This weekend I bought Garbage Pail Kids trading cards for my son. I remember collecting these trading cards/stickers by Topps. They were fun to collect. I tried to get all of them to make the puzzle in the back. He seems to like them too. I got him into 80's stuff... yeah. The new Garbage Pail Kids are great some cards have the "Flashback" from the 80's picture and in the back of the card it has "Where are they now?" showing the same Garbage Pail Kid all Grown up. Its a cool new series. The package also came with a poster. http:// Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
I still have all of mine.
We are DEVO
Posted by The Good Package (Member # 9492) on :
i have a garbage pail kids coffee mug on my desk i keep pencils in.
wish i kept the cards i had.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
I had a bunch of these way back in grade school and we would trade them in school and make fun of eachother with the names....going to a catholic school for 4 years though with the nuns....let's just say, they didn't share our sense of humor with these cards.
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
"Memories... like the corners of my mind"
I'm jealous.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
I loved these as a kid too...thanks for the pics Pyro. Now...the old me would instantly go on line and try to buy these on ebay....must money....arrrghhhhh!
Nice memories...back when collecting cards and trading them with friends was a fun hobby...versus now, buying them in bulk and not opening them, hoping they'll raise in value so you can re-sell them, except, nope, you can't bring yourself to re-sell, so, they sit in your closet/attic/basement collecting dust......shame!
Posted by Bamersy (Member # 8808) on :
Knew of them but didn't collect them. My fave was:
Posted by pettyfan (Member # 2260) on :
I still have most of mine too! I loved those things.
Posted by 80'sRocked (Member # 6979) on :
Wacky Packages were cool too.
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
Pop trivia; the guy that invented Garbage Pail Kids was the guy who wrote the Pulitzer-Prize winning comic-book 'Maus' - Art Spiegelman.
Posted by kevdugp73 (Member # 5978) on :
Cool....I remember buying Wacky Packs as well....thanks for the pic 80's!
Posted by The Pyromantic (Member # 7658) on :
I don't remember buying the wacky packs so much back then. But I know alot of them come standard now in the newer packs of Garbage Pail Kids they sell now. I've got some of them.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
I still have all of mine too!!! They're perfectly preserved in a nice binder!!! Can you say OCD? Lol !
I can still remember the gum that used to accompany the cards in those wack packs...the flavor would last about 5 seconds but what a great 5 seconds it was as you chewed it's powdery, sugary sweetness whilst flipping through your new cards!!!
Good times...
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:I still have all of mine too!!! They're perfectly preserved in a nice binder!!! Can you say OCD? Lol
Can you say... imminent theft?! THEY WILL BE MINE!
quote:I can still remember the gum that used to accompany the cards in those wack packs...the flavor would last about 5 seconds but what a great 5 seconds it was as you chewed it's powdery, sugary sweetness whilst flipping through your new cards!!!
The disappointment when you realised you had them all. Damn, that five second sugary gum chew followed by the need to spit it out because it was harder than regular gum once it had been chewed a few times.
Posted by Ducktalesfan81 (Member # 10446) on :
Oh i did, i had all of them and had some merchandise too and even saw the movie in a theater.
Posted by Nostalgic for the '80's (Member # 37454) on :
Huge GPK fan - I still have some of them.
About 5-6 years ago, a book came out which featured the first five GPK sticker series - excellent, especially for someone like me - who never had all of these stickers...
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
I got that book! It was bound in a greaseproof style cover that replicated the old gum wrappers, and had a set of sealed stickers in the back of the book.
Posted by Nostalgic for the '80's (Member # 37454) on :
quote:Originally posted by Logan 5: I got that book! It was bound in a greaseproof style cover that replicated the old gum wrappers, and had a set of sealed stickers in the back of the book.
Yes, it's a great book - very nostalgic, and IMHO is better than having the GPK stickers themselves. I was never a big fan of the "sticker" format for these, and would have preferred if they had been cards - since they wore down much easier as stickers.
I wish they would have released a follow-up book with other series beyond the first five, but I guess we should be glad we got even one book...
Posted by Nostalgic for the '80's (Member # 37454) on :
For what it's worth, last year some fairly cool GPK action figures came out by FUNKO. I will admit to getting some of these, despite being too old to play with toys - LOL. Here's a link:
Be warned regarding these - they are packed in "blind boxes", so you won't know which one you're getting prior to opening these. This is the only thing I don't like about these, and is the main reason I couldn't complete a set; I didn't want to buy too many because I was afraid of getting doubles - and, I did get one double...
Posted by Logan 5 (Member # 1467) on :
quote:For what it's worth, last year some fairly cool GPK action figures came out by FUNKO. I will admit to getting some of these, despite being too old to play with toys
I just call it 'memorabilia' and pretend it's a grown up thing to own Posted by thenodfather (Member # 8732) on :