i just got back from seeing this brilliantly done movie..in 3-D
i loved the book and the movie did not disappoint.
9/10 Posted by Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
I've not seen this one yet...This film looks like it could go either way. It could be really good, or really terrible. But considering the last few Tim Burton films have been complete duds...I have my doubts about this one...but it still looks good enough to check out.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
My cousin saw this yesterday with her kid and some other people. She said it was great. I personally have a very hard time watching any animated or cartoon movie. Even adult stuff like South Park, Simpsons, etc.....just pass on it usually.
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
oo i really wanna see this one i love the book too we didnt get to have our movie date yesterday my baby girl came down with a fever and cough so ofcourse mommy stayed in this is definitly one i want to see so bad
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
the movie is so visually stimulating..
tim burton had nothing to do with coraline.
it's an awesome storyline...like an alice in wonderland, if you will.
rainbow, if you get a chance, do see this movie. i think this is one you would enjoy.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Ronnie's right plus one way to tell if Burton is involved with the film: look to see if Johnny Depp has anything to do with it. I think sometimes they're connected at the hip.........