I probably should have remembered this earlier, since it was back in January, but anyway, this is the 20th anniversary of man's first encounter with our 7th planet. During its stay, Voyager discovered 10 Uranian moons, got a better look at its rings and bizarre axial tilt--and in all found that Uranus is a very boring planet with little going on there. It would be three more years before Voyager would reach Neptune (why they didn't try for Pluto when it was in front of Neptune during this window is still beyond me) and would start to head out of the solar system, which by now it's almost completely exited.
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
I knew it was coming close to being the 20 year anniversary but didn't realize it was this close by. It's ironic how this event and the Challenger disaster were within the same month and year...