OK this one had a scene where i beleive it was the hero was put in a room and it was filled with cement. The hero guy couldn't die so they filled the room so he woulnt escape I think he got busted out by his friends. Any ideas on this title can't remember if it was a movie or tv
Any help?
Posted by Princess Pooh (Member # 5798) on :
Sounds like an episode of Torchwood I watched recently.
Posted by kingcain (Member # 6644) on :
AHH thats it thanks it was captian jack. it was the 3rd season children of earth episodes.
Thanks a million that one was really bugging me.
Posted by logan5 (Member # 1467) on :
Oddly, when I saw this question I was going to make a joke about it being something made in the last couple of years (based on your last request).