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Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
so me and my husband are going to go see this this weekend we got a sitter lined up so excited i v never seen a movie in 3D and i v never seen the orginal but i bought it today at walmart so i m pretty excited to watch both of them
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
I have the original on DVD. Will probably see the remake when it comes to cable.
Posted by annier (Member # 3305) on :
Posted by Mr. Jack Burton (Member # 4673) on :
Probably see it this weekend..
The original is brilliant. Have it in my collection.
Posted by buffalo-girl (Member # 7498) on :
we will probably just wait til it is out on dvd saw the original already and it was pretty good!
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I'll wait till it comes out on DVD and buy it. One of my friends told me that I just HAD to go see it in the movies cause it was 3-D. Maybe they'll put it out on DVD with some 3-D glasses or something.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
pettyfan, I thought you'd want to go see it at least for the star of the movie- Jensen Ackles! It looks pretty cool,but I rarely go out to the movies. And my husband doesn't like horror movies. Oh well. I'll have to wait for dvd.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
Originally posted by Pittsburghgirl:
pettyfan, I thought you'd want to go see it at least for the star of the movie- Jensen Ackles! It looks pretty cool,but I rarely go out to the movies. And my husband doesn't like horror movies. Oh well. I'll have to wait for dvd.

Nah, he's not that cute, LOL. He's just semi-cute. Besides, I'd rather watch it in the comfort of my own living room. I haven't been to a movie since we took the kids to see Alvin and the Chipmunks last year.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
i'm going to see MBV 3-D tomorrow night!! i can't wait. [Big Grin]
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I think we are gonna go see it tomorrow night. I wanna see it simply because it's in 3-D. I'm a fool for campy horror.......
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Gosh.....I didn't want to go...but since Cindy Manicini said it was really good, now I might change my mind. It isn't like I want to hate new movies, because I don't...I really want to like new movies- they just stink so bad-that I get sick of being let down, but I try all the time to give some a try. Nothing else is playing at my theater yet, that I want to I might actually go see it.

I have never seen a 3D movie either, so that would be pretty cool in itself- so I am going to try and look at it that way.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
Well the original wasn't exactly a masterpiece (campy horror I did like though) so at least if you go see it you won't be let down too badly.......
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
That is true....but the original one-I liked it because of how much they decorated the town- that is my favorite thing about the whole movie. I love the holidays, and I loved how much crepe paper they used in this movie. I have no idea why, but I loved Valentine's Day as a kid- when you made your little folder for school and took in your Valentine's to give to your classmates, and then you got to read the ones people sent you-I just loved that.

Sometimes we made boxes in school in art class to stick our Valentine's in- and I loved that kind of stuff. So, there is something about the whole party part of this movie that really appeals to me, it wasn't all about just the scary parts.

So, if it doesn't focus on Valentine's Day...then that would be the let down part for me.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
My husband and I just came from the matinee from seeing it.

It ranks as the #1 worst movie we have ever seen.

I can't even think of a movie I hated more.

It was so stupid, that half way through it...we just started making fun of the whole movie, it was like watching a comedy- because the acting was so over the top.

The violence was graphic as can be- but it was too over the top- that it wasn't even scary.

The Coolest part of the movie, is our dog is in it. There is a scene with a black french Bulldog- and that's exactly what our dog looks like, so we were's Jasper.

The rest was so bad.

There is full frontal nudity in this one scene-it was so nasty...and the girl runs out in the parking lot, completely naked, but she managed to keep her 6 inch high heels on- go figure.

When they ran out of dialouge-which was constant...they threw in the f-word. There were barely any Valentine's Day decorations. Infact, I have no clue where this was filmed, but they make you think it is in PA or in West VA.....there is an ambulance that says "Kittaning" on it- which is a town here in PA. There's blossoms on the trees in one scene, and there are scenes where they are running all through the woods- and there are leaves on all the trees. There is a house in the movie, that has plants and flowers and porch furniture on it, like it is summer time.

I don't know of anywhere that on Feb. 14th- there's leaves on the trees anywhere in the north, even down south it is cold this time of year.

I hate when they make a movie and they can't even get the season right.


The main girl- Sara- she has a maid/nanny so she can go work at the grocery store.

My husband was laughing the whole way through the movie...there's a scene that cracked him up...where the deputy brings a bloody box of candy to the sherrif, and he says "your name was on it", and the sherrif touches the box, and gets blood on his fingers, and he says "go get me a glove". As if at that point, it's going to matter.

Then there is a scene where the killer is whacking a guy to pieces with the pick axe, and he's going to rip his heart out (maybe he did-I couldn't look)...but then these other miners come to the rescue, and the main character is locked in a cage -and he just witnessed this guy being hacked to pieces, and he says "Is he dead?".

I thought, are they serious? Whoever wrote that...were they trying to be funny....because it was so stupid, that that's exactly how it came across.

It actually made me want to see the first movie again, just to wash this one out of my mind...all though so much of it isn't sticking in my head anyway.

Tom Atkins and Kevin Tighe (who I always liked both of them as actors) they are both in it...I thought that was cool- but their acting stunk.

There were only 2 other people in the whole movie theater other than us.

They previewed a movie called "A Haunting in Connecticut", which when it first came on, I thought wow...this is like stuff that happens at my house, and I liked seeing Virginia Madsen in something new, but the more they showed of the previews the more it just looked gross. That's what I think is mixed up....they could make something scary by not being as graphic...when they start getting in to special effects-it makes it stupid.

I am interested in what other people think.

At least I know that it was so awful that I don't want to buy it, and I don't want to ever see it again, and I know that I can't even bring myself to see the new Friday the 13th movie.

[ 25. January 2009, 12:21: Message edited by: ISIS ]
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I liked it and you didn't whoooooooo big suprise there. It was different than the original but to me the 3-d more than made up for it......
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
The best part of the entire

Mightie Louis Greenberg:
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
The movie was filmed in Kittaning PA- that was lame...because they say the name of the town is Harmony...but I saw Kittaning on the back of the ambulance, they must of had a budget of about $100 to do this movie.

There is the word Harmony on the back of a police car- it looks like someone spelled it out using duct tape.

I grew up 45 minutes from Kittaning, I actually got my first dog at an animal Shelter in Kittaning. I can't believe how awful this movie is now for sure, because there are no leaves on the trees in February in PA, and you don't put flower pots out on your porch. If it is suppose to be February, there should be snow, and no leaves on the trees.
Posted by Spooka Lupa (Member # 2700) on :
I don't know how far Kittaning and "Harmony" (if it's even a real town) are, but I know sometimes ambulances from nearby towns come in for whatever reason.

I liked the movie. I don't know if I'd buy it, but I had fun with it. I wanted to see it because of Jensen Ackles, but the movie itself was entertaining. I think that's the first little person I've seen murdered in a horror movie, ha ha. I wonder what happened to her dog.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I have her dog. Hi Lupa!

Harmony is a made up town for the movie...allthough there is a real Harmony in PA...actually there is a tiny town right out side Punxsutawney called Harmony, it was 3 miles from where I grew up.

But, I think the name is suppose to have a meaning like -as if nothing bad would happen in a town with that name.

What I am saying about Kittaning, is they must have borrowed the ambulance from Kittaning- for the movie-because that's where it was filmed, but they should have edited the movie better so that you didn't see the name of the real town in the actual movie.
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I wanna see it, regardless of whatever geographical mistakes are in the movie. I think it looks good from the previews so I'll check it out.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I didn't actually get to see it in 3D- you could tell stuff was 3D-but I didn't get the full effect of that- but it wouldn't have mattered.

I read that Todd Farmer is the co-writer/producer...he's a disgusting truck driver that has sex with this sleaze bag....and that whole thing was so stupid....she gets mad at him for filming them, when they had the curtains hanging open, and she walks outside totally naked (besides her shoes -of course) if she couldn't grab a towel...and as if someone who would walk around naked- in the parking lot-would care about a video.

I really have no idea why they based this on Valentine's Day.

There's no Valentine's Day dance.

The whole point of the entire first movie, is everyone was at the dance, and had forgotten about the men who were left in the mine, and that's how they the name of the movie- is so dumb in this remake, because it absolutely has nothing to do with Valentine's Day.

The first movie is filmed in Canada- it's snowing and cold and meant to feel like it's Valentine's Day...all that stuff like that-is what makes a movie a good movie-wether or not it is just a low budget horror movie or still should try and get the main things correct-
if the holiday is part of the title...and you can't even get that all accurate in the movie-then what's the point of calling it "My Bloody Valentine".

They could have called it..."My Bloody Coal Miner's Daughter."
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
But then there would have been complaints about the infamous quote about bologna......
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I doubt that...I think Irene ate many bologna sandwiches!
Posted by buffalo-girl (Member # 7498) on :
i will wait to see it but i might go see friday the 13th cause i saw a commercial for it yesterday the younger brother from supernatural is in it forgot his name but i like him alot
Posted by Sammy Reign In Blood Hain (Member # 3150) on :
Originally posted by ISIS:

The first movie is filmed in Canada- it's snowing and cold and meant to feel like it's Valentine's Day...all that stuff like that-is what makes a movie a good movie-wether or not it is just a low budget horror movie or still should try and get the main things correct-

That's one thing I could never understand about Little House on the Prarie. The show was supposed to take place in southern Minnesota yet many times in the background you could see mountains. I've been to southern Minnesota a million times and there's nothing even remotely close to a mountain there. Plus some of the birds you can hear in the background belong to birds not native to Minnesota. Same could be said about some of the vegetation. Remember this was a show that was based on books that were written about actual people and events.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
That was a TV show, and most TV shows are shot n studios and not on location...the acting in Little House on the Prairie was fantastic, so it made up for that .

But, when your filming a major movie and you film it in the location your suppose to be at...then film it during the right season, or at least try and make it look like the right season as much as possible- don't add to it not being the right season by adding in props like flowering plants-when they don't need to be there.
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
my night of watching this movie has been postponed twice. but i can't wait to see it.

i read that the whole 3-D aspect really makes the movie.
when i go see this, i'm not going to watch a serious movie and pick it apart. it's all for fun.
Posted by Pittsburghgirl (Member # 7514) on :
I always thought that flower pots were to maintain the plot.
Blame the set decorators for their mistakes, and the continuity director too.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
So it's ok for tv shows to do it but movies can't? I'm confused here. Seems like one doing it is just as bad as the other.....
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I actually had alot of fun picking it apart.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I went to see it on Monday.
Monday...Bloody Monday...U2

Not a fan...OK...but I won't see it again. Cool 3-D effects though.
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
i really liked it personally the 3d was awesome and sometimes its fun to see a different spin on some things like i m so excited to see the friday the 13th movie i mean horror movies are suppose to be fun and scary b/c its just fun to get scared well at seeing a movie so i liked it
Posted by Ronnie (Member # 465) on :
i saw it last night, finally. i enjoyed it! great 3-D effects. [Smile]
Posted by Let_The_Wind_Erase_Me (Member # 6519) on :
my friends keep trying to to froce me to see this. i really dont wanan waste my money on it and from the reveiws here i'm even more convinced.

And i'm sorry the picture of that doggy, aaaaaawwwwwww [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

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