun of him. I stopped dead in my tracks and said what?? "They was making fun of me because I ain't got no leg". I literally was flabbergasted. I turned to my son and said "What did you say", he said he didn't say anything and I know that he didn't because I was well within ear shot and nothing was said. I said to the guy "Look I am sorry if you think he was making fun of you he probablly pointed at you but he wasn't making fun of you" As he got closer I could smell the alcohol on his breath. What makes this worse is he had a 3 or 4 year old kid with him who started mouthing off too. He mumbled some stuff and then made the comment "don't know how to raise kids". I stopped again and looked him straight in the face and said "you have absolutely no business talking to me that way you don't even know me" I said fine go ahead and call the police. He was like yeah call the police on me. We just walked away.
What is odd about the whole thing is my blood pressure didn't even raise during this confrontation and I found myself hoping that I would run into him again in the store. We saw him when we were leaving and the boys thought he was following us. It is people like this that give disabilities a bad name. Now my son had no business pointing but that man should know that kids are kids and they say things whether they are right or not. What irks me is that he pointed at him and the man went ballistic. What a show he put on infront of the child he had with him. How sad. I have never in my life had anything like that happen to me before. It was shocking because if I hadn't have walked away when I did then who knows what would have happened. I should have gone to the front and had them file a report. Of course, I didn't think of any of this until it was too late. What a psycho.
Thanks for letting me vent!
Posted by jdocster04 (Member # 5752) on :
I've run into similar situations like that in my life. There are certain people in this world that get drunk and go out in public looking to vent their frustrations on an "easy target". The sad thing is that this guy had a child with him. I think you did ok. It sad to say it, but your lucky he didn't get violent with you. Especially with your children there. Next time this happens, try to walk away as quickly as you can without engaging the person. If you are pursued then go find the store manager. It's not your job to deal with these crazies (or the store manager really)and life is too short. Thank God you and your kids are all right.
I hope this helps a little...
- jdoc
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Thanks for the advice. It is always easy to think of things that you could have done after the fact. It is just so blindsiding when someone comes out of nowhere like that. I hope that this man is remorseful and realizes how inappropriate he was being.
Posted by WolfmansGotNards (Member # 5910) on :
There are some real crazy people out there Jessie
I'm glad nothing more serious happened. In all likelihood the guy still thinks he is in the right (that is, if if even remembers what happened). Best to avoid people like that, but sure is hard when they pop up and surprise you.
I'm not sure if there's a positive side to any of this, but at least your kids have a scary Halloween story of how they survived the Monster?!? Sorry, I'm just totally reaching now
I wonder how things would have played out if you had a whistle with you and attracted store employees.... Now I'm just thinking up crazy stuff
Not a fun story, but I hope you and your kids have a better actual Halloween!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
Maybe this will help- It was freaky when it happened - but now that we're older we laugh about it (!):
A few years ago- my daughter was probably 4 or 5- I took her and her two friends who were about 6 and 8 trick or treating around the neighborhood. We lived on the same block so we felt pretty safe and confidant that we "knew our neighbors".
We hit this house that was so big and nice that we actually made a little joke about how this house was gonna be a "winner" and give good treats cuz we assumed the people who lived there were loaded.
The kids ring the doorbell and a man about 60 years old answers the door. The kids say "trick or treat" and hold out their bags and plastic pumpkins.
The guy opens the front door, walks out on to the porch..........
.....takes their bags and pumpkins, walks back in the house, closes the door!
The kids start to freak out and I go "Oh, he's probably putting treats in your bags and then coming back out"
Two minutes pass and the guy----and the bags----are still in the house! Now I'M starting to get nervous and I say to the kids "When he comes back out we smile politely, say "thank you" and then walk back home and dump EVERYTHING in our bags out...cuz he might have 'done something to the candy'"
Well, now another 2 or 3 minutes go by and now the oldest boy I'm with is looking for rocks to throw threw this guys windows!
I say "Forget it, lets just go home"...but you know what...I was mad! I was sort of cursing and ringing the bell. What kind of a crazy -rhymes-with-duck steals little kids Halloween candy??? My daughter who was the youngest was crying and freaking out!
We go home and tell my husband and the kids I was with's Dad and THEY go storming over there.
What it ends up being is the guy had Alzheimers or something and the people he lived with had left him alone. Well even so---- why did they leave him alone? Or why didnt they put a note on the door discouraging kids from ringing the bell? (DONT RING BELL. NO CANDY HERE. ONLY CRAZY GRANDPA).
My daughter threw a hissy and didnt even WANT to go trick or treating after that. I really thought she was 'scarred for life' and would never trick or treat again but now that we're all older we tell that story every year and LAUGH about it!!! (And we NEVER go to that house!)
So yeah--- Halloween is some scary stuff!
[ 29. October 2007, 05:33: Message edited by: mamamiasweetpeaches ]
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Mamamia that is a freaky story. That would really freak me out if something like that happened. I can honestly say that I don't remember anything in particularly crazy that happened to me on Halloween. That must have been really scary for your little girl. Is that man still alive? They shouldn't have had their light on if they weren't home, and you are right they never should have left that man alone by himself.
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I dont know if he's alive ! I never go over there anymore! that was about 5 years ago...and I sure aint goin' over there tomorrow!
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
...Another weird story--- this either happened the same year or maybe the year after.....
same neighborhood too (what a bunch of creeps live here!) there was this guy dressed up like Jason and he was hiding in his driveway. When the kids went to ring his bell he popped out and went "Aaaaaaah!" or whatever and we all - myself included yelped and jumped five feet in the air. Then I laughed because he "got us good". then he proceeds to step closer to the kids and proceed to still stick to his shtick. "Aaaarrrgh!" two steps closer "Aaaargggh-arrrrrrgh!"
Okay- NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! I have a six year odl girl dressed as Tinkerbell holding onto my leg at this point! Whats he waiting for? Pee? Tears? I think I even said "Okay. Not funny anymore. stop "effing" around! One step closer and Im gonna kick you in the nabs" or something like that just to let him know I meant business and let the kids know that he wasnt really a monster and even if he was I was going to take him down!
A legitimately funny thing that happend was one year I was trick or treating with my daughter and my nieces in my sister's neighborhood and her block has the kinds of houses where the garage is attached to the side of the house. Well, we are walking past this one guys house and we hear (RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!) like someone starting up a chainsaw. The kids all screamed and started to run and when I ran past I looked into the garage and a guy was in there building something! He wasnt making those noises to scare trick-or-treaters- he just happend to be working with woodshop machinery on Halloween.
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Something about Halloween time doesn't like us! I hope that changes....
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
I am not as nice as you Jessie. I wouldve knocked the crutches out from under him and told him to go take a hike. hahaha I just thought of that one. Way to think on my feet! hahahaha there's another one!
Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
Wow, quite the ordeal. It's a shame there are people out there who are that on edge and have to be nasty especially with kids around. Sometimes in these situations I like to throw a curveball, even if I am mad, like just don't give them the satisfaction of them getting them under your skin, like a changing te subject or acting calm when I should be irate.
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
Riptide, that's what she did I think. Most likely though, my child would act more mature than me. He's so angry about my kid making fun of him, he ain't even heard my best "your mama" jokes or the joke where I take his crutch and throw it over a shelf to the next aisle and tell to go fetch. Wow. I need therapy.
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Evilash--love the "your mama" comment. It is sometimes difficult to say how you will react to a situation, especially one that comes out of nowhere. I myself have a tendency to go into orbit when I am being attacked. It is really difficult for me to keep it under control. I do have to say that I have gotten better with age, but I still wish just once I could deliver the exact right thing to say that would sting someone just right when they do something unappropriate like that. I guess I will just have to see if it happens to me sometime. I will let you all know if it does....
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I remember when I was in my early twenties, wasnt married yet and didnt have a kid yet I used to babysit my little nephew and nieces. Whenever another kid would mess with my nephew and nieces in the playground I turned into Rebecca DeMornay in THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE, chasing the kids down the street with a 2 by 4 swearing. Then I became a parent and everything just changed. I now know that chasing minors down the street can land me in jail and that fighting with grown ups can lead to them pulling a gun out of their pocket and blowing me away. Somehow having kids of your own makes you think more clearly and try to avoid any major confrontation.
By the way- this is the second time I left a big cauldron of candy out on my porch and had the whole thing emptied by some little jackass. I guess next year I'll have to stay in to make sure that doesnt happen.
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :
Yeah, a cauldron never works. I used to set one out and the neighborhood teens who don't even dress up took it all.
Posted by WolfmansGotNards (Member # 5910) on :
mamamiasweetpeaches, thank you thank you thank you for the visual imagery of chasing down those bad kids with a 2x4...
Better left to rebecca demornay i guess
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I still have a real mean streak in me that comes peeking out every once and awhile. A few years ago when my daughter was in first grade a bunch of her friends and her were being picked on by some boys who were quite a bit older than them (about fourth graders). I walked over to the three boys and said "Is there a problem, Ladies?" and the boys were like "Huh?" and I said "Well, you MUST be ladies cuz men would never pick on first grade little girls"
It worked! the little wimps left them alone!
Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
Mamamia---hence the phrase of "I am going to go Rebecca DeMorneyed on you ***" I just heard that one other day. Funny.
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I used that phrase once. My husband -who had just watched RISKY BUSINESS -got very excited!
Posted by evilash (Member # 6155) on :