I was at Wal-Mart this afternoon, and they had some awesome 80's mix CDs for only $7.50 each.
I found one that had songs that I didn't have, and hadn't heard for a long time, and was looking for.
The one I bought was the 80's Dance...it has:
1. The Glamourous Life 2. Oh Sheila 3. It's No Crime 4. Don't You want Me 5. Let the Music Play 6. Don't Disturb this Groove (this was one I was looking for!) 7. Roni 8. Come Go with Me 9. Rhythm of the Night 10. Meeting in the Ladies Room- This song I had totally forgot about, but I love it! Does anyone else know it?? 11. Somebody's Watching Me 12. Upside Down
Posted by StevenHW (Member # 509) on :
I recognize most of the song titles, except for #3, 7, and 8. Who are the artists on those songs?
Or are they other people's versions of those songs?
Posted by mamamiasweetpeaches (Member # 1715) on :
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
3=Babyface (which as soon as I heard it I knew it, but didn't know it from the title either) 7=Bobby Brown 8=Expose
They are all the original artists!!
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
I think I might own that CD, playlist sounds way too familiar.
I love the song Oh Sheila when it first came out.
Posted by ISIS (Member # 1780) on :
I love "Oh Sheila" too.
Goof...don't ya remember long ago on the Rewind I posted the lyrics to "Don't Disturb this Groove", and I think I substituted the word Goof for Groove....awwwwwe...it just seemed like yesterday I was singing those lyrics.
Posted by deathbystereo80 (Member # 2005) on :
Ooooh, I totally forgot about Don't Disturb This Groove - that is so cool!! Thanks for reminding me!
I also love Oh Shiela.
Posted by Valley (Member # 1322) on :
Don't Disturb This Groove is an awesome track. I'm not as familiar with the Goof version, but I'm sure it's groovy as well.
Posted by The Mouse Avenger (Member # 4406) on :
I LOVE Oh, Sheila, Somebody's Watching Me, & The Glamourous Life!
What's it called? Posted by Jessie the Sunflower Goddess (Member # 1877) on :
I love it when you can find a compilation Cd like this, but I get really disappointed when it ends up not being the the same artists. I picked up what I thought was a treasure one time at Wally World and it ended up being by "not the original artists", which really got in my craw.