We've added a news item for "Facts of Life, The" to the site. Here it is:
<b>Fansite Provides Fantastic <i>Facts</i> Info For DVDs!</b> - 12:55 PM 1/21/2006 Could it be? Could it be? A well-known "Facts of Life" fansite has posted a story today stating that this show is FINALLY coming to DVD soon. Read the story in the TVShowsOnDVD News! URL: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=4957 Posted by Riptide (Member # 457) on :
It's about time, and I wonder how far they go to. I wouldn't mind seeing the latter ones with a young George Clooney, what did he actually do in the show? Was he a janitor or something?
Posted by The Mouse Avenger (Member # 4406) on :
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Isis, you beat me to it. I got the email about this yesterday from Tv Shows on DVD and I just about screamed out loud. I love this show and I have been waiting for it for years. I know at some point in the early 90's I think, Columbia House had released some of the shows on VHS but they were pretty pricey anytime I'd see them on Ebay or Amazon. I just can't wait to see all of the first and second season episodes crystal clear!! YAY!! Thank you Sony for finally giving us The Facts of Life on DVD!!!
"When the boys you used to hate you date, I guess you best investigate the facts of life..."
Posted by Rainbowbrite22 (Member # 2288) on :
yippie i love facts of life such a wonderful show
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Cindy-I read that they wanted to package the first 2 seasons together, because the first season is so different from the rest, that they feared that if they released the first one alone they wouldn't get as many sales.
To me the very first season is the BEST. I wish it would have stayed with all the original girls, I really don't understand why they cut them all out, I always liked alot of the other girls alot better than Natalie.
I liked it as it moved on, but I always liked Blair the best in the first season, when she had really long hair...and wore designer jeans.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Yeah Isis, I read that too about putting out 1 and 2 together. I loved the first season. I thought the cast was great! It was more fun with all the girls. I always liked Nancy (Felicia something or other from Zapped). Additionally, I thought the set was better in the first season than then second. I hated that stupid, ugly, cold cafeteria that they were always in in season 2 and forward. I only liked the set again when they had the Over Our Heads store. That was amazing. We had stores like that in our malls in the late 80's. Kind of like a Spencer's but way cooler. They sold all kinds of stickers and the ceramic masks with the ribbons that you would hang on your wall....man I miss that!
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I feel the same about that. I liked the first season's set...it was like they all hung out in the living room.
You know, I don't ever hardly ever remember them being in school in a class room....does anyone??
I liked when they were all getting ready for school in their bedroom's, or studying in their bedrooms. I liked to see how each one decorated their own little area.
I remember those stores, that's what we hung out in at the Mall's, and the Record Shops, and clothing stores back in the 80's, were so much cooler, they had clothes like you see in the beginning of Valley Girl, you'd go in and find shirt after shirt...I hate shopping today, I hate buying clothes.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Here's the store...
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
Those are fantastic pictures!! I love them!!
That was after the whole Edna's Edibles. But, isn't it cool that they became buisness partners, and they kept the show going for so long, after school was done. That is what is so unique about this show, is that alot of times as soon as the kids get to be a certain age, the whole show falls apart.
I love that store....look how cool everyone is dressed.
I have to say this again. I really believe that what people wear has a huge impact on their mood.
When people dressed in the 80's...they were dressing in really cool colors, and had really nice coordinated outfits on, they accessorized like crazy, they styled their hair all different ways. They had matching shoes and purses, and matched their bracelet with their earrings...there was just so much more to do with fashion then.
Today...to me ...there is NO fashion. Nothing! The Golden Globes and all the women I see on TV...their clothing does nothing for me. Now, when I see the women in Dynasty dressed just to go shopping- that to me looks cooler than what people wear today to the Academy Awards.
I was watching Wonder Woman last night, and I was thinking about when the last time I actually wore a pair of panty hoses, cause women don't wear dresses any more, and in the 80's I wore a dress every day to work, or a skirt and a nice shirt. But, on Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter always had awesome dresses on, and she wore those high heels with the straps around the ankles...I loved those shoes. You never see women dressed like that today, but I still think it is extremely attractive looking.
It just seems like nobody cares.
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Great news! FOL was not supposed to be released on DVD until June but Sony just posted a message on TV Shows on DVD saying that the June date was incorrect and that the show will actually be released earlier!!! YES!!!
Posted by NowhereGirl (Member # 465) on :
oh my, i am at a loss for words. i had given up on dvd releases...so this is the coolest.
Posted by Mane1980 (Member # 4240) on :
Posted by cindymancini (Member # 679) on :
Some other board said that it should see an April/May release. Hopefully we'll get some cover art soon! I hope they put all the girls from the first season on the front too!
Posted by MotleyRulz (Member # 3598) on :
isis said: "The Golden Globes and all the women I see on TV...their clothing does nothing for me. Now, when I see the women in Dynasty dressed just to go shopping- that to me looks cooler than what people wear today to the Academy Awards."
Maybe you could contact the Golden Globes and see if they will switch back to 80s fashion just for you. LOL I'm sure they would...