I feel like we have saturated the market. DC vs Marvel, Avengers, Captain America, Justice League, Superman, Batman, Dr. Strange, Deadpool, etc...
The list goes on and on.
Is this just because the movies will look good now? I long stand by superhero movies couldn't be made because they weren't going to look good without a lot of help.
Is that just it? Or is it just everyone wanted when they were younger comic books to be more tangible? I think it's a combination of this.
Regardless, I know they are here to stay, but to me, it's getting to be not exciting anymore. No?
We are DEVO
Posted by aTomiK (Member # 6575) on :
Like in every genre, thereīs good and bad superhero movies. Iīve enjoyed most of them so i donīt think thereīs too many.
We dreamed about these kind of films when we were young and now they can make them look good so why not? But it all comes down to a good story and talent behind the camera, itīs still very easy to fail.
One thing i donīt like are these studio franchise deals. Youīre forced to make a film (within a time limit) or you lose the rights for certain character(s). Another thing that bugs me is the reboot business.
Posted by the young warrior (Member # 9554) on :
I'm not a big fan of the super hero genre infact I've watched relatively few but I've always had a strange urge to want to watch Supergirl with Helen Slater and this despite all the bad reviews.
I don't know if it's anything to do with the thought of a 20 something Helen Slater in a super hero outfit but god only knows!
Posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless (Member # 9826) on :
I'm with Young Warrior on this one !
I haven't seen any of the more recent superhero movies (except for X-Men on tv), but i love Supergirl (yes, really) ! Posted by Jakey V (Member # 37348) on :
I think it's just that it's a cop out for coming up with something original. They just think of Superheroes that don't have movies yet and say "Let's make that".
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
YES! we have tried watching a few ( they are so stupid I can't even remember titles) and they are just garbage filled with CGI.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
The past few years, I have watched a lot more television than movies. I guess I am just burned out on what Hollywood has to offer--comic book superheroes and remakes of films that don't need remakes. Every once and a while, I see something original (Whiplash, for example) but mostly, it's just ho-hum safe stuff. On TV, there is actually so much good stuff to watch that I am behind on great shows like Doctor Who, Orphan Black, The Returned, Ripper Street, Spiral, and Penny Dreadful, though I did manage to binge the new Netflix episodes of Black Mirror. (If you haven't seen any of the 13 episodes over five years yet, go now. It's the most intelligently written, prescient show on TV at the moment. And it's creepy, disturbing, and scary too.)
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
I have been watching a lot of tv too, mainly Netflix. I will look for Black Mirror. Thanks for the suggestion Crash.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
My pleasure. Posted by thenodfather (Member # 8732) on :
For at least the past 20 years cinema has been constipated by superhero films. Yes they make a lot of money, but it seriously limits variety and leaves little of interest if you're not into the "spandex fantastics".