I'm getting to the point where I feel that all I see offered from new movies is bad cinematograpy, direction, acting, writing, and CGI.
I just got done watch Cop 1988, you can't do better picture, lighting, or cinematography wise.
Plus I would put James Woods up agianst any actor from nowadays. All actors from nowadays are pretty much boy men, male models with zero personality.
Posted by JAY LEE (Member # 6345) on :
I've pretty much given up on Hollywood. But since my cinematic scope and taste is broader than that, I can still enjoy new flicks from asia and europe (although they are both steadily going downhill too).
Posted by Simply The Noms (Member # 2688) on :
Each to their own I guess but I'm loving cinema as much today as I did in the 80's.
Directors Like Nolan, Eastwood, Fincher, the Coens etc continue to make quality movies that are (almost) always worth the price of a cinema ticket.
Also, I don't care what anyone says, I still look forward to the summer blockbusters and don't automatically slate remakes / reboots / sequels just because its 'cool' to do so. My home DVD collection is almost upto 1500 and will continue to expand with both 'classic' and 'modern' movies.
I think to state that you have just given up 'new' movies shows a very narrow minded, 'broad-brush' point of view in the same way that if I said i disliked a certain hamburger I would just give up on ALL meat.
Just my opinion like...
Noms 2011
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jack Gannon: I'm getting to the point where I feel that all I see offered from new movies is bad cinematograpy, direction, acting, writing, and CGI.
I just got done watch Cop 1988, you can't do better picture, lighting, or cinematography wise.
Plus I would put James Woods up agianst any actor from nowadays. All actors from nowadays are pretty much boy men, male models with zero personality.
Jack, I have to agree with ya. As a kid in the 80's i would go to the cinemas almost weekly and eavery week there would be another classic to discover.
I now might only go to the movies once a year, and I love going to the movies. I won't hardly go now because there is hardly anything decent coming out. Yes there have been a some good movies that have come out in the last decade but comparatively few compared to the 70's and 80's.
Very few film makers seem to be interested in making something unique, or it is unique but ridiculous. I am sick of a movie coming out like Transformers or some garbage like that. Give us something clever and original. Hang on a sec, let's just cash in on a remake. Hearing about Arthur being remade with that talentless hack Russel Brand made me want to vomit violently.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
i agree with Noms. well said. i also look forward to summer blockbusters, i love all kinds of movies.
regarding remakes - while i don't see the need half the time, especially when it comes to beloved 80s movies (that's just my knee-jerk reaction, mainly).. if the preview looks alright, i will check them out and form my own opinion.
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
i havent seen a good trailer outside of the pirates movies, in along time.
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
I can go either way on this one. While I haven't given up completely on movies nowadays. I don't go to the cinema nearly as much as I used to. And I also have very little use for NetFlix. A new movie here and there still may spark my interest, but it's a rarity nowadays.
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
i liked tron legacy, they could have casted better for son of flynn, but still good.
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I was going to do another review of the New Nightmare on Elm Street. It had its moments.
We are DEVO
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
devo, that new nightmare with jackie earl haley is just wrong on so many levels.
robert englund is freddy. you just cant replace him like all those other slashers.
on a side note, was it just me, or was character devolpment in that movie non existant?
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I still love going to the movies....a nice escape...add some popcorn, a root beer slushie and my wife snuggling into my arm to keep warm (OK...that was a bit sappy)....a very nice night out. I think it's important to remember that as adults, in my opinion, movies just don't capture your heart like they did when you were a kid, and you were typically far less willing to be critical of a movie....you just didn't look for that stuff....or at least I didn't. But there are still lots of modern movies I've seen and love and will watch more than once....In America, Of Mice And Men, Moll Flanders, Sleepers, he Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption....the Star Trek prequel and most of the super hero movies have also captured my attention....Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings....love em all.....
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I agree with Noms and Ronnie. I'd get bored if I didn't watch new movies...I mean, I love movies from the 80s and 90s, but I can't watch the same ones over and over and over. I look forward to the summer blockbusters too.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
And as for remakes, I like to form my own opinion first. Personally I liked the new Nightmare on Elm St movie, but others, like the Fog, sucked.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
So you're a writer, director, actor and makeup artist. Yet you hate modern movies?
I personally like to sit and relax on my couch and watch modern dvd's with the hubby. Once in a blue moon we will go out to the theater. He wants to see the new Pirates movie when it comes to our theaters.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Simply because someone is a writer, director etc, does not mean that it's strange to hate modern movies. He doesn't actually say that he hates modern movies but I think he is trying to say that movies from today are comparatively worse in many respects (acting, writing...).
I think Jack loves the old movies so much and does not see those qualities in today's films. Perhaps Jack as a writer, director etc would aim at bringing back some of those lost qualities or bringing a certain quality to films that are in his opinion lacking from modern movies.
[ 11. May 2011, 09:23: Message edited by: Bernie_Lomax ]
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
most of the great directors out in hollywood are fans of stuff from previous generations
like de palma with alfred hitch
i personally think the style in which movies are made cant get any better than the mid 80's period, all across the board
honest opinion, i was and still remain more impressed with the special effects from star trek the motion picture than the majority of effects i have seen in modern movies.
Posted by Jack Gannon (Member # 9144) on :
Lomax is absolutely right; I can’t say it any better than he did. That is my goal.
I never said I hate new films, just that so many of them stink these days that I'm beginning to lose hope in modern film makers.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Good Package: pitt
most of the great directors out in hollywood are fans of stuff from previous generations
like de palma with alfred hitch
i personally think the style in which movies are made cant get any better than the mid 80's period, all across the board
honest opinion, i was and still remain more impressed with the special effects from star trek the motion picture than the majority of effects i have seen in modern movies.
De Palma and Htichcock is a classic example. I am assuming you are referring to Body Double / Rear Window. Great example.
Special effects / make up: I refer to this often, but An American Werewolf in London shows some severe talent that is honestly, very hard to comprehend. The scene were David metamorphosises is a masterpiece of cinema and is still unparalleled by today's efforts.
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
i thought that werewolf was great work too. cgi adds to movies but also robs us of great art
Posted by Jack Gannon (Member # 9144) on :
My biggest problem with CGI is that it seems like a cheat code in a video game. Does it get you from one level to the next? Sure but at the cost of movie magic. One can no longer watch a film and say how the heck did they do that, now you just know it was computers.
The other aspect of CGI is that it still looks animated to me, it may be good animation at times, but nothing more than animation. I just miss that feeling of seeing an actual effect, and the payoff of seeing it work.
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Indy 4 with the ants is probably a good example.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
I am not a fan of CGI either. Too many movies use too much of it. A little bit is okay, but most go overboard. I can appreciate makeup though. Have you seen Being Human (the U.S. version)- I think they do a decent job on the werewolf makeup.
Posted by Crash (Member # 7484) on :
I hate the US version of Being Human, love the BBC version.
Posted by Jack Gannon (Member # 9144) on :
Indy 4 also the vehicles all looked fake, and so did the cliff, the two cars were running side by side along. You know Mat Paintings is such a more realistic, or if not am more neat looking effect in my book.
The scorpions.
And the vehicle that was chopping through the trees, was proably the most CGI looking.
That movie was one big CGI fest, I award it not points and may god have mercy on it's soul.
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
as well as indy 4's story, it was lame and lacked solid development like the previous 3
Posted by Bernie_Lomax (Member # 8571) on :
Personally, I don't like any movies that don't feature white knights and happy endings.
Posted by Jack Gannon (Member # 9144) on :
The new Clash of the Titans had Greek Gods in White Armor and a happy ending.
Posted by Jack Gannon (Member # 9144) on :
Somtimes Sam Worthington can screw that up as well.
Posted by Anthony33 (Member # 9820) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jack Gannon: I'm getting to the point where I feel that all I see offered from new movies is bad cinematograpy, direction, acting, writing, and CGI.
I just got done watch Cop 1988, you can't do better picture, lighting, or cinematography wise.
Plus I would put James Woods up agianst any actor from nowadays. All actors from nowadays are pretty much boy men, male models with zero personality.
The movie's called Cop or Cop 1988 and it stars James Woods? Cool, I'll be sure to check that out. And I agree with you, bad writing, acting, direction, cinematography. But I see it as a good thing, because I can catch up on good older movies I haven't seen yet and cool old and new TV shows. Plus, if there's nothing good to watch, it makes me want to get outdoors more lol. Oh yeah and another reason why most new movies suck...most of them are bad remakes of earlier movies or a TV series, bad sequels or based on comic book franchises I could usually care less about. Although, there's been a couple of good Punisher movies, Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies were pretty cool and I liked the X-Men movies. The Christopher Nolan Batman movies I like as well as the classic Christopher Reeve Superman movies, but then again, those are older now too.