Okay, I took my kids to see this last weekend and it was very good. A little far fetched that you would have internet service on such a remote island but still good none the less. It was actually kind of nice to see Jodie Foster do a more light hearted role, which we haven't seen in years, probablly since Maverick. I would definitely recommend this family movie.
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
Thanks for mentioning it. I haven't seen it yet, though.
It's been quite a long time since Jodie Foster made a family-type of movie! I think the last time she did before was during the 70's when she was making some Disney movies.
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
i didn't bother with this one, because i heard so many awful things about it???
Posted by phantomblueeyes (Member # 6844) on :
Hi everyone. This movie was so darn cute. I just loved Gerry as the geeky scientist and esp as Alex Rover. Jodie and Abigail were awesome. Would definitely reccomend this to everyone who hasn't seen it yet. And if anyone wants to email me and chat about 80s movies, then please do!!!