Sunday friend was getting ready to leave to go home, from having been here all weekend, and my mom was starting to cook supper...she was making stuffed pork my friend says "if it's stove top then I'm staying!"...and I bust out laughing.....because I totally remembered the commercial that kid was in...who said that...he was like the neighborhood kid that always was around for supper...and he would say...If it's Stove Top ...then I'm staying!!
I totally miss the 80's commercials all the time, sometimes as much as the movies and the Tv shows....
Does anyone else remember that commercial??
Posted by Devolution (Member # 1731) on :
Devolution here,
The answer is... Do me and my friends say that everytime we are going to eat at someone's house? It's probably one of my favorites.
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
I love STove Top Stuffing! When I was a kid and I learned to cook my three big "dishes" were grilled cheese, Kraft macaroni & cheese and STove Top Stuffing! I would make a pot of it and that was my lunch that day! To this day I could make it and sit there and eat the whole pot by myself. I remember my oldest sister trying to give me "real" stuffing recipes and me and my middle sister saying "But we LIKE STOVE TOP!"
So put me on the list. If it's STOVE TOP then I'm staying too!
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I eat em together. It makes for quite the tasty Southern dish.....
Posted by Brandon777 (Member # 4014) on :
This reminds me of the ricearoni commercials. "Rice-a-roni, a San Francisco treat" Others that come to mind, the chinese lady saying "Ring around the collar" for that detergent commercial.
[ 14. September 2006, 16:21: Message edited by: Brandon777 ]
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
.........what a coincidence. Lats night my friend had to babysit for me so to make the offer tempting I offered him cold beer and dinner. He said "Whats for dinner?" and I said "Salad, chicken, rolls and Rice A Roni: The San Francisco Treat!"
Was the "ring around the collar " woman Chinese? I think you mean the Calgon "Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?" lady. Now HER, I remember!
Posted by Spooka Lupa (Member # 2700) on :
I think the "ring around the collar" lady was just caucasian. At least, she was in the commercial they had on I Love the 80's.
Posted by Brandon777 (Member # 4014) on :
quote:Originally posted by mamamiasweetpeaches: Was the "ring around the collar " woman Chinese? I think you mean the Calgon "Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?" lady. Now HER, I remember!
LOL. Yeah, I think I got those mixed up. Now that I think about it, didn't the "ring around the collar" commercials have different people saying it? I remember the phrase "Calgon, take me away". I remember clearly the "Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?" LOL
Posted by LONNIE (Member # 3934) on :
Give it to Mikey he'll eat anything, hey Mikey. Life cereal.
Posted by Nostalgic for the '80's (Member # 37454) on :
Yeah, I remember those commercials - though I never ate stove-top stuffing (that I remember). '80's commercials I remember:
Rice-a-roni: A San Francisco Treat!
"Zest" soap: "You're not fully clean, unless you're Zest-fully clean!" - I think this was '80's...
Also, there were '80's commercials that advertised hygiene products (I think) like deodorant, soap, etc. which all ended with the words...."Byyy Mennen!" (and showed a logo). I guess Mennen (sp?!) was the company that manufactured these.
I think the "Mikey Likes it" LIFE cereal commercial was more '70's, but could have also been on TV through the early '80's.
[ 05. October 2016, 11:54: Message edited by: Nostalgic for the '80's ]
Posted by TerdNthePoolGGB (Member # 9818) on :
ENJOLI! Favorite commercial ever. "I can bring home the bacon fry it up in a pan and never ever ever forget your a man cause I'm a woman, ENJOLI!"