At Helltrack... The heat is on
Go behind the scenes on the 1986 Sports movie starring Bill Allen, Lori Loughlin, Talia Shire, Ray Walston
Alfie Wise, Jack Weston, Bart Conner, Marta Kober, Jamie Clarke, Laura Jacoby, H.B. Haggerty, Chad Hayes, Carey Hayes, Kellie McQuiggin Update Cast
We believe the following info is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Facundo Garcia
All the flatland tricks were performed mostly by the GT rider Martin Aparijo, Eddie Fiola and RL Osborne from Redline Team. It took 2 days of filming to get the entire scene. And that scene is till today a cult video clip for any RAD fan or BMX enthusiast.Rewind Archive
The character of "Cru" was loosely based on the life story of "The King" Eddie Fiola. Had he been an actor he most likely would have played the part.Rewind Archive
In the park where Cru says "Whats all this #1 stuff about" and then they ride in the park, Eddie Fiola stunt doubles for "Christian".Rewind Archive
In the scene where "Cru" bashes through the fence, Bill Allen, does the "trick" on his own but there are 2 guys on wires pulling on the fence.Thanks to Jason Cook
During practice Rick Moliterno, one of the stunt riders, broke his ankle. In the movie, when Cru is about to start the Helltrack race, it was added in that Rick gets him to sign his cast.Rewind Archive
Eddie Fiola is responsible for Bill Allen's stunt work in RAD. Bill, the star of the movie, was forced to dye his hair darker for the movie so that he and Eddie would look more alike.Thanks to John Creed
I remember BMX Plus magazine reported the movie was slightly delayed because the starting ramp was orginally built so high non of the factory riders would go down it, so the ramp was cut down to the 25 foot tall version shown in the movie.Thanks to Tony Ionno
Luke (Cru's best friend in the movie) was played by Jamie Clarke. Jamie wasn't actually just an actor (as you an tell by his role in the movie) but in reality he was a local Canadian Olympic Cross Country Team member.Thanks to Jay Daugherty
"Hollywood" Mike Miranda bailed on-screen an embarrassing THREE times during the Helltrack run. When asked about it while signing autographs at a CW show (with Dizz Hicks) at a local Greensboro, NC bike shop, he said he was paid $500 for each fall, racking up a $1500 paycheck for his historic clumsyness.Rewind Archive
Sadly, much of the BMX action was changed to make the movie more understandable to non BMXers & the general public, making true BMXers cringe.Rewind Archive
The racers in the Hell Track comp were made up of real members of several different real Factory Teams, Kevin "Sheep Dog" Hull, a talented GT Factory Team member was one of the featured riders who says the Helltrack really was hell. The track was mad with a 25ft sheer drop for the start, a ramp that looked like a piece of toast into a cereal bowl and out onto another ramp that looked like a spoon, Helltrack even had a half-pipe with Moonrocks for a rhythm section. The veteran BMX ace had this to say at BMX Mania about riding the circuit "When I got there they were still finishing the track. I could not believe what I was seeing. The starting hill was huge and steep. The hardest things were the cereal bowl, the cliffhanger and the starting hill. Everything was shot in sections starting with the first turn and working around the track. The last thing to be filmed at Helltrack was the start of the race. The reason for this was because nobody wanted to be the first one to ride down it. Every day we were there filming we would try to figure out the best way down the start and who was going to try it first."Rewind Archive
Bill Allen got the part of Cru due to an episode of Hillstreet Blues he did. Hal Needham, the director, saw it when he was ready to cast Rad.Thanks to Lou Rosetti
BMX Rider Martin Aparijo was the stunt man for actress Lori Loughlin at the the school gymnasium dance scene, performing freestyle tricks while "Send me an Angel" song (performed by Real Life) was around the place. Aparijo had to wear a wig to look like Lori!Thanks to Tre' Ridings
As far as the "Send Me An Angel" scene, not only was it Martin Aparijo performing the stunts but also Pat Romano, also on the GT team. The last stunt before the end of the song, when "she" spins the bike on the rear wheel....a classic Pat Romano move, due to his bike being specialized to do that stunt. (locked rear hub and a very small front sprocket).Thanks to ADAM C
The stunt double for Bart Taylor in all of the race scenes was actually Travis Chipres, who rode for Robinson in the movie. Hence, the long hair coming out of the helmet in scenes.Thanks to Dan Renfrow
During the dance scene, the twin brothers Rod & Rex's matching gray outfits were borrowed from the 80's sci-fi movie "V".Thanks to Ryan
If you notice right before the qualifying race when Duke Best announces his "MAIN MAN BART TAYLOR" to the crowd shortly after the blonde girl kisses him for luck in the background you will see Christian (Lori Louglin) mumble the word "Jerk!" right before they cut the scene. Gotta love realism!! :-DThanks to Kelly
When filming the dance scene (at Cochrane High School, Cochrane Alberta Canada) all of the extras were told not to sing along with the music, as it was not "Send me an angel" at the time.Thanks to Cory Mossing
The movie was mostly filmed in my hometown, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada. However, in the movie they only refer to it as Cochrane U.S.A. and never mention a state. Also, when Cru's mom is unloading her trunk full of groceries you can see that the car has an Alberta Licence Plate. However, reader Jeremy Combs noticed that in the movie, when they are looking at the article about Bart Taylor in BMX Action magazine. It says COCHRAN, ORE in the corner.Beatle Rosecrans was the first to drop in on Helltrack. He used a ladder and started half way to get comfortable. Then rolled around on the top until he did it.
The cast and crew were silent, then overwhelmed with noise. I was there. He is my step brother. It was awesome.
The cast and crew were silent, then overwhelmed with noise. I was there. He is my step brother. It was awesome.
Thanks to Jeremy Moser
It was fall at the set of helltrack and they made us take off all our jackets so it looked like summer. They even painted leaves on trees green. We wore extra layers under our leathers.Thanks to wired
The night before the Helltrack race was filmed it snowed. The light dusting melted off as the sun came out. Source: Eddie Fiola ~ 1987.Next Section: Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
There are often scenes cut from the final version of a movie. Sometimes these will have been seen by preview audiences, or be included in Blu-ray or DVD extras etc.
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Next Section: Alternate Versions
Alternate Versions
Sometimes, there will be several versions of a movie floating about on cable, tv or video etc. Other times, a Director may release a special cut of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD.
Aw, man.. We don't know of any alternate versions of "Rad". If you know better, please add one for others to enjoy. It's quick & easy
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1986 TriStar Pictures
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